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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. It’s weird that Phase Five apparently only has two movies scheduled for 2024. I’m assuming they’ll Phase Six will begin later that year.
  2. David F. Sandberg said that he has no idea what the plans are for Black Adam, so I doubt he’s gonna show up in this movie, unless Sandberg is lying.
  3. Now that the Cavill rumor turned out to be nonsense (big surprise), I guess that means we can go back to wondering what the hell this J.J. Abrams/Coates project is supposed to be, or if it’ll even get made. Seriously, has Ta-Nehisi Coates ever even written a movie before? I find it so perplexing that WB would get him to write a script for a Superman movie, especially when he doesn’t seem to have much interest in the character.
  4. As I said earlier, I’ve long since made peace with Cavill not coming back. I’m just sick of WB dragging their feet with Superman in general. They have no idea what to do with the character.
  5. I’m not expecting Cavill to ever return, but the idea of him coming back and fighting the Rock is just about the only thing that I think would justify keeping the DCEU around at this stage. The only things this franchise seems to have going for it are Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa and I guess Margot Robbie, but we’re already seeing cracks in those. My personal opinion is that they should just focus on Matt Reeves’ Batman universe and getting a new Superman off the ground. The DCEU just feels like it’s limping along at this point.
  6. I’d say they managed to win Comic Con back in 2013, when they announced that they were making a Batman and Superman movie. That was a big deal.
  7. I don’t have particularly high expectations for the LotR show. I just think it’s pretty apparent that the usual suspects are using it as the next thing to rail against in their stupid culture war. Between Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel, He-Man (of all things), and now LotR, it seems like this discourse is infecting just about every long-running geek franchise. I can only hope this nonsense doesn’t make its way to the James Cameron Avatar fandom.
  8. I feel like WB has gotten used to people being mad at them at this point. Still, the rumor about Cavill showing up is pretty much the only reason anyone is even talking about WB’s presence at Comic Con this year, so if he does show up, that might just be the shot in the arm that DC needs.
  9. This wouldn’t be a problem if there weren’t people who came out and bitched about the show for being “woke.”
  10. I haven’t been following the show. What exactly are the changes people keep harping about, other than that not everyone is white?
  11. Didn’t the Jackson films used to get flack from hardcore Tolkien fans back in the day for their emphasis on action and the inclusion of silly slapstick comedy?
  12. I just don’t get the people who complain about it being a bastardization of Tolkien’s work, while simultaneously holding up the Peter Jackson films as a gold standard, as if Jackson didn’t take plenty of liberties himself.
  13. Considering that the movie was simultaneously available to watch on HBO Max, I’d say it did just fine.
  14. Welp, if Cavill does show up to Comic Con, I’m about 99% certain it would be specifically to tease a crossover with Black Adam, rather than to announce a solo movie. Even if Cavill comes back, the best bet for a solo Superman film would still be a reboot, which I guess is where the Abrams/Coates project is supposed to come in…
  15. At this point, I don’t even know where a new Superman movie with Cavill’s Clark Kent could feasibly go. BvS kind of limited the story potential for future solo movies.
  16. The Barbie movie has managed to attract quite a bit of attention on Twitter, so there might be a chance of it breaking out. Regardless, I don’t see why that would be a big deal for this. It’s not like they’re targeting the same demographic. Interstellar opened at the same time as Big Hero 6, but it ended up doing fine.
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