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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Anyone who watches Knives Out as their first murder mystery and calls it early is some kind of maniac savant. As maybe my 500th murder mystery, I suspected the morphine double swap as soon as Harlan remarks that it would be a good way to kill somebody in Marta’s Act 1 flashback where we see how he really died. Then in that same flashback, when the Mom says “is that you again Ransom” I was like “oh, okay, Ransom was the one to do the swap by climbing the trellis earlier that night.” I don’t think he’d even been on screen yet. So, yeah, not actually complaining about the setup, more so complaining at myself for having seen too many of these 😢
  2. FWIW I’ve probably watched/read too many movie/TV/book murder mysteries. “Person commits suicide for some goal believing themself doomed anyway, but actually they weren’t” and “A swaps a pair of items, later B swaps that pair of items returning them to normal, later A realizes that B inadvertently undid their work (but B still thinks exactly one swap was performed) and A has to adapt on the fly” are both tropes I’ve seen several times despite probably not being super common per se. “Killer calls in detective because they need someone else to take the blame” is also classic. Both play with (mis)beliefs and actions in a tragically delicious comedy-of-errors kind of way, so naturally authors will gravitate back to them. And they combine in a nice and clear fashion.
  3. This part yeah. Didn’t figure out that Ransom killed the housekeeper at that time because Marta hadn’t even received the blackmail yet, but once Marta gets the note and finds Fran, it’s obvious that Ransom is behind that if you already have him climbing the trellis to swap the morphine and calling in Blanc. Other things that were pretty easy to see coming well before they happened: everything willed to Marta Medical report in the clock weed stash someone gets stabbed with a prop knife
  4. Yeah. You want the finish to be well supported by foreshadowing so it doesn’t just feel impossible/asspull-y and you can feel clever for catching the foreshadowing on rewatches. In this case I would have preferred if it was slightly harder to figure out, but the characters are great fun, paced well, acted well, etc.
  5. My first reaction was “wow, that’s crazy.” Then I checked and realized that Sat presales in SK were already 37% of Friday final Anybody paying more attention to hourlies in this market wanna chime in what the morning rate seems to point to?
  6. Yeah, this is the biggest issue (not really the right word, but 🤷‍♂️). You can kind of see the big “twists” coming from like 30% into the movie, so it lives on its characters rather than the surprise value. Of course there’s a pretty direct tension between including appropriate foreshadowing and having people figure it out early, vs avoiding good foreshadowing and having it come out of nowhere. It’s definitely better overall to have the conclusion well built up to by clues.
  7. Family went to see Knives Out today. They were having projector issues where it would flicker from normal to like half power and back every couple of seconds. I sort of got used to it, but they gave everybody a voucher for a free showing when we were coming out, so that was pretty convenient.
  8. 1) Eternals Black Widow Raya Jumanji WW84 Onward Mulan Soul Red Notice 10)Tenet
  9. Nothing will be final for over a day, though it should be extremely close within 9 hours or so. You can check dailies here in English: http://www.koreanfilm.or.kr/eng/news/boxOffice_Daily.jsp?mode=BOXOFFICE_DAILY Or here in Korean: http://www.kobis.or.kr/kobis/business/stat/boxs/findDailyBoxOfficeList.do They often differ in initial estimates, but end up on same final number. The Korean source is usually higher and more accurate initially, I think. So I copy pasted from English but replaced the F2 numbers from the Korean source so they’d move less. F2 is heading for a roughly $19 2nd weekend imo, which is craaaazzzzy.
  10. OD was Thursday, down about 33% from last Fri $4.7M It’s definitely a good sign to be dropping in low 30s from such a mega first FSS, but that comes with one main caveat, which is that this 2nd weekend seems to be spillover inflated. So I would not take this to mean that 33% is the “natural” dropping rate for F2. 2nd MTuTh vs first MTuTh and 3rd weekend vs 2nd weekend are what will really tell the tale.
  11. 😎 (though 210 final CGV) 1 Frozen 2 U.S. Nov 21, 2019 $3,120,083 ($45,052,083) 429,569 (6,427,738) 1,980 70.77% 2 Bring Me Home South Korea Nov 27, 2019 $479,870 ($1,444,745) 66,448 (236,982) 828 10.88% 3 BLACK MONEY South Korea Nov 13, 2019 $347,773 ($14,885,147) 48,722 (2,082,953) 727 7.88% 4 CRAWL U.S. Nov 27, 2019 $121,350 ($370,383) 16,690 (58,515) 601 2.75% 5 Love at Second Sight Belgium,France Nov 27, 2019 $56,935 ($175,335) 7,924 (27,859) 144 1.29% (Took KOBIS numbers for F2, should be more accurate already. Rest are KOBIZ, will rise more) PSm rose just 8% from last weekend, so adjusting my PSm growth expectations to 10% Sat and 12% Sun for now. Sat CGV PS coming in above my rough estimate with a crazy 289k, down just 34% from last Sat and up 12% from Endgame’s 2nd Sat. Times 1.9 gives 545k final CGV, about 1.18M admits. Not sure if any 2nd weekend has seen 1M admit day before, but it’s very safe here as even the pessimistic PSm gives 500k CGV. KOBIS currently is 816k, so estimating 190k for Sun forward. Same point in time last week was 480k, so now 40% as much. I will hold forecasted Sun CGV PS to 245k and forecasted Sun to 1M.
  12. How many different countries and weekends will I have to say “it’s a weekend movie’ in, before this is all done 🤔
  13. Is the real outrage who missed the top 20? No, no. The REAL outrage is when we see whose made the top 20 instead
  14. I thought TLK chances were dead after OW, but it does seem to be back on the table. If it hits DOM I think WW is also a possibility, though requiring pretty great OS legs.
  15. I’m looking at Fri related to Wed instead of thurs, still like 40-low 40s. If Thrs dips a lot I think that mostly just leads to a bigger black Fri bounce.
  16. Just gonna drop this here 1 Star Wars: The Force Awakens $149,202,860 $936,660,090 - 4,134 $36,091 Dec 18, 2015 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 2 Avengers: Endgame $147,383,211 $858,373,000 - 4,662 $31,613 Apr 26, 2019 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 3 Avengers: Infinity War $114,774,810 $678,815,482 - 4,474 $25,653 Apr 27, 2018 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 4 Black Panther $111,658,835 $700,059,566 - 4,020 $27,775 Feb 16, 2018 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 5 Jurassic World $106,588,440 $652,270,625 - 4,291 $24,840 Jun 12, 2015 Universal Pictures 6 The Avengers $103,052,274 $623,357,910 - 4,349 $23,695 May 4, 2012 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 7 Beauty and the Beast $90,426,717 $504,014,165 - 4,210 $21,479 Mar 17, 2017 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 8 The Incredibles 2 $80,347,651 $608,581,744 - 4,410 $18,219 Jun 15, 2018 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
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