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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Meh, it was actually profitable to fudge Passengers and Spectre. 400 is no benefit but for the nerds who care.
  2. I wonder if Sony would try to get FFH past 400 if its “natural” run was heading toward 398 or something. Not too unlikely a scenario.
  3. 1)Frozen 2 Black Widow Onward Soul WW84 Jumanji Mulan Charlie’s Angels Terminator 10)Bird of Prey 
  4. I think you may have me confused with someone else. I haven’t even seen JP2, JP3, JW, or JW2.
  5. When I saw you replied I was expecting Hawkeye’s hope quote, but I’ll take Alexander Pierce instead 😉
  6. First Tuesday is becoming an unofficial part of the OW, first Wednesday drops are especially large compared to holdover Wednesday’s this year. H&S’s obviously isn’t great but I don’t find it especially concerning either.
  7. I think the Law may have grown in power since 2018. Let’s wait and see
  8. Tony and Natasha both have more red in their ledger than Wanda. Probably Bruce too. Gamora, Nebula, etc. “Did some bad stuff in the past” is not exactly an uncommon hero trope...
  9. Maleficent will be above Us/H&S. That’s just the (Mickey’s) Law.
  10. They’re talking about The Art of Racing on the Rain in the first part of the sentence.
  11. Endgame, TWE, NZ all above 4B, could have been a truly incredible year without censoring
  12. The distribution of 52+ 1M days this decade is wild. 2012, 2018, 2018, 2019, 2019
  13. A lot of movies seem flat with the CAN holiday Monday. What’s up with that?
  14. Surprising FFH number. 400M back on the table if it holds.
  15. That’s not enough to reliably top each year, but enough to be competitive.
  16. In other words, tickets sold increased by 175% today! At that rate this thing will beat Endgame
  17. Jat is right. What we need to compete is 5 a year. Feb+April+June+Aug+Nov Or March+May+July+Oct+Dec
  18. Splitting MCU and Disney, MCU was the top studio of 2018 DOM and WW for a loooooonnnng time, until October or something iirc. Could last into November DOM and December WW this year. So that’s something like 18/24 months that they’ve led other studios/Disney-MCU 😮
  19. Aug 07, 2019 Rank Title Release Date Daily Gross (Total) Admissions (Total) Number of Screens Revenue Share 1 The Battle: Roar to Victory South Korea Aug 07, 2019 $2,169,059 ($2,305,137) 333,256 (351,659) 1,393 36.15% 2 EXIT South Korea Jul 31, 2019 $2,031,809 ($27,641,802) 305,951 (4,056,547) 1,310 33.87% 3 BRING THE SOUL : THE MOVIE South Korea Aug 07, 2019 $730,145 ($734,277) 109,274 (109,732) 569 12.17% 4 The Divine Fury South Korea Jul 31, 2019 $250,715 ($9,036,571) 37,285 (1,385,308) 698 4.17% 5 The Secret Life of Pets 2 U.S. Jul 31, 2019 $189,938 ($4,838,642) 31,561 (774,960) 583 3.16% 6 The Angry Birds Movie 2 U.S. Aug 07, 2019 $144,309 ($181,938) 24,405 (29,486) 512 2.4% 7 Aladdin U.S. May 23, 2019 $147,026 ($86,433,780) 22,422 (12,335,095) 330 2.45% Finally met some competition it couldn’t weather. Making top 3 HW after its OW is still absolutely nutso. EXIT still looking pretty formidable in its 2nd Wed, wonder how high it will go in the end.
  20. Canadian Holiday. Drop will be about average among movies today.
  21. 11 or better this decade: 16 Frozen 13 BP 13 Zootopia 13 La La Land 11 BatB 11 Jumanji 11 King’s Speech 11 Hidden Figures 11 The Greatest Showman 11 Inception 11 Spider-Man Homecoming Only other ones from summer are SMH and inception.
  22. Aug 06, 2019 Rank Title Release Date Daily Gross (Total) Admissions (Total) Number of Screens Revenue Share 1 EXIT South Korea Jul 31, 2019 $2,455,365 ($25,594,697) 369,429 (3,749,904) 1,555 58.35% 2 The Divine Fury South Korea Jul 31, 2019 $550,609 ($8,780,377) 82,936 (1,347,754) 1,043 13.08% 3 The Secret Life of Pets 2 U.S. Jul 31, 2019 $321,074 ($4,646,693) 52,244 (743,382) 782 7.63% 4 The Lion King U.S. Jul 17, 2019 $263,377 ($33,059,548) 39,703 (4,581,770) 811 6.25% 5 Aladdin U.S. May 23, 2019 $258,572 ($86,251,065) 39,370 (12,312,640) 678 6.14% Wed PS: BTS 56 EXIT 31 (-14%) The Battle: Roar to victory 42 TDF 2291 (-61%) SLoP2 5060 (-38%) Aladdin 5257 (-28%) Angry Birds 2 4924 Looks like EXIT will weather the openers reasonably well whereas The Divine Fury will be gutted.
  23. Hmm, it’s almost as though Aladdin overperformed in these regions for some reason
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