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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Even if it does, it will be at around $208m by next Sunday after a $5.5m weekend. Then it won't have any competition for a month.
  2. Brave will beat Madagascar, it will almost certainly hit $225m while M3 will top out at $215m.
  3. 1) Will Ice Age debut to more than 41.7 mill? 3000 Yes 2) Will Ice Age increase by more than 10% on Saturday? No 3) Will ASM drop more than 47.5%? 3000 Yes 4) Will ASM's Sunday to Sunday decline be more than 45%? Yes 5) Will Katy Perry finish higher than Moonrise Kingdom? Yes 6) Will To Rome With Love increase? No 7) Will Madea fall less than 57%? Yes 8) Will Mad3 have a better drop than Brave? Yes 9) Will ASM and Savages combine to make more than Ice Age? No 10) Will any film in the top 12 have a Saturday increase of more than 45%? Yes 11) Will any Pg or G rated film in the top 12 have a Friday increase of more than 50%? No 12) Will Prometheus fall less than 50%? No 10/12 3000 11/12 5000 12/12 7000 Bonus 1: What will ASM's Friday and Saturday gross be total? (Take Fri's gross, add it to Sat, what you do get?) Closest 5000, 2nd closest 3000 $22,573,535 Bonus 2: What will the combined grosses of Savages, Avengers and People Like Us be? Closest: 5000 2nd closest: 3000 $10,089,008 Bonus 3: What finishes in spot: 4 Brave 5 Magic Mike 7 Madea's Witness Protection 11 To Rome with Love 13 Beasts of the Southern Wild 2000 each, 5000 bonus if all 5 correct.
  4. SOTM 9: 1) Will TDKR make more than 30 mill at midnight? YES 2) Will TDKR make more than 74 mill OD? YES 3) Will TDKR make more than 81 mill OD? YES 4) Will TDKR make more than DH2 OW? YES 5) Will TDKR make more than 190.5 mill OW? YES
  5. Sad to see him go, but better this than spoiling his career with bad late choices.Oh, and his 8 nominations without a win is another reason the Academy should be ashamed of itself.
  6. Goodfellas - Robert De Niro over Ray LiottaApocalypse Now - Marlon Brando over Martin SheenStar Wars II & III - Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman over Hayden Christensen
  7. What's actually hilarious is that Seeking a Friend has already closed.http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=seekingafriend.htmIt's supposed to be in 88 theaters this weekend as per the theater counts, but looks like Focus Features decided that they might as well stop tracking it.
  8. in no real orderThe opening & climax of Inglourious BasterdsHelm's Deep battle in The Two Towers (and "You shall not pass!" from FOTR, although it was a bit more than 10 years ago)The rowing scene in The Social NetworkThe "married life" montage in Up / incinerator scene & ending of TS3 The hallway fight, the van falling in slo-mo & the ending of Inception"I drink your milkshake!" from There Will Be BloodIt's a bit difficult to separate those that actually have a good chance of being remembered (I'm relatively sure all scenes I named above will be classics) and those that I want people at large to remember. Lol. But for what it's worth, I also believe that the Waterloo & Tangiers set-pieces in The Bourne Ultimatum, the hotel scene in No Country for Old Men, the pool scene in Let the Right One In, the expectations/reality montage in (500) Days of Summer, the opening sequence of Zodiac and the Crazy 88 massacre in Kill Bill 1 fully deserve to go down in history... there surely are other moments I've forgotten, but that's what I've got off the top my head.
  9. I'll go with PTA, Hooper, QT, Spielberg, Jackson and Ang Lee as the most likely nominees. At least one of them won't make it, for now I'd say it's between Spielberg and PJ for the 5th spot.
