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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Why the word except here ? Are you implying it was suggested that it was not easier to do an higher amount in 2009 than in 1993 ? It was a bit the same in july 2009, all most except 2 (Titanic-Phantom Menace) in the top 10 were from the 00s
  2. A bit like US, just smaller, when there is an holiday in Canada usually the days get bigger (and the day before has well)
  3. I think it is frequent or they hear it one time, but it get out of the mind in analysis, many end of year down or up of the box office do mention the exchange rate if it changed but many pundit comments do not. Was it there even a Forbe collaborator that do not seem to take into account Canadian monday holiday in is Sunday hold prediction ?
  4. It act exactly like any other market in that regard yes, the Can part (around 10% of dom) is fully affected by the exchange rate.
  5. I am not sure if PLF/reserved seating are used today by tracker. Back in the early 2000s, Nielsen/NRG were asking question to 400 movie-goers in the US per day (I imagine by phone and what not), the movie asked were every wide release (over 600 theater) to be released in 3.5 weeks or less, 3 times a week a report would be made available to people that have an abandonment to their service, with quadrant stats (F-25, F+25, M-25, M+25) about the level of unaided awareness, aided awareness, interest, first choice, you could pay to get pulse check 6 month/1 year,etc.. in advance to get some idea. From those metrics regarding with how movie of similar genre with similar score openned people build equation, an R rated actionner first wekeend should be 3M+0.2 awareness among M+25 + first choice * 0.7, etc.... and that how tracking was done. And they adjust marketing strategy and they look how much tracking move like that. I would imagine it is still like that today.
  6. Johnson affair can get family heavy. Rampage: 14.89 Skyscraper: 12.77 The Meg: 11.35 Fate and Furious: 9.5 Furious 7: 9.316
  7. If you are talking about the FBI episode, it was exact footage but a CGI inserted DiCaprio face in it (like for the Great Escape but that time without wanting it to be noticeable/higher quality of CGI work), I imagine that with good cable/TV set that is how it would have look.
  8. Aladdin legs are really impressive, specially in the context that it is competing with 2 mastodown in the family movie option, a Spider Man, a Toy Story and a lion king release (secret lifet of pets 2 decline helping a bit but still a 150M movie).
  9. Worst case scenario, you can use your outlook.com account to make those on a webbrowser, like google documents. Those free online version do not offer the Office 365 paid version level of options, but for simple one it work.
  10. 1 (1) The Lion King Walt Disney $15,218,959 +66% (+62, +65 for Toy Story and Aladdin) Those Tuesday are getting out of control.
  11. Wasn't there a lot of 60-70m OW talk in the trades for Hobbs and Shaw ?
  12. Downsizing reception after Venice versus other showing was quite something https://web.archive.org/web/20170902022842/https://www.metacritic.com/movie/downsizing 84 metascore right after venice screening https://web.archive.org/web/20170915051218/https://www.metacritic.com/movie/downsizing 74 after TIFF. Down to 63 now.
  13. It depend what were talking about, for Pixar-Disney Animation-Marvel, success of new release even if they are average is certainly rooted in year's of the continuous minimum level of quality and when they break out it is usually when they are good. When that quality reputation isn't there, Disney force isn't nearly has good for sure, but for many IPs it is on the back of a very recent good track record. But to go with your point, when Universal had it's giant 2015 year's, it was really IP driven (but they still delivered) and to continue about "quality" the excellent Steve Jobs made 3% of Minions, so by quality here we mean ability to attract and please a large target audience.
  14. That is still funny (not so sure it did bomb)..... Apparently: Despite the $110M-production cost being floated out there, we hear the net before P&A cost on Men in Black: International is actually under $100M (per those with knowledge of the budget, not studio sources). We hear co-finance partners Hemisphere and Tencent are each in for just under 18% each, helping to reduce Sony’s risk. Already working in the pic’s P&A favor is $75M through a number of largely high-end promotional partners like Lexus cars and Paul Smith suits. If those ultra low figure are near the ball mark, could have ended up making even some money for Sony. Making money the Rothman ways.
  15. Must say never impressed by is story telling aspect, John Wick worked well because of how simple it went for, but even then it was quite clunky after the dog killer get dealt with. The main (only ?) think those crappy blockbuster have is the director after all, he had quite the cast/already established loved character to work with.
  16. I obviously know that, my question (as I have never watched what they do) what was they were sending has a negative message into the world and setting bad example, they did seem to be successful entrepreneur with strong family values ? They barely if ever made the news I watch/listen/read that seam like a made up things (or a gross exaggeration of the word news, TMZ-dailymail isn't news).
