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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. my housemate has said she wants to go to a singalong of Greatest Showman next week... I hated the film when it came out but not gonna lie I'm actually well excited for it. hope seeing it with a lively crowd changes my mind.
  2. It opened lower than Pacific Rim 2. "Phenomenal" is being very generous.
  3. Not sure if you are being serious or not. It was one of the most profitable films of last year.
  4. Love the feeling of narrative being rewritten as soon as numbers come in. Now that it's underperforming, it was "never going to do well" because it's a "movie based on an arcade game" and comparing it to Baywatch. Whereas last week it was going to do really well because no one knows it's based on a arcade game!
  5. I want Elastigirl too. We can't all get what we want, sad to say,
  6. I would not be surprised at all to see a reboot. Now that Hugh Jackman's gone it simply does not have the appeal. The numbers speak for themselves. Apocalypse made less than Logan, that should probably tell you something. and @AJG you're quite right the tone and marketing is more serious than the MCU films which I don't think does it any favours.
  7. Really? I thought it was super weird. Dude falls in love with her on the internet... just thought it was cringey, the only people who fall in love with internet girls are neckbeard virgins.
  8. well yeah I think in general people play games for the gameplay not the story, even when there are good characters and story (like GTA), people like them because they are playing it, not because they're watching it. Similar thing to like how books for games are not very popular apart from the most hardcore fans, because most people don't really care. over 100 million people have bought World of Warcraft and yet not many turned out to see the film. And yeah RF would be cool. I think the story lends itself quite naturally to film - rebelling against a tyrannical government, in a sci-fi setting that's been used before. I mean Total Recall has the same thing, a government encouraging people to come to Mars and then oppressing them and crushing the rebel uprising. Although knowing hollywood it would probably be turned into a YA movie I've always thought if I could have one job it would be to be a film director and make a big budget Red Faction movie.
  9. Oh, oh, I can see a sold out screening today at my local multiplex! ...except it's the greatest showman...
  10. I asked this a few weeks ago but lost the link. Where can I find daily Chinese numbers in English?
  11. That sounds incredible @DeeCee but $500 million in Australian Dollars is only actually about $12 million in Actual Dollars.
  12. now that I've had a day to reflect upon it, I'm thinking this might be the best film ever made.
  13. Head says the former, other parts of me say the latter.
  14. actually can probably say that for anyone on this forum TBH. I am not brimming with good moral decisions and experiences.
  15. I swear you only remember negative things about me coolio
  16. I agree in principal that you can make a good film out of anything. You are also right about budget, I'm sure if you make a Bioshock movie for 20M it will turn a profit, but ya know, good luck making a Bioshock movie for 20M.
  17. that's actually my favourite thing about work, whenever I get in trouble at work my parents don't get told. That's the feeling of adulthood. honestly the one thing that makes me most realise I'm an adult.
  18. went 16 times in January, then really sagged behind with only 8 in February... made it up in March though! 12 cinema trips. 5 Mar - Titanic 6 Mar - Red Sparrow 9 Mar - Mom and Dad 13 Mar - Game Night 19 Mar - Love, Simon 20 Mar - Black Panther 23 Mar - Pacific Rim: Uprising 23 Mar - Pacific Rim: Uprising 25 Mar - Tomb Raider 26 Mar - You Were Never Really Here 30 Mar - Ready Player One 30 Mar - Pacific Rim: Uprising
  19. I went to the cinema with my mum tonight. Best thing about the film was during the Avengers trailer, my mum goes "Oh that's the guy that played Black Panther, isn't it?" ....
  20. The thing is I dont think gamers really want movies, they are happy with the games how they are. I mean you could turn GTA into a movie like Heat. But I don't really see what the point would be and it would probably suck. People who like GTA already have the game, they don't need a film. The only game I can think of that I'd genuinely like a film about, is Red Faction. And it would actually work as a film.
  21. It was way too long. I just read on wikipedia that it's 95 minutes but it was still way too long, had at least two too many scenes in the second half. Anyway that's not really what I meant. More because then it wouldn't be full of so many ridiculous plot holes and issues, and maybe it wouldn't matter that I dont care about any of the characters.
  22. Sure thing, but Red Dead will bomb because it's a western, and so will Bioshock because it's steampunk. Far Cry? Well, whatever you make, it won't be as good as the masterpiece that is the first far cry movie. Gran Turismo though, I'm down with that...
  23. Saw a quiet place. would probably have worked a lot better as a short film.
  24. yeah I was excluding the straight to DVD ones because I have no measure of how successful they were. It's perfectly possible for DVD movies to turn a profit you know
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