  10. One of the greatest films I will ever have the pleasure of seeing. Sheer perfection.
  11. 1) Will Spidey make more than 55 mill? Yes 2) Will Spidey have a Friday increase of more than 20%? No 3) Will Spidey have a Saturday increase of more than 15%? No 4) Will Katy Perry have a 4 day of more than 22 mill? No 5) Will Savages make more than 15 mill? No 6) Will MM fall less than 60%? No 7) Will Ted fall less than 45%? Yes 8) Will Madea fall less than 59%? No 9) Will Avengers fall less than 30%? No 10) Will Prometheus fall less than 50%? No 11) Will Ted increase more than 30% on Saturday? No 12) Will Ted and MM make more combined that Spidey does? No Bonus 1: What will ASM's three day total be? 4000 $61,237,019 Bonus 2: What will ASM's 6 day total be? 4000 $134,982,161 Bonus 3: What finishes in spots: 6 Savages 8 Madagascar 3 9 Moonrise Kingdom 11 The Avengers Individuals 1) Will Prometheus increase more than 50% on Friday? No 2) Will ASM decrease less than 16% on Sunday? Yes 3) Will Madea increase more than 30% on Saturday? No
  12. First of all, box office flops that were great movies - Zodiac, Speed Racer, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Grindhouse, just to name a few from the past several years. Secondly, and similarly - terrible movies that made a lot of money, especially if they had decent legs - I was never really depressed about Twilight grosses, for example, but to see trainwrecks like Alice in Wonderland, TF2, first two Alvin movies make so much money was unfortunate. What has been truly infuriating me in the past several years is some of the foreign grosses - I have nothing against domestic runs of AWE & OST, 2012, PoP, Battleship etc. because the first two both declined from their predecessors, 2012 dropped like a rock and PoP flopped, yet the way international audiences ate that shit up like ice-cream sure didn't paint a very good picture of their taste. It's really ironic when you come across someone here in Russia, or in Europe calling Americans dumb for producing such terrible movies, yet 75% of their grosses comes from overseas.And thirdly, yes, I hate when movies close in on milestones only to miss them in the end, as well. It was particularly disappointing with The Social Network recently, and during those two months when Tangled was around $199m (it passed $200m in the end, of course, but only after everyone was ready to accept its failure). Gnomeo wasn't infuriating, but it was just fucking ridiculous. I'll never understand what made Disney do that, for me the best explanation is that it was just a joke from them.
  13. Vera Strokova Oksana Fandera Lidiya Velezheva
  14. I hope it gets to $239m so it could be within $20m of my prediction. Could end up one of the few saving graces of my Top 11.
  15. Cool to see Moonrise get $5k above Prometheus.
  16. Wall-E had the exact same drop, and a 3.54 multiplier in the end. Based on that, a perfectly realistic goal for Brave is around $235m.
  17. 1) Will ASM make more than 5 mill at midnight? No 2) Will ASM make more than 7.5 mill at midnight? No 3) Will ASM make more than 10 mill at midnight? No 4) Will ASM have an opening day of more than Magic Mike? 3000 Yes 5) Will ASM have a WW total of more than 400 mill by Sunday estimates? No 6) Will ASM gross more than 23 mill in the UK by Sunday estimates? Yes 7) Will ASM increase on The 4th? Yes 8) Will ASM increase by more than 5% on the 4th? No 9) Will ASM decrease by more than 5% on the 4th? No 10) Will ASM decrease by more than 25% on the 5th (Thursday)? Yes 11) Will ASM gross more than 75 million after Thursday actuals? 3000 No 12) Will MM increase on Tuesday? Yes 13) Will Ted increase on Tuesday? Yes 14) Will any of last weekends openers (Ted, MM, Madea, PLU) drop less than 12.5% on Wednesday? Yes 15) Will any film in the top 12 on Thursday, fall less than 10%? Yes 16) Will any film in the top 12 on Wednesday increase more than 35%? Yes 17) Will Avengers make at least 900K on any of the three days (M-T-W)? No 18) Will Moonrise Kingdom be in the top 10 on Wednesday? Yes 14/18 5000 15/18 6000 16/18 7000 17/18 8,000 18/18 10,000 Bonus 1: What will the combined gross be for TED, MM and Madea be on Wed? 4000 $20,374,572 Bonus 2: What will Avengers, MIB and Prom total gross be for Tuesday? 4000 $1,945,111 Bonus 3: On Tuesday, what finishes in spots: 4 Magic Mike 6 Madagascar 3 7 Abe Lincoln 9 Prometheus 13 MIB3
  18. Of those that I did track - TDK, The Departed, Bourne Ultimatum, The Hangover, HTTYD, Inception, Midnight in Paris. Some of them might not have had exceptional performances, but I loved the films and it was a thrill to see them succeed to such an extent.If we are talking overall - Titanic, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Jurassic Park are pretty awe-inspiring. Same with Jaws, SW and GWTW, of course, if we go way back. Special mention to The Exorcist - over $800m adjusted for a shocking, graphic, hard-R horror film is a hell of an achievement. These days it's pretty hard to imagine a horror film making even $150m... truly shows what kind of an event that movie was.LOTR films and Shrek 2 had pretty terrific legs off of sizable openings if we're back to modern era. And the $300m one-two punch of The Lion King and Forrest Gump in summer 1994 tends to be underrated, in my opinion.
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