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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Well that was quick lmao Though I must say watching certain BOT posters meltdown today with this news after gloating that the deal was cancelled was pretty entertaining.
  2. Difference is they aren't recasting the main lead and the MCU brand has never been more healthier unlike Star Wars which was on more shaky ground after TLJ. Plus anecdotally I've seen way more demand for a Black Widow film than there ever was for a standalone Han Solo film.
  3. I mean they could just continue post-Cursed Child too. Not like lack of source material has stopped this franchise as shown with the Fantastic Beasts films. Then again might not be a greatest sign of quality in that case.
  4. Huh didn't know this one was gonna be released on the 28th of November in Australia. Usually would have to wait until Boxing Day (26th of December) for the Disney Animation movies to be released.
  5. Yeah no way this film doesn't set up elements for Phase 4 and beyond. Fairly sure it's gonna set up Florence Pugh as the next Black Widow moving forward.
  6. I don't see what the problem is if the scene is just to remind audiences of where the movie is in the timeline which is post-Civil War.
  7. As both someone who is an Asian immigrant and someone who had just lost their Grandfather a couple of weeks ago and Grandma two years ago this was a much needed cathartic experience for me honestly.
  8. And R Rated mid budgeted to blockbuster fare is one of the few areas Disney has no interest in atm too
  9. Definitely do understand the concern of Disney's dominance but not like the other studios were handicapped or anything at the start of the decade. For instance WB has plenty of IP that should in theory rival Marvel but we saw how they handled Middle Earth, DC and Harry Potter this decade. As Illumination proved (and DreamWorks before) there's a definite hunger for animation that's not Disney or Pixar yet it took until the this decade for other studios to finally have their own animation studios up and running. The live action remakes definitely yeah not much you can do to compete that's just Disney cashing in on decisions that were made 20 years ago and I guess they got lucky with Star Wars too.
  10. T2 made it pretty impossible to have a satisfying sequel without undoing the ending of said film. Just hoping for a solid film and if it sucks then well I'll ignore it like the other three films that came after T2. C Eh Marvel hasn't burned their fans three times in a row like the Terminator franchise has done. Understandable if people are skeptical considering also there's not much to go on with these two trailers other than some decent action set pieces.
  11. Really fantastic though I do prefer Your Name and 5 Cms Per Second. The ending was an interesting choice.
  12. Man I have no idea how people can balance work with a proper social life. Some please teach me.
  13. Actually bottled it. But well played to Stokes legit one of the greatest Test Innings of all time.
  14. Yeah pretty sure far more people will be upset over Spider-Man not being in Avengers films anymore than people being upset Zack Snyder's version of Justice League is not onscreen
  15. I literally just watched 5CMs today and man hit way too close to home. Wouldn't call it a wide release but not like it's too difficult to find screenings.
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