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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. huh, so it did. i see its at 101m and it was 99m when its run ended. when did that happen?
  2. yep, that character is named after me. I'll let you into a secret, it is not my real name.
  3. Disney already attempted to fudge Christopher Robin. They failed. They Shall Not Grow Old is exceptional but BO wise even though it's done very well so far, 100M would be impossible. There is no possible way for ww1 doc to do 100M. The only doc to do 100M was Fahrenheit 9/11.
  4. Hi @romancechemicalsWW12 long time no see. How are you holding up?
  5. ACslater posts never disappoint. isn't "Michael Jackson molests kids" just one of those fake rumours made by newspapers that for some reason lot of people actually believed with no credibility whatsoever?
  6. mmm. not really. The two I assume youre referring to, the paperboy and killer joe, didn't get much of a cinema run. given they only played in 75 theaters according to BOM, they did fine. they were not flops. the point is that he has been acting in highly acclaimed films.
  7. Indecent Proposal remake. Michael Caine is the billionaire who wants to buy Marion Cotillard and Tom Hardy is very jealous.
  8. there is 0 chance of lady gaga winning best actress. also Rami Malek is straight up bad in BR. He's doing a poor impression of Tommy Wiseau.
  9. Interesting, wonder if this will continue with other family-oriented films. It's standard practice here in the UK, for family films to hold "previews" in weekends running up to the official release. Usually it will have previews for Saturday and Sunday - full days, full wide release - in cinemas before the Friday. iirc Bumblebee had two weekends of previews here! It showed on Dec 15-16, Dec 22-33, then released permanently the week after. It's really strange. Then they include the figures in the OW. So many films have 5-day or more OWs, some films have had up to 9 day Opening Weekends. It's just daft and messes up the box office charts.
  10. late legs are going good. no competition for two more weekends.
  11. this is my review what was read on BBC radio so I will just coipypasta here. I LOVED this movie. I am a drug addict and last night I watched Beautiful Boy. I've seen negative reviews criticising the film for not being subtle. I agree, it's not a subtle film. But drugs are not subtle. The problems of living with an addiction are not subtle, they are not nuanced. The film resonated so clearly with me and I found Timothee Chalamet's performance completely real. It's great that the film acknowledges relapses are part of the process of recovery. Not enough films on this subject address this. But what was best about the film, was seeing it from the father's perspective. I am the same age as Timothee Chalamet, and not in an all too different situation from the characters in this movie. It broke my heart, to see what Nic's dad goes through, and to think what I must be putting my parents through. To realise that the parents are giving nothing but their love, and when I can't see it that way, it's simply because they are not walking on the same path as you, so they cannot understand yet they try all the same. I am not a man who is known for crying in films, but Beautiful Boy broke me. The film is not for everyone, but as someone who is currently living through similar experiences to the film, I found it to be an utterly authentic portrayal of a life-altering disease.
  12. I'm beginning to think Chazelle is a one hit wonder.
  13. I wouldn't have said anything if the film was already out here lol. I'm really looking forward to it.
  14. Oh, shit I didn't want to know that @filmlover.
  15. Only watch free solo in IMAX. That's the rule, I heard.
  16. Credit to WB, they keep very good relationship with their directors. She won't get canned off the 3quel like James Gunn or Whedon. She is truly the Peyton Reed of DC Comics.
  17. Same, sadly is straight to TV here so I won't get to see it
  18. Honestly Hathaway is the first person who would come to my mind. She absolutely was typecast in a ton of girly movies. Yes she did a couple of good/serious films but 90% of her filmography was garbage. Then along came 2013 and she gets an Oscar and now she's acclaimed actor. Mcconaughey did a couple of good movies in his early career too. Most actors manage that
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