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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. My god, I’ve arrived at the site of a massacre. Anyway, I don’t seriously expect much impact from the trailer, but if we saw it be flat to +5% instead of the more standard -3% to -8% I think that would be quite nifty. Very excited for an update in the next few hours (CM dailies have been super dope in terms of how often we get info).
  2. Go big or go home baby! CM has emboldened me. R$75/R$270
  3. 8.6 Wednesday 9.5M Thurs (@trailer bump) 20.4 (+115) 34.7 (+70) 23.4 (-32.5) 78.5
  4. These are estimates, but very late and should be quite close to actuals since a vast majority of locations have already reported their sales for the day. 8.7 is among the most boring, normal, right on track numbers imaginable, but after a big OW any day that’s not bad is good in my book
  5. Yup, just making the point that big daily drop Wed is related to big daily bump Tues. Also that example illustrates nicely that you make more money with big spike big drop than both being more mild.
  6. I made a solemn vow not to complain unless it was below <8.5, so my hands are tied here. Also, for reference, even 8.5 is -22.6% from Mon. Some MCU Mon-Wed drops (recent, excluding summer, holiday Mon, big spillover Mon): Thor3 -25.5% Gotg2 -23.7% DS -18.5% TWS -22.7%
  7. Tuesday was really big, unclear why. 8.5-8.9 is not good enough or bad enough to cause much excitement. Hopefully Thurs pretty flat though.
  8. Excited for that first day fandango number. Thinking we get an easy 5 digits.
  9. We’re all waiting for the 8.5 in Charlie’s final update before melting down More seriously, even if it does like 8.4+8 the next two days that’s 42M from the first weekdays, which is a pretty solid 27.4% of the OW. I don’t particularly confident what multiple of that the next weekend will be because: I’m Pretty sure there’s a bit of spring break this week, but not that much unclear how kid vs adult-skewing CM is, especially after the OW rush But it should do somewhere in the range of 1.55-1.8x the weekdays, I should think, so even off the lower W+Th that would be like 65-75.
  10. Hopefully rises, but it would be an acceptable Mon-Wed drop of 22.7%.
  11. There was actually a fair bit of speculation about introducing Namor in BP2 for some kind of Wakanda vs Atlantis storyline.
  12. It’s only 44 hours long or so. GoT will be ~70 when it ends. The West Wing is over 150. At 6-8 hours added a year it’ll take us another 16-18 years or so to get there 😈
  13. This isn’t actually any kind of analysis that went into this, they just say And then literally apply the 2nd weekend drops of BP and IW to get that range.
  14. I’ll take 35-40 in next 2 days, 100+ weekend. Sun total 470-500ish.
  15. If BOP’s estimate is as good as their long-range 140-160-> 76.7M (-50%). If it’s as good as their 150-195 range right before release, 70.75M (-54%).
  16. Anything above 9 is pretty good already. Also I know this is pretty early, but I think this is quite likely to land as the 8th biggest SH film , between Wondy and TDKR. On the low end could be 12 between GotG2 and Spider-Man, of it develops some really strong legs beating Ultron for 6 is theoretically possible.
  17. Short Term 12, The Glass Castle, and Just Mercy all have Brie Larson in a starring role (though Just Mercy’s main character is Killmonger). Wonder if she threw in a recommendation. Also seems to be collaborating with Coogler on a TV series, though there’s been no news on that for like 2 years. Anyway, this has become the archetypal MCU pick by now, someone totally new to blockbusters, without a big movie filmography, but often with a take on the character that they like and at least one critically outstanding work in indie film or TV — Whedon, Russos, Gunn, Waititi, Coogler, Boden & Fleck, Shortland, Zhao. Seems to be working out fine for them so far.
  18. Highest I could see from here is 9.4, -36% 9.1, -3% 78.5M weekend, 8th biggest And lowest: 8, -45% 7.4, -7.5% 65.5M weekend, 18th biggest (same rank as OW)
  19. I think so. Charlie’s 8.8 Wed+8.2 Thurs guess would be 42.6M weekdays, 77 would be x1.81, which is high but not outrageous. If it happened I would expect it to be off of better weekdays though — maybe like 9.2, 8.6, 43.4M weekdays x1.77=77. I son’t think it’s likely to hold quite that strong, but that’s why it’s the top of the range.
  20. Weekend should be 67-77M, pretty good. Also if everyone could just stop quoting certain users who obviously don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, that would be great. Basically filled 2 whole pages up with statements of no value and refutations that will help nothing.
  21. Variety: “Hey, maybe it drops worse than BP but better than IW? Well, that’s good enough ‘analysis’ for us.”
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