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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Yeah, from the producer’s side 600M seems pretty irresistible. Unless you think you can haggle your way to more, I guess 🤨
  2. I am adjusting my expected finish in the ranking from #3 to #2 for now, but certainly we’re early enough in the run for #1 to still be in play. After weekend 4 maybe take a more serious look at that.
  3. Ahh, that would make more sense. If Apple really wants to get in the game, they should buy Bond and AMC, then release it day and date in AppleTV and theaters — tickets free with an AppleTV subscription
  4. Apple spending like 600M on this would be absolutely hilarious. There’s no way it would possibly be a good value proposition for them, piracy would be rampant, and theater owners would be apoplectic.
  5. 🤷‍♂️ All up to the vagaries of fate, winter, NYC resident behavior, Cuomo, BDB, etc.
  6. Well, it definitely *could* happen again. The interesting question is whether you think that’s a >50% or <50% chance. This feels like a once in several dozen years event, I think the next time we see one of those the media landscape may be different enough that it doesn’t directly break these BO records.
  7. I’ll go for Eternals at this point. The billion contenders that I’m confident will come out before it might still be a bit too virus affected to make it.
  8. America Chavez, presumably. https://deadline.com/2020/10/doctor-strange-2-baby-sitters-club-xochitl-gomez-benedict-cumberbatch-1234598621/
  9. I think I agree that this will likely be an all time record (at least for admits) given the population and streaming factors.
  10. This reminds me of Endgame in China. Though it will break the record by more, and with 3 days instead of 5
  11. Well, no. I mean I am a huge fan but even I wouldn’t claim this. I was responding narrowly to the issue of single movie arcs vs many movie arcs — the MCU is just about the only cinematic game in town providing people with a lot of the latter, and it connects with people. Quality of writing is an orthogonal issue.
  12. 100M without previews/midnight would be pretty nuts. Did it have an abnormally high ATP from demand back when it was preselling? That would definitely help.
  13. Finally decided it was too small huh? I was surprised/impressed that you were still going last Wknd. I was thinking more 30%ish. But Mutants is down 31% weekly yday and Tenet being 10 pts worse would hardly be shocking.
  14. Looks like we’re in for some bigger drops this weekend between Regal, some Canadian shutdowns, and new releases taking up screens. Not sure if Tenet can stay above 2M. You got anything on Friday, @keysersoze123?
  15. Okay, I think maybe we’ve been talking past each other a bit. Spider-man didn’t really have much of an arc in CW/IW/Endgame — in CW and Endgame he’s basically only in the movie for one big action scene, and in IW he has more screen time but is pretty much jut along for the ride, to make jokes, and then die emotionally. And his arc in FFH was a bit similar to Homecoming. I hope that eventually we can look back and say that he had a cool dozen movie arc, but for now he’s only really been a plot driving character in 2 and I would not say that. I was objecting to lorddemaxus’s general idea of a “good old days when characters used to have arcs and conflicts over the course of one film rather than a dozen or so.” Imo the new era of longer interconnected arcs with characters is an improvement — which is not to say that they should be static or just repeating the same lesson over and over in the individual movies making up the larger story.
  16. And before that, the most consistently successful franchise was Harry Potter, where many characters full development plays out over the course of 8 movies. People clearly like when they get to spend more than 150 minutes watching characters come into their own 🤷‍♂️
  17. Not sure what you’re trying to say here. The “character arc over more than 3 movies” model is pretty unique to the franchise that’s operating heads and shoulders over the rest of Hollywood in terms of consistent commercial success. Of course you can have successful standalone movies too, but they don’t give you an Endgame.
  18. This is like the #1 misconception about the MCU imo. There are lots of movies where “characters do cool shit.” 99% of them don’t pump out sequel increases and billion dollar hits like the MCU. The dozen movie arcs and character investment they engender are literally the key to the whole enterprise. I just can’t imagine how one looks at the past decade and thinks “oh yeah, audiences prefer one-movie character arcs to many-movie arcs.” And almost anything can be written in one short sentence if you’re willing to be reductive enough about it 🤷‍♂️
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