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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Looks like fox is going to have a very rough winter. Fall wasn't good either...summer was mixed bag. Here is hoping 2018 is wayyyyyy better.
  2. Lol what....they hired a vfx guy for this type of movie. Lmao. Fox still got it in them to make dumb ass decisions. Hugh should be utilising his whatever charisma and power he has in a better way. Wolverine was awesome but time to flex muscles in the right way. His Oscar bait stuff ain't working. Needs to do 30-40M action films like Liam Neeson.
  3. Bigger fiasco than Valerian because this was supposedly brand name and had good leads and american studio backing.
  4. ABSOLUTELY ANNIHILATED Valerian in all these markets. @That One Guy The power of Devlin and Buttler. That's what Valerian needed.
  5. Same as fant4stic except that the studio and actors didn't throw their director under the bus to escape responsibility by leaking out information to movie sites and trades. That and the director was not scheduled to take on Starwars.
  6. Machbeth, Magneto and David aside, what other roles he really acted his pants out? Shame was just about being a weird dude showing dick. That's not acting in my opinion. I can do same. And he was seriously miscast in Jobs.
  7. Fassbender is overrated and his choice of films isn't all that. Moreover, he has zero boxoffice drawn.
  8. Looks like a cool indie horror flick featuring people with powers. Stranger Things dude and Split girl is in this so automatic 2 points. But I want to say again, FUCK YOU FOX for fucking Fant4stic royally in post production and not letting it be what it was originally supposed to be - a small contained 50-60M horror sci-fi flick. What a waste of all the money and resources. You can tell that Josh Boone to some degree was inspired from what Trank was trying to do. Thank god Deadpool and Wolverine succeeded big time that's why we are getting this unique take else...sigh. Now keep delivering cool unique cbms.
  9. Sasha luss is a Russian and played one of the aliens in Valerian. This is her first live action role.
  10. Going from an awesome african american director with huge career ahead of him to potentially Stallone....sigh.
  11. Yup...we did. It's so easy nowadays to smell a flop or disappointment. I can't believe people thought BR 2049 was going to be some big hit. An R rated 200M sci-fi sequel to a 20+ year old BOMB with a very niche/vocal fan is not a recipe for success no matter how good the reviews. Infact, if this was a critical flop...imagine how bad it would have done!! Valerian like result would have been on the cards. That's why I say that it is risky to do expensive sequels of cult films that originally bombed in theatres. Not worth it. Only for fans...rest do not care. I like Villineu's style but the general audience does not. Frankly, guy should sign up BOND film and get a big blockbuster under his belt before he does Dune...because that film has bomb written all over it not matter how good the critical reception. Audience won't care about that.
  12. Fassbender is slowly losing whatever little cred he gained few years ago. He is doing too many meh/mediocre or outright shit films. Performances are fine but nothing that is striking or oscar worthy. Needs to take break from these studio films and pair up with indie directors.
  13. What were you expecting from Stephen DeKnight? He is a TV director for a reason...Daredevil works because majority of it was written and conceived by Drew Goddard. Somehow he left the project and Deknight took over.
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