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Everything posted by DAJK

  1. Yea, this could end up a billion dollar movie, and the internet will be flooded with “go woke go broke” takes. Heck, we saw that with Captain Marvel, and when it was a hit, conspiracies circulated that the numbers were falsified. Best to ignore those losers, imo.
  2. Mid 60s is decent for a movie that peaked almost a decade ago. Now Universal just has to think about slashing the budgets on these things. Seriously, 340M is ridiculous.
  3. It's the same with any off-topic discussion in threads; it gets shut down, rightfully so, even though users aren't forced to interact with it. I'm not a mod of course, but it seems to me like the same standard should be applied, before we get users coming in here wanting to throw their two cents in about the trial.
  4. Wait, I haven't heard of most of those shows, but why the heck are they removing Willow and Ivan and Magic Camp and Jeff Goldblum?
  5. Seriously, can we all just leave the Depp/Heard shit ALONE, or at least in whatever hellhole of the thread it belongs in? I spent that entire trial dealing with staff wanting to make HR complaints because "their coworkers weren't on team Depp" or "their coworkers weren't on team Heard". It's a court case, that NONE of us have all the facts to, so why don't we all just let it go instead of bringing it up again and again as though any of us are experts on the matter? Jeez.
  6. Canada typically underindexes for the F&F franchise, but 7M comp looks tough here. Closer to 6 equivalent in BC.
  7. The fact that this tracking thread brings out THE @Shawn every so often is honestly a testament to how great the work is that y’all do. Love each and every one of you, you’ve made this one of, if not THE best box office tracking pages on the entire internet.
  8. I need this movie to be turned into gaseous form so that I can breathe it into my lungs.
  9. Film critic: calls a Fast and Furious movie mindless, silly action that’s fun if you like that sort of thing. BOT:
  10. I’m sure it will be great, but the marketing hasn’t done much in the way of enticing audiences with a story/plot. It’s really relied 100% on “look at all these cool stunts!” which, maybe that’s enough for huge numbers, but I really think the marketing needs to push some kind of narrative-based reason for audiences to see this.
  11. Still a good number. Thought there was potential for higher, but not bad.
  12. One of the rare movies that has gotten better with each rewatch. Perfect cap to the trilogy. A
  13. I know I’ve been singing this movie’s praises A LOT lately, but I’m genuinely excited to watch the legacy of this trilogy grow over time. I really think this is going to go down as one of those franchises that resonates with a generation. And I’m glad I was there to watch all 3 in theaters.
  14. Summer weekdays are back, at least where I am in Canada. Heat wave sending people to the movies. Averaging out the 4 theatres I’ve been tracking, Monday matinees are 50-60% of Sunday matinees. 6M Monday might be a tall order, but seriously, based on what I’m seeing, I’m t wouldn’t be the most shocking thing.
  15. My aunt and uncle were watching American Idol last night while I was marking assignments. Bailey was a guest performer, and I'm kind of ashamed to say this but this was the first time I had heard her perform a song in its entirety (I think it was Part of Your World). Holy crap, she has one of the most beautiful voices I think I've ever heard. If I was on the fence about buying a ticket for this before, I'm there ASAP. Anyone giving her hate should seriously shut up. Seriously, she is going to be stunning in the role.
  16. Kind of crazy how far this franchise has fallen since Furious 7. Looking back at April 2015’s box office, I still cannot believe that a Fast and Furious movie had a run like THAT. Just nuts.
  17. Weekday presales for Guardians in Canada are NUTS. This thing is about to have another strong set of weekdays. Canada also has a 4-day weekend which will help with the drop, even if only slightly. Hold on to your butts, folks.
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