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Everything posted by Cap

  1. My grandmother is eighty-nine years old. Thankfully, she has all her wits about her, yet she can't be left alone. Between my mom (and me filling in for my mom) and my two aunts, someone is with her 24/7. There is only so much Law & Order: SVU and NCIS one can take. To get her out of the house, we take her to the movies. On Thursdays, my aunt and I do a "shift change" movie where the fam goes together. Grandma comes with my aunt, and she leaves with me. Grandma has everything current -- Black Panther, Love, Simon, A Wrinkle in Time, Game Night, etc. That's how I'm off to a 12PM showing of Ready Player One with her and my aunt.
  2. I'm curious about the demos and markets? My friend did an evening show in PA. She said the theater was dead, just her and like four teenage boys in her screening. I was at my theater last night, and there were about six people in the lobby total. (I don't have an RPO account, because I was there for another film. RPO is today with Grandma.)
  3. Full Disclaimer: I love the first movie. It never pretends to be anything it's not; which is a movie about giant robots v giant monsters, with a lot of heart thanks to its stellar cast of characters and brilliant director. I also knew the plot ahead of time. I only went to see it because it was the cheap day at the theater, and I wanted to support John Boyega without giving the movie a full ticket price. So, onward: This movie? This? This is G A R B A G E. Those motherfuckers fridged Mako Mori. It was TEXTBOOK! Her death was COMPLETELY POINTLESS. The editing was TERRIBLE. It made the whole thing seem like an afterthought of "oh, yeah, she needs to die." The helicopter looked safely out of harm's way -- until PLOT means it needs to be in the action. I knew it was coming and watching it on screen is so much worse. The Helicopter legit blows up IN THE BACKGROUND. She doesn't have a storyline! HOW? How does Mako Mori NOT PASS the Mako Mori Test? What BULLSHIT is this! Two of the three new female characters (Amara and Liwen) BARELY pass the Mako Mori Test, which is good for them, because Jules doesn't even pass the Sexy Lamp test. It's so dirty. Other stray thoughts: Eastwood is SO BAD that it’s DISTRACTING. It also doesn't help that his character is the cliche male archetype that Raleigh Becket so beautifully subverted. I signed up for giant robots v giant monsters. Not giant robots v giant robots. Uncool. Even more uncool: the new robot and kaiju designs were a SERIOUS downgrade from the first film. Newt and Hermann, also, got royally fucked. The only reason I didn’t walk out was the inevitable Newt and Hermann confrontation!!! I needed Hermann to either end Newt or snap him out of it! Why did you spend all press tour talking about them being ex-boyfriends to not give me an emotional (but not explicit, cause, you know, China) scene in the third act! You didn’t even give it to me in the end credit scene! Do the writers understand story beats at all! The only time I got excited was when they cued the theme song. Then I got immediately sad, thinking about how the sound and score in this movie are just so average and really loud. John Boyega is a movie star, and I hope him the best. He’s really great in this. The first fifteen minutes of the movie with him are a blast. He ALMOST saved this. But as a friend of mine pointed out: “As a Pacific Rim movie? Bad. As a movie where John Boyega uses a robot to beat up aliens wth his boyfriend and baby sister? Good.” The problem for me is I wanted a Pacific Rim movie.
  4. In a scientific first, a mother killer whale and her adult son were observed working together to kill another whale's newborn calf, according to a new study. This is a trip, and I have to share with SOMEONE.
  5. The yearly sub totally would pay for itself for just the summer. MoviePass is a $89.95 yearly sub. My theater's Adult tickets are $9.50 matinees / $11.95 evenings. (The national average is $8.95 with markets like NY and LA being some of the highest.) 89.95 / 11.95 = 7.5 89.95 / 8.95 = 10 (Depending on where you live) 7 to 10 movies this summer, it plays for itself without worrying about wasting the rest of the year.
  6. Interestingly enough: Vox.com posted an essay two days ago on the connection between RPO a Small GameGate: The Ready Player One backlash, explained.
  7. We're officially 30 Days Out, so Honestly: 01. Avengers: Infinity War 02. Avengers: Infinity War 03. Avengers: Infinity War 04. Avengers: Infinity War 05. Avengers: Infinity War 06. Avengers: Infinity War 07. Avengers: Infinity War 08. Avengers: Infinity War 09. Avengers: Infinity War 10. Avengers: Infinity War But for the Structured Data: 01. Avengers: Infinity War 02. A Quiet Place 03. Ocean's Eight 04. Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! 05. Ant-Man and The Wasp 06. Mission: Impossible - Fallout 07. Christopher Robin 08. Crazy Rich Asians 09. Incredibles 2 10. Rampage
  8. Speaking just from personal experience, it is a mixed bag. I have had my MoviePass since last November, and have used it to see 28 different movies. Of those 28, 11 I would have 100% skipped if not for MP, 6 I would have been wait-and-see on, and 12 I would’ve gone regardless for.
  9. But then we wouldn’t have gotten one of the most effective “one fuck in a PG-13 movie” since X-Men First Class! 😎
  10. I don't know if I'd consider that effective marketing when something like this has more likes/retweets:
  11. The Youths on Tumblr are still Lit. According to Fandometrics, a site that tracks fandom activity on tumblr, for the last week: Movies Week March 19: Love, Simon debuted at #3 (#1 Black Panther, #2 Infinity War) Week March 26: Love, Simon rose +2 to take the #1 spot from Black Panther. (#2 Black Panther, #3 Infinity War) Side Note: Call Me By Your Name bumped up to #4 and Moonlight reentered at #20. Surfing through the tags, they're definitely getting a Love, Simon bump. (A lot of posts comparing the three films.) Celebs Week March 19: Nick Robinson #14 Week March 26: Nick Robinson rose +9 to #5 (the biggest positive move on the chart). Keiynan Lonsdale enters at #20. Side Note: Filmlover can breathe a sigh of relief. Timothée Chalamet is #3. It missed cracking the Top 20 Ships, which is disappointing, but considering not shocking.
  12. Lol. I read that wrong. So. Correction: MoviePass + Home 2 Miles from IMAX 12 Sceeen = frequent showings.
  13. As I said in the Love, Simon thread, I am not surprised at its numbers yesterday. LS has been strong amongst the Under 25, and the females, and that core demo was NOT at the movies. And the biggest March Four Our Lives happened in DC, NYC, Boston, and LA - which were also the biggest markets for LS and, what Han said. I will be interested to see if today was higher than projected.
  14. I saw it twice opening weekend, and two more times after that. Movie holds up. The characters are amazing and complicated. The stunning costume and production design should win an Academy Award. The South Korea sequence is up there with the bridge from TWS or Lagos from CACW. If I had to say anything negative, it would be the CGI on the rhinos could’ve been better. It is right up there with TWS as the best for me. (TWS will just sentimentally never get replaced as #1. I love Nat/Sam/Steve way too much.)
  15. I've been struggling to find the exact words to crystalize how profoundly this movie affected me. And, I too, have seen it three times. I'm somewhere between: and
  16. I would not be floored if LS had a weak showing today. Its core / target audience is out there being amazing and political. Unless the plan is protest in the morning, movie at night. (Which, actually sounds like a fun day.)
  17. Laurie is Mycoft and Fiennes is Moriarty. It could be the Case of The Silk Stockings bad and my ass would be there Friday OW.
  18. Nope. I love Sherlock Holmes, like go to Holmes Cons, BSI Events, etc. I would’ve been there in a SECOND if it looked halfway decent (or didn’t Star Johnny Depp). No worries! We have Holmes and Watson this fall!!
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