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Everything posted by TigerPaw

  1. Agreed This is more of a fans-driven film. The multiplier will not be more than 3 imo. Will not beat xXx and Rogue One's presales-OD multiple.
  2. Still don't get the hype for this. Franchise is not that big in China, even the one witb Li Bing Bing barely did well.. If i were to take a guess.. its because of the title "final chapter". Chinese are willing to give it a try because of that.
  3. I was expecting 60 - 65m. a little bit disappointed. 1.1 billion may not be possible after-all. But sure enough, we all know this is a HUGE HUGE success in China. people were expecting 600m yuan, some even expected Rogue One numbers due to the competition before - (CNY releases) and after (La La Land and Sing did very well internationally before China). But xXx overcame all that! Next question, can xXx beat Donnie Yen's own Monkey King(2014)? 1.045billion yuan if I remember correctly! But this instagram post seems to imply that Donnie Yen already knew the box office potential, and assured the cast and director that it would do well.
  4. After Rogue One and Triple X, I have heard from many insiders that he is currently been offered many Hollywood roles, but heard he has declined most of them as the script undermine Asians, still taking his time to pick. This is very positive, I rather he takes his time, and make sure his path in Hollywood is straight and he will soar there with his enormous talent. Look at Felicity Jones, after Rogue One.. bomb after bomb... =(
  5. Something obviously wrong with the pre-sales.. some sort of fudging? Every day, the presales numbers are so high despite the low screen count..
  6. Donnie talks to alot of fans. On a personal basis. You saw my twitter and can see who is following me right. BTW, just wanted to say this. I have been following the Asian film industry for a long time, and I admire a lot of HK/China actors. And honestly, no one... No one... even comes close to Donnie in terms of being grounded. Being on the ground, speaking to fans, running around during the premiere to take as many photographs with fans, signing as many posters as he can. At his age, and his achievements... and being one of the highest paid actor in whole of Asia, he is still consistenly asking for advice, and admitting he doesn't know much about comic books, China history etc (He could easily get his PA to research and tell him, but he choose not to, and instead asking fans for advice and admitting his "ignorance") He did the same when he played Guan Yu in "The Lost Bladesman" 2011, he admitted he doesn't know much about Romance of the three kingdom, and went around asking fans more about the character, and their expectations/impression of that character. While the movie was average at best, it did well in the box office (at that time, 150m yuan at the box office is like 600m yuan now).
  7. It is because it had a good release date at Valentine's day. I think it will gross less than half of what it is grossing without Vday or sneak previews. So the distributor is smart!
  8. Think its not doing so well. It's box office in China is quite disappointing, people were expected 200-300m from China, not 170m which is what xXx (not a co-production) is earning...
  9. Lol. So 20-30m is not fudge? What are you defending here? Pat yourself on the back for being righteous. This is exactly what Jackie wants you to think As long as he gets crown CNY box office champ, no1 cares about the process or a little bit of fudging. Like i said, you guys have more confidence in his box office draw than he himself or his theater chain. LOL. Talks alot about your character to be honest.
  10. This is true..but not the main point. The main point is about how people laugh off the fudge saying it is a mere 20-30m amount so it does not matter. This is about integrity and about the ripple effect of supposed higher per screen average and good BO in first few days of CNY despite the disadvantage of having lower screen counts. We all know Jackie is a draw, nothing to say here. But then he should stop or instruct his theater chain to stop this behaviour because he seems to be more insecure about his box office potential than you are.
  11. You have 0 idea what happens on Chinese forums when a movie has "supposed" high per screen average and closing BO gap with lower screen counts. Jackie Chan fans have been using social media to push that per screen average (which is fake during start of CNY) to talk about WOM. Do you read chinese? Because the number of posts i read about per screen average/WOM on weibo/tieba/maoyan are just... countless. Btw i am using my phone at work to reply so I cannot read well with all your spelling errors. And don't reply when you don't have to.
  12. Haha. And you know what is the saddest thing? This is a box office forum and I feel pathetic seeing you guys defending fudge and pretending its impact is minimal. You guys do know you guys ae defending an action that lacks integrity right? Btw. This is exactly what Jackie Chan expects. He gets the crown, people forget how he got it. "Its all about the end goal, got CNY box office champ, no one cares about that little bit of fudge or the integrity as part of the process. Its all about the end" You guys are playing according to what his theater chain wants you to do. Defend him and forget about the fudge.. go on. Feel good about it and like each other's posts as encouragement of defending the lack of integrity. :/
  13. Check out previous post. The fudge did that. Made ppl think it is winning despite less screen counts and inflated per screen average... making ppl curious and think its good WOM. It is not the absolute fudge amount that matters but the huge ripple effect.
  14. It is not about the amount. It is the fact that the fudge made the per-screen average higher than most CNY release and audiences seeing the "inflated" box office online... thought that the WOM must be good and they are missing out something and all started watching it. Jackie Chan ignited the fudge flame, fake a little and let the public think his film is doing well with less showtimes.. and then his fans started posting per screen average numbers and it leading the daily BO..and BAM.. ppl think its WOM and all flock to the movie. Its not the Absolute fudge amount, it is the impact of seemingly better per screen average hence WOM in the first few days that led to a Ripple effect.
  15. You again.... Jackie Chan is now..just a fake who fudge his box office. I used to be a big fan.
  16. Deadline obviously has some insiders. Their accuracy is like a sniper. For the last 30 days or so, promotion has also focused on local star Donnie Yen (Rogue One) which is thought to have given the film a boost in the market. Deadline
  17. scary drop for La La Land. If it did not have sneak previews or open on Valentine's... I think we will be looking at less than 150m yuan total to be honest. Sneak previews and Vday bump gave it a chance of cracking 200 - 250m yuan.
  18. This supposed trash is better than all the CNY movies which earned much more. =.=
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