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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Lol...not cool at all.... If BvS with WW special appearance can't do 1 billion worldwide then u r in deep problem.... Time to go to the the drawing board with a new director...
  2. 100 million is not possible in India. Even Bollywood movies don't do that because of lack of screens and piracy. Bulk of the population still cannot afford going to movies. Generally speaking, a highly anticipated tentpole with popular character(s) or story that connects with the audience can gross 7+ million. If the movie is garbage or disliked then the movie won't last more than 2 weeks in theatre. Highest grossing Hollywood movies in India are: 1. Fast 7 - 24.8 M 2. Avatar - 24.2 M 3. Jurassic world - 18.8M 4. Avengers Age of ultron - 16.8M 5. Spiderman 3 - 16.4M 6. 2012 - 15.6M 7. Amazing Spiderman - 14.5M 8. Amazing spiderman 2 - 13.6M 9. Life of Pi - 13.3M 10. Titanic - 12.7M As you can see, Spiderman is the most popular superhero property in India and that's why those movies have done very well irrespective of quality. Life of Pi was about an Indian kid and his survival. Moreover, they casted a local kid rather than Indian born in America so it connected with the audience. Titanic because it was a universal love story on a ship and James Camerons films are popular. Avatar was brilliantly marketed and had a universal story that connected with the audience. Again, James cameron film. Fast is a very popular franchise because Indian teenagers love their cars and bikes. Hot girls+cool dudes+crazy action/stunts+kickass soundtrack+unfortunate circumstances (Paul walker's death) turned it into a must see film 2012 because of the cool myth surrounding it and people liked it a lot Jurassic world because it was highly anticipated and all Jurassic movies are popular The jungle book is a very popular story in India for obvious reasons. This should do well if it is good, but the marketing hasn't been as huge as it should and the lead kid has an American accent which might put off moviegoers. Still expecting at least 5 million gross.
  3. My favourite Cameron movies 1. Titanic 2. Terminator 2 3. Avatar 4. Aliens 5. Terminator 6. The Abyss 7. True Lies 8. Pirahna 2
  4. Really looking forward to this, but I am expecting a drop in boxoffice numbERS. Kinda like Maze Runner 2.
  5. It's worse than most of our bad sci-fi action stuff because of the money spent on it. That entire climax action sequence with doomsday was awful. Nothing was clearly shot in that. I really don't know what was the team behind this movie smoking while making it. 3 years...and this is what we got. Garbage. If Zack Snyder couldn't utilize the 250 million properly on this then how the fuck can we expect him to deliver on JL?
  6. Batman v Superman could have done very well if it wasn't boring as hell. The action scenes, the CGI, the storytelling are all worse than Man of Steel. Ugh. Batman action stuff is cool, but frankly Daredevil on Netflix has done thode hand to hand combat stuff much better. Don't know where all the money went. Next big hollywood movie will be The Jungle Book.
  7. Pretty sad that two iconic superheroes in the same movie will end up grossing as much as Deadpool or slightly more at the domestic boxoffice. And that too with 3d. It obviously isn't a flop, but i don't know how WB can be happy about it when you compare to other event movies that have done 500+ million domestically. But then again those movies got good reviews. A lot of money could have been made if this had gotten good (65% or more) reception.
  8. I was gonna watch it this weekend, but now won't watch until Thursday of next week.
  9. The opeNing preview numbers have been excellent for a movie that got trashed badly by critics. Makes you wonder how much more it could have done this weekend if had gotten good critical reception. Ah well. Here is hoping that WB will be careful while making JL because the potential is immense if reviews are favourable. Looking forward to SS and WW.
  10. So far everything I have seen from this movie looks great. Really looking forward to this.
  11. I meant box-office wise. Whiplash was a great performance, but even in that he got overshadowed by JK Simmons. Moreover, he attaches himself to these type of movies or franchise type just to get a good paycheck...and his performance in all of them have been shit... So yeah...flop floppity flop He should remain an indie actor...even in that he has only 2-3 good films.
  12. I laughed at that trailer especially "from the studio that brought" part...hilarious.
  13. The costumes look cool. The girl looks great. Dane seems like a miscast. Should have gotten some handsome dude rather than mopey depressed actor.
  14. Looks very good. Peter Berg is awesome when he deals with real life subject matter or true stories.
  15. Clearly you haven't seen my posts in this forum. I am super positive about things that looks good to me. I guess you have only seen some of my posts in bvs thread and this thread to come up with your conclusion.
  16. Being too positive is also idiotic. The Indian team was too positive going into the match and look now. Expect worse so that there is room for surprise.
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