  17. Maybe it is implied by what you are saying, but that 17.5B include subscription service too (and for many of them it is really unclear how much is for tv or for movies) 17.5B digital, 5.8B physical 13.3B in subscription service, 10B in transactional. If we assume almost none of the physical sales are for subscription service (what become of Netflix by mail for example) EST/VOD type could be about 4.3B sales vs 5.7B for physical sales. For Liongates for feature film alone in 2018 (first year digital got ahead I think) Digital media: 157.2M Packaged media: 108.4M http://investors.lionsgate.com/~/media/Files/L/LionsGate-IR/annual-reports/2019-annual-report.pdf
  18. You do not give your place in term of deflecting and never following an idea to is end has clearly and arguments and just throw triviality and sound byte.... Why would anyone hate with passion disposable entertainment, I mean there is people that act has if they hate pro sport with a passion or people like you that seem to hate current pop-music with a passion, but it is probably just an act and they not really care. Everyone here know a lot of people that adore those MCU movies in real life (me that list have many serious cinephile that also get excited by the last Malick has well) and have no contempt for them, come-on. You must mean, contempt for people that only watch those and would refuse to try anything else but did an Internet hyperbole right ?
  19. I think we would be surprised from time to time, movie big on a coast isn't necessarily on the other coast either, at least in tractable online activity it can be quite regional diverse. highest interest subregion for A24: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=%2Fg%2F11b6_84bg3 The Witch New hampshire Maine Massachusetts Utah New Mexico https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=lady bird Lady Bird Texas Vermont California Massachusetts Connecticut https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=%2Fg%2F11f3xqgn07 Hereditary Utah Azriona California New Mexico Texas https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=%2Fm%2F0126506s Ex Machina (quite west coast) Columbia Washington California Hawaii Alaska https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=%2Fg%2F11c553rtlh It Come at night (quite central) Arizona Michigan Texas New Mexico Indiana A detailed popularity map of Oscar nominee did show an somewhat equal distribution of movie playing most on the west, middle and east coast: https://googletrends.github.io/google_oscars/
  20. Imo it is quite more complicated than that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box-office_bomb In the motion picture industry, a box-office bomb or box-office flop is a film that is considered highly unsuccessful or unprofitable during its theatrical run, often following significant hype regarding its cost, production, or marketing efforts .... The label is generally applied to films that miss earnings projections by a wide margin,.... The term historically have been for movie that lost a lot of money, not just a small amount, like Tree of Life for example isn't necessarily a flop even if it lost money. But in our franchise world a movie that lost a little amount of made a small profit can be one imo, if Lion Kings would have made 500m WW, that would have been a flop.
  21. Marvel do not usually have the number one sellers of the year (I imagine the quick Netflix release pattern, piracy level of the target audience, high cost of unites etc...), black Panther was a bit of an exception. In unit sold, highest of the year ranked: infinity war was #5 on 2018, Guardian 2 number 6 of 2017 (#1 Moana) Civil war number 5 (#1 star wars) Ultron number 8 (#1: Jurassic World) Guardian the galaxy #3 (#1: Frozen) Iron Man 3 number 27 (#1: Despicable Me 2) Avengers #2 ( #1: hunger games) Animated movie tend to perform quite well in physical sales and this year we have The lion king-Toy story 4 (Frozen 2 / Star wars are potential monster but with the release date 2020 disk release) Considering how well Greatest Showman did in sales last year, Bohemian Rhapsody could also be a good competition.
  22. 77% (171/221.6) is quite surprisingly low considering that about no exchange rate in main market seem to be close to that level of change (even considering how important country Brazil must be for that franchise, still over that 77% figure): EUR Euro 1.0514 GBP British Pound 0.9713 INR Indian Rupee 0.9365 AUD Australian Dollar 0.9075 CAD Canadian Dollar 1.0134 SGD Singapore Dollar 1.0201 CHF Swiss Franc 1.0154 MYR Malaysian Ringgit 1.0677 JPY Japanese Yen 0.9999 CNY Chinese Yuan 1.0005 NZD New Zealand Dollar 0.9453 THB Thai Baht 1.1159 HUF Hungarian Forint 1.0043 AED Emirati Dirham 1.0001 HKD Hong Kong Dollar 0.9935 MXN Mexican Peso 0.9708 ZAR South African Rand 0.9449 PHP Philippine Peso 0.9729 SEK Swedish Krona 0.9447 IDR Indonesian Rupiah 0.9473 SAR Saudi Arabian Riyal 1.0001 BRL Brazilian Real 0.8296 TRY Turkish Lira 0.6715 KES Kenyan Shilling 0.9925 KRW South Korean Won 0.9618 EGP Egyptian Pound 1.0946 IQD Iraqi Dinar 0.9917 NOK Norwegian Krone 0.9798 KWD Kuwaiti Dinar 1.0011 RUB Russian Ruble 0.8857 DKK Danish Krone 1.0469 Average 0.9767 I used those: https://www.xe.com/currencytables/?from=USD&date=2019-07-30 https://www.xe.com/currencytables/?from=USD&date=2017-04-15 (saturday of Fast 8 OW)
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