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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. garmadon is a fun character and everything involving the cat is inherently great (because cats. Duh) but otherwise this is pretty dire. Far more than both previous movies this is basically like watching a pop culture-savvy and terminally boring kid play legos. Zero stakes of any kind whatsoever, and zero finesse in humor or action.
  2. Huppert won the Golden Globe and the only reason she didn't make BAFTA was because the movie wasn't released in the UK until March. It was Negga who took Adams' spot.
  3. Random-assemblage-of-moments kind of trailer and I have little patience for those, but I'm still hopeful.
  4. By the time it opened it was also a foregone conclusion that it would do at least 2/3 of what it's currently doing. Before Get Out opened I don't think anyone rationally predicted it'd do even half of what it did. Get Out is also a much riskier movie in every way. IT is horror, sure, but it was basically sold as a flashy blockbuster ride kind of horror, and it is one as a movie. (Which is also part of why I disagree with the "ultimate horror movie" etc. notion. It's a big populist hit that's come out at exactly the right time, that by itself is not gonna make it another Exorcist or Sixth Sense.) I get where you're coming from but I'd still place it at #2. By that logic Despicable Me 3's domestic run is a greater story than Get Out and Hidden Figures. In other words: no.
  5. Aaaaaaaaand there y'all just went throwing the L-word around like no tomorrow.
  6. Nah. A nomination is possible though I suppose.
  7. Leaning towards passing on this. The reviews wouldn't necessarily put me off by themselves, but add that runtime and the prospect immediately sounds just tiring.
  8. On first glance that reads like Wright or Harbour would have been your pick to play Churchill and now I really want that
  9. still thinking either Shape of Water or Call Me by Your Name wins. (Chalk it up to failure of imagination if you want I guess because they're sorta kinda this year's LLL and Moonlight respectively).
  10. Wondered about this too but with recent news about Johannsson I presume the score wasn't finished in time for the festivals
  11. But it REFLECTS THE MESSINESS OF REAL LIFE grim. these filmmakers are true, authentic artists
  12. Bug and Killing Them Softly are near-masterpieces. I presume they tried to sell the former as horror too
  13. Clearly you're unfamiliar with James Gray's work. I certainly hope this means Christmas 2018 limited launch.
  14. pretentious [pri-ten-shuh s] adjective 1. characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved
  15. Prepare to be disappointed then cause it's not going near any of those.
  16. Dig the confidence. Keanu breaking into the summer again. It's been a long time. Hope for an OW in the 40s and a 120+ finish.
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