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Everything posted by KP1025

  1. So how many days will it take to hit $1 billion? TFA currently holds the record for fastest at 12 days.
  2. Given the political climate in the US, hard to say where the USD will be in 4 years. In any case, I think $3 billion WW is my optimistic prediction for now. If China explodes, I can see Avatar 2 beating the $2 billion OS record of Avatar even if exchange rates are still worse. The question is whether the sequels will see large drops like Star Wars films or will Avatar 5 end up being the biggest of the franchise.
  3. http://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Fate-of-the-Furious-The#tab=international
  4. The Numbers has Brazil's gross up to April 20 as $15,929,238. EDIT: ScreenDaily's article has been corrected.
  5. Didn't Brazil open to about $13 million? No way it has $49 million already, which would be above F7's total after just 6 days!
  6. This needs to happen if we're ever going to see a $2+ billion overseas gross like Avatar's again.
  7. Someone here calculated that F6's OS-C gross would probably be closer to $400M with current exchange rates. Gitesh is predicting F8 to reach $900M WW by the end of the weekend, which would be about $420M OS-C at that point (DOM is looking to be around $160M and China $320M by end of weekend). I think it would have to drop like a rock at that point to only reach $475M OS-C by the end of its run.
  8. This is a good point. In a number of developing markets, the trend has shifted to bigger openings but decreased legs.
  9. It's really such a shame losing the biggest international market for animated films. I'm not sure why Dreamworks struggled so hard to be accepted in Japan yet Illumination quickly became a brand almost as popular as Disney.
  10. According to Corpse, they just don't see the point of releasing almost guaranteed flops when a more profitable film can be given the same theaters. I also don't understand why Japan shuns Dreamworks but adores Disney and Illumination. The only successful Dreamworks films to break $20 million were Shrek 2 and Madagascar 1 + 3. Everything else has bombed with grosses around $5-10 million usually. No Dreamworks animation has been released in Japan since Madagascar 3, and I believe a few were already not released prior to that.
  11. No release date in China yet. Some in the China forums say it won't be released at all. It also won't be released in Japan like most Dreamworks animation.
  12. TFA's global OW record (which was beaten by F8 by $3 million) didn't include China since it opened several weeks later. He was saying that if China opens the same week this time, the global OW might actually increase even if domestic and other OS markets drop.
  13. I wonder how long the worldwide OW record will hold this time. I don't see TLJ taking the crown back for Star Wars. It looks like IW or its sequel have the best chance in the next 2 years.
  14. Agreed. I also wish China wasn't so harsh with restrictions like the one month limit or the rapid screen loss for new films.
  15. China's growth is very impressive. It won't be long before $200 million openings become more common there than the US.
  16. Looks like it will finish around $1.5-1.6 billion, probably above the Avengers but under Jurassic World.
  17. I also think it could fall under $1 billion OS despite such a big opening. OS-China opening is slightly lower than F7, and I think it will have shorter legs because of GotG 2 cutting into its run earlier than AoU with F7.
  18. Corpse mentioned 10 billion yen being possible, with the potential to surpass Alice in Wonderland (in yen, not USD).
  19. That would be amazing if China had a film reach $1 billion before the U.S. Avatar 2 probably won't be released until 2020 minimum, so that bodes well for it as the market continues to expand.
  20. Finally crossed $300 million worldwide. I was surprised the numbers in Asia were so abysmal.
  21. I can see it being close to F7 high end or falling under $1 billion OS low end. A bit too early to tell what kind of legs it will have, especially with GotG 2 cutting into its run one week earlier than AoU did with F7. The presales to OW ratio in China was incredibly frontloaded (even more so than Warcraft), so it's likely the multiplier in several markets won't be as high as F7.
  22. Probably $700-750M OS and $480-500M DOM finish. I think $1.25B is the ceiling right now unless as you mention, it does Frozen numbers in Japan.
  23. I knew F8 was going to be more frontloaded than usual in China. Still, it was fun to dream of an opening above TFA.
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