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Everything posted by KP1025

  1. Sometimes individual months end up being lower than the previous year, but I thought overall BO has been growing year over year? 2016 total revenue was down in USD but was a few percent higher in local currency. 2015 was almost 50% higher than 2014.
  2. Chinese tastes are different from American tastes. Scores on sites like Douban correlate well with a movie's WOM and legs.
  3. I don't think R$200 million will happen for a while. I see Avengers 3 and 4 finishing in the R$160-70 million range. Maybe one of the Avatar sequels can do it?
  4. This is very true. Especially in Asia, the original trilogy was not well-known at all. The prequels are far more popular, and Han Solo did not have a presence in any of them. To many newcomers to the franchise, all they know of Han Solo is the old man who died in TFA. A whole movie about him will not be very interesting to a lot of these viewers, who weren't enthused by TFA in the first place.
  5. I would guess a small drop in local currency.
  6. I actually thought Mummy would do fairly well in China. It seems like a Tom Cruise big action spectacle, and Mission Impossible films have done well in the market.
  7. Avatar 2 should at minimum become the highest-grossing film again in China when released. It won't be released until January 2021 most likely in China, so that's 3+ years of additional market growth and inflation. I agree with @IronJimbo that a good benchmark would be over $700 million for Avatar 2 in China. In 2010, Avatar tripled the next highest-grossing film in China at the time.
  8. True, I'm not saying Avatar 2 would make $1 billion if released today in China. Just that $204 million in 2010 was an insanely impressive figure for China's market size at the time.
  9. Avatar 2 will likely make F7 and F8's OS grosses look small in comparison. I wouldn't rule out it being the first franchise with back to back $2 billion OS films. It will drop in a lot of markets because of the exchange rates, but the gains in China will make up for it. The first film made $204 million in China seven years ago, which adjusts to almost $1 billion today.
  10. The detail in the environment is amazing. Pandora still remains the most beautiful fictional world ever created.
  11. It only made $400,000 this weekend internationally without Japan. I'm guessing the UK is responsible for a large portion of that. BatB has now outpaced F8 both domestic and international weekend (based on estimates), with the gap in the latter continuing to grow.
  12. Furious 7 made another $5 million after a much stronger Memorial Day weekend gross. I think F8 has $3 million maximum left domestic with the same legs. OS, it dropped 54% last week even though its best remaining market (Japan) did not have any major new releases like Pirates to contend with. Its second best remaining market right now is Brazil if I'm not mistaken, where Wonder Woman will be a big draw. I think another >50% drop will happen OS this week. I'm thinking around $8 million more OS and a WW finish around $1.233 billion. Either way, its placement in the Top OS and worldwide rankings will remain unchanged.
  13. Universal will have the biggest OS franchises for the next few years until Avatar 2 and its sequels come out. I think Jurassic World 2 has a shot at crossing $1 billion OS again if China increases (which I suspect it will since it had terrific legs). I'm not sure if Star Wars will ever cross $1 billion OS again in current ER situation.
  14. Comparing to Avatar makes everything look poor in comparison when it's not. For example, only 4 other films have even surpassed 50% of Avatar's OS gross. F8 is only at 49% of Avatar's OS haul so far, yet nobody would say that it's anything short of a terrific OS performance.
  15. Resident Evil: Final Chapter earned 51.1% of its total gross from China, actually an even higher percentage than Warcraft.
  16. Either way, we'll have two Disney musicals side by side on the Top 10 worldwide grosses list. Very impressive for a genre that was thought to be going out of date.
  17. I actually don't think it has that much left domestic. It is coming off a $1.5 million weekend and Blu-ray/DVD drops June 6th. I'm thinking an extra $3-4 million at most. OS, $15-20 million sounds about right depending on Japan's late legs.
  18. I think Jurassic World's placement is safe. F8 just had a $4 million weekend internationally (based on estimates), and I don't think it will add much more with competition from Pirates 5 and Wonder Woman opening next weekend.
  19. Congrats to Beauty and the Beast for passing $500 million and staying in the Top 10 another week.
  20. Those long lines remind me of this little snippet from when Avatar opened in China.
  21. Very impressive that it managed to cross this milestone in the end. Universal now has 3 films over $1 billion OS!
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