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Everything posted by DAJK

  1. This opens in 2 weeks and I feel zero buzz, at least domestically. Overseas this will probably be a beast, but I'm bracing for a 60/150 run at this point.
  2. No hate to the haters of TS4, but they're wrong. It is genuinely a great movie. Sure, I was against it in concept. How dare they tarnish the perfect ending of TS3 for some easy money? But Pixar's secret weapon has always been their screenplays. TS4 isn't just a well-written animated comedy; it proves that there is still more to say about growing up even after you have "grown up." Wonderful storytelling from some of the best storytellers in the world. Is it as good or iconic as the first 3? Probably not, but it's a wonderful film on its own.
  3. I wasn't super big on Guardians last night. It had some really high highs, but it also felt very overstuffed and some of the moments didn't quite land because they weren't given enough time/weight during the film to feel earned. That being said, I was very stressed out and tired when I saw the movie, and I'm planning on watching it a second time tonight, so maybe my opinion will shift on it.
  4. Does not seem as strong of a year as 2023, but that being said 2022 didn't seem as strong on paper as I thought it would be, and it ended up having some of the biggest domestic grosses of all time, so who knows?
  5. Uhhh, I don't think anyone is. Seems to be a lot of just noting how audience reception appears to be much higher than critic reception, and people are speculating why that could be. I agree with Legion on this one, it probably goes deeper than just saying "it's an opinion" lmao.
  6. Probably not. Best we can hope for is a Paramount Plus series or something along those lines. Even in that case, any series that they do will likely be a "spin-off" set in that world.
  7. I enjoyed Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret, but I can totally see how a movie like that might be struggling financially in today’s marketplace. It’s sweet, it’s got heart, but it is very “quaint” for today’s moviegoing audiences. I can see it finding more of a life on cable/VOD/streaming.
  8. This is going to be the highest grossing Disney Animation since Moana by a long shot. Looks great, classic Disney, families will eat this up over the holidays.
  9. Looks okay. The first was fun, but I couldn't tell you the first thing about Equalizer 2... extremely forgettable. I think there was some showdown outside in the rain at the end??? Anyways, I learned on Friday just how irrelevant people like Denzel are to the younger generation, which is very unfortunate. Last couple minutes of class I did a movie trivia kahoot with the kids since there are a couple of "movie buffs" in the class, and one girl who was in the lead looked at a question and was like: "Who names their kid DANE-ZAHL WASHING-TUNE"? Had zero idea who that was.
  10. I still think this is a "win" for this movie given how non-existent the buzz was and how stiff the competition was. 5 years ago this would be seen as a major flop, but it still managed to out-open "action dramas" like Thank You For Your Service and Only the Brave (which I still contend is one of the most underrated movies of the last 10 years).
  11. Some of the discourse I've seen surrounding the "Barbie vs Oppenheimer" showdown has gotten ugly on Tiktok. Started out fun at first, now it's reminding me of that Venom vs Star Is Born stuff you'd see in niche circles back in 2018 where fans were throwing insults at other fans. Like jeez, do people not realize that this is about to be the best double feature of all time?
  12. Is it just me or is a 6.3M opening for The Covenant kind of a win? The movie had pretty much zero marketing, no buzz, and yet it still managed to open to double what Operation Fortune did. Obviously there are bigger stories this weekend, but it's nice to recognize smaller success stories, like something overperforming expectations, when it does happen.
  13. Hahahaha uh oh FWIW, I look at a much smaller and more localized sample than you (6 theaters, all in southwest BC) but the trends from what I'm seeing are that Evil Dead is pretty much flat from true Friday, maybe a slight increase. Beau is Afraid is falling pretty hard; I think there was definitely a fan rush for this movie (or maybe the WOM is killing it). Not awful numbers, but I wouldn't be so confident in 3M weekend. Mario strong but not 30M strong. Could see 25-26
  14. The timing of when an embargo lifts is 100% a marketing strategy. Too late and people get weary. Too early and buzz dies down before your film releases. The marketing team at Marvel is one of the best in the world (they wouldn't still be at Marvel if they weren't lol) I'm confident they know what they're doing with the embargo they've set.
  15. I was always on board with it would have had a 25/80 run, with about 100M OS. That’s my headcanon at least.
  16. Is it truly a reboot? Or do I need to re-watch the others before tomorrow night?
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