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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Is this the new Office Space (a movie that hardly anyone went to see in theaters, but that becomes a cult classic that gets memed to death)?
  2. I just realized something; since Johnny Depp apparently already filmed a scene for this, does that mean there’s going to be a scene in the movie where Grindelwald changes his appearance? Or are they simply not going to use the scene they shot with Depp for the finished movie?
  3. Surely they’re going to rework this into being the last one? I know they wanted to make five of these, but there’s no way that’s happening now.
  4. I hope they go full-on stupid with this one. That’s not to say that FK isn’t stupid, but it still tried to play it safe.
  5. That “19 years later” epilogue seems like it might make it difficult for them to do a TFA style sequel down the line.
  6. The U.K. Court ruled against him in his libel lawsuit against The Sun. That doesn’t mean he’s guilty of abusing her, but some people like to take it as proof against him.
  7. Yes, but they haven’t filmed any of the scenes with Grindelwald yet. That certainly adds validity to the rumor that they were waiting until after the verdict to give him the boot.
  8. As far as I can tell (this is just my assumption), this franchise was supposed to just be a fun little spin-off set in the Wizarding World, but then J.K. Rowling (possibly at WB’s insistence?) decided to make it into a full blown prequel story.
  9. I’m surprised a new release date hasn’t been announced yet. Still, it is amusing to think that this currently has the same release date as Avatar 2, which is also supposed to