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Joyous Legion

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Everything posted by Joyous Legion

  1. 2nd Tuesday multipliers: AoU 23.4 TA 28.6 CA3 18 BP ~28 IM3 23.1 GotG2 23 To pass Titanic and get this year’s first 2 MCU releases in the DOM top 4, IW would need 18.5. For 700, 22.4.
  2. Finally some good news for this beleaguered movie.
  3. That barely beats TFA’s record to place as the 2nd highest opening in a single market ever. In other words, F L O P T A S T I C
  4. If I’m deciphering these symbols correctly, Rth is trying to hint at a 10.5M Tuesday
  5. Comparing to other Mon-Mon drops of big MCU openers (not BP of course, because holiday) it does seem pretty clear now that last Mon was inflated by spillover.
  6. Yeah, there’s a huge glut of solo films around the 100-120 band, but it seems like a mix of high hype movies/sequels with mixed-bad reception and lower hype movies with great reception and solid legs (Ant-Man 1, Doctor Strange are both 8.9 Maoyan if I’m remembering right). I’ve been wondering recently what its chances are of going decisively above that clump.
  7. Presumably when you break the presales record by that much you get saddled with a worse presales multi as a consequence, but it really seems like the DOM OW figure could get topped if things continue going well.
  8. Eyeballing POTUS’s charts, it looks like presales often approximately double from the 58 hours before point. Does that mean we’re looking at low-mid 400s for IW? Edit: Lol, my timing. That’s could be as much as +40% from FF8, crazy.
  9. So I know this is very early still, but I was wondering roughly what people thought Ant-Man and the Wasp will do.
  10. I was going to say “wow, if it can keep doubling every few days like this it will overtake IW in no time.” Then I realized that it would actually be below IW even after 8 doublings
  11. Reacting in a calm and neutral manner to fairly medium information is pretty boring. If you just sarcastically exaggerate everything, you end up with a lot more to say.
  12. And after all that, still end below 115. Get this FLOP out of my sight.
  13. Up 100k from estimates, but I bet Panther can increase more for 6th.
  14. I think DP2 will be decently big, but it is also an R comedy. It’s not competing for the same type of audience as much as Solo willl be, or JL was with Ragnarok.
  15. No — in truth it is the mortals who are crazy. So much so that we are blind to it.
  16. Definitely some chance to beat Veteran with good holds, but not reaching Ode to my Father.
  17. So I was poking around Box office mojo trying to find evidence of a “Cinco De Mayo effect” in past years... and it’s totally impossible, because all the previous cinco de mayo weekends everything is hopelessly confounded by a humongous Marvel movie opening that weekend. Maybe if they move A4 up we can see how Cinco De Mayo Sunday goes.
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