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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Will happen again with their 3day, very low should be 13.4+ See above It’s absolutely a large f13 effect. I would expect less than 30% sat boost — in this case the deadline 3day is several mil too higher since they apparently also missed the f13
  2. I used the estimates feature this morning, was very convenient. I also logged in and saved them but not sure if I understand how to load them properly.
  3. 25-7th sounds right. I had a few movies I was using for NWH last year, lemme check… TFA ROTK WttJ A1 F1 Will go for A1 WttJ TGS ItSV FOTR NWH F1 I think, maybe titanic for lols maybe not. Edit: Versions normalized to mlk mon 7D MA as well.
  4. Just for kicks: Dec 23 Puss 19.6% A2 30th 24.9% (+27%) 6th 29.5% (+18%) 13th est* 46.6% (+58%) 4th wknd % +137% from OW, ~33% avg growth per week would lead to crossing the streams in 3 weeks, feb 3rd-5th. In reality my estimate is going to be one week later. Next wknd I could see perhaps 11.3/20 56.5% (+21%) Which is right on track for that. *13.5/29
  5. OG Avatar who 😏 Gotta whip up some cume graphs and rolling 7day graphs normalized by week 2 or so, see what we see. WttJ vs TGS vs A1 vs… who else?
  6. Top 3 for the week looks like top 3 for violent night. The other 9 movies barely matter, only the one that nobody gives a shit about 😅 FTR I did advocate for dropping it for house party 👀 Anyway we’ll have weighted scoring on the sheet but otherwise just gonn have to wait til march-ish
  7. It’s passing 100 today (sat) to be clear. I estimate it’ll pass Nope by next sun for 14th on the annual list but will be until feb to quickly move up another two ranks passing uncharted and Elvis.
  8. Congrats to @TalismanRing with the 80k for VN, may add another 100% to your lifetime stats
  9. Eh, it’s due to industry factors and the franchise specifically. Diminishing returns is perfectly accurate — though it’s diminishing from such a level that it’s still a pretty penny
  10. Respectfully I am pretty experienced with covid wave trends by this point. With the way China opened so suddenly, + lack of effective vaccines, +omicron, the situation is a really horrible peak, but when you have such a large portion of a population being infected daily it simply can’t last for that long — people get infected, they are short term resistant to reinfection, R_t goes down. With this one starting in early dec it will be firmly on the downtrend by mid feb. Not to say zero covid problems everything back to normal, but much better than say last 4 weeks or next 2.
  11. I do think a delay to say early March would be wise if film bureau allows it
  12. COVID will be a lot better by mid Feb but I sill feel like hw is struggling here+MCU controversies may affect it. We will see what we see
  13. From a perspective that doesn't incorporate any information from 2020s about 200M would be expect I think. From real world scenario no freaking clue
  14. Still gonna be using WW-C for most substantive analysis/comparisons but it would be irrationally nice to have a higher top line number, so nice if true. Ant-man has always been arguably the most China friendly solo subfranchise (in terms of Chinese % of WW performance).
  15. The Shang-chi director is doing Kang Dynasty lol, he’ll be a main character
  16. So far the quality of phases strictly follows their ordering in China gross, so… Loki Saviour GIFfrom Loki GIFs
  17. Wom seems okay, competition won't be much, and pvor often has fairly small impact. On the other hand this wknd will have inflated Fri and sun and still not holding too great. I would guess something like 8 next wknd then 5ish the one after (first on pvod)
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