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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. If I was a fox exec, I would have released this on August 7th and pushed Fantastic Four to September 18. I am sure MR2 would have opened to 50m and done 145+ m domestically
  2. I hope one of those or both move. I want Maze Runner2 to have the weekend all for itself.
  3. That's the longest trailer of a movie releasing this summer. It looks fun, but coming after Straight Outta Compton will kinda hurt it.
  4. This movie has break out hit written all over it. Personally, I don't find it interesting, but this will appeal big time to families. Oh and they are releasing it in 3D and Imax 3D.
  5. Looks awesome. More action packed, more mystery, better acting and cool post apocalyptic visuals. Can't believe fox is releasing Poltergeist in 3d whereas Fantastic Four and Maze Runner 2 don't get that treatment. Can't see it doing less than first one worldwide.
  6. Poster is spectacular. Cannot wait for the teaser tomorrow.
  7. You know which movie I think has potential to open bigger than expected if marketed properly towards female...Fantastic Four. If the trailer is any indication, Sue Strom is a smart scientist on par with Reed. She has invisibility powers, can project force fields that can knock stuff out of the way AND fly. If the marketing department at fox can hammer the message to the female demo that Invisible Woman is actually a confident lady, strongest and most powerful of the four, and not your typical damsel in distress female character then I won't be surprised if it opens 60+ million. Unfortunately, the marketing execs at fox and the producers on this film are sleeping.
  8. If I was a studio exec, I would market my films heavily to this demographic provided the movie has a strong female character.
  9. The Underworld and Resident Evil movie franchises are my biggest guilty pleasures.
  10. Dude, the trailer will be attached to Poltergeist and maybe Tomorrowland.
  11. This movie will appeal to action fans. Casual audience won't find it all that. Man I wish my theatre was packed to get the whole experience, but the marketing was piss poor in India.
  12. I know. The thing is she likes action/fx type movies. But didn't like this one at all. Lol
  13. Just got back from the cinema. Only 11 people including myself were in the audi. I liked it quite a lot, but everyone else seemed bored. My gf was the only girl in the theatre and she hated it. She didn't like what happened to one of the wives in the movie and felt it was overrated garbage, strictly made for action junkies who wanna watch something when on substance. I knew she hated it, so I kinda pretended I didn't like either.
  14. I was right about it being a flop, but it hasn't even managed to get 20% occupancy on opening day. Disaster
  15. Awesome. Presently, this rebooted POTA is the best movie franchise in terms of quality. The boxoffice numbers are good too.
  16. Lol...Jeff Sneider and Steve frosty said that they had heard good things about this movie. lollol They must be utterly embarrassed now
  17. No, you didn't. Everyone here was expecting this to beat FF7 overseas and worldwide after seeing FF7's performance. But I called it out last month when FF7 released in China and India that A2 ain't beating FF7 in either China or India. FF7 > A2 both quality and commercially
  18. Hahahahaha...told you all that this movie won't beat FF7 either in India or China.
  19. Does it matter? Lucy- boxoffice win Fifth element - criticaland boxoffice win
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