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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Very impressive. Not sure many people called that especially once spoilers about the plot were available.
  2. Thought Infinity War would put these Civil War arguments to rest.....
  3. So I guess I'm going to be watching Brooklyn Nine Nine over the semester holidays to see what all the fuss is about with the show. Plus I need a good comedy to cheer me up from my general mood anyways. Community really helped me over the Aussie Summer.
  4. Maybe they'll give the money they took off Infinity War to Ranger Solo lol
  5. Fantastic Beasts made $800M. That's a very good effort for a prequel/spin-off with no recognisable Potter characters.
  6. Btw every mentions how great Michael Giacchino's The Incredibles and Up Scores up but I find his Ratatouille one just as great as the others. Giacchino is hit and miss with live action but his Pixar scores are superb nearly every time.
  7. In my mind yes but who the heck knows really? You want $1 Billion Domestic I thought?
  8. I'll go ahead and also say Avatar 2 doesn't get a $200M Opening Weekend in North America Will probably get one in China and still make $2 Billion though.
  9. Ant-Man and the Wasp will probably have a worse 2nd Weekend Drop Off than Infinity War. July Weekdays will kick in though resulting a better Multiplier Overall.
  10. Been holding better than GOTG Vol 2 which I would never of expected but that's going to change next week.
  11. I hope Infinity War's OS grosses will improve GOTG Vol 3's OS grosses. Was disappointed Vol 2 couldn't crack $500M OS.
  12. Well this was fun to watch. Now can't wait to track Ranger Solo's terrible performance! Btw is Deadpool 2 getting a release?
  13. So $1B-China is more than likely? Would need it to a little bit more than that for Infinity War to pass TFA me thinks. Unless Infinity War gets a 1.8x+ Multiplier in China.
  14. Yeah for now I assume Domestic+China gets to $1 Billion so OS-China will need to make up the difference. But yeah I can see Infinity War holding better in North America and (less realistic) in China too.
  15. Will mostly depend on other OS territories. They're holding the best so far in comparison to North America. If OS-China gets to $1.07B then it's game over for TFA.
  16. Avengers 4 vs The Lion King vs Episode IX will be a very tight battle for No 1 in North America for 2019. Like others I do think Worldwide Episode IX is not quite in the league of Avengers 4 and (the potential of) The Lion King.
  17. Headline Tomorrow: Infinity War Opens to $200M in China to go along with it's record breaking $256M in North America. Wait why is it now $256M instead of $257M...
  18. More disappointed it wasn't the first film to have a $200M Opening Weekend in two Countries. Ah well there's always Avengers 4.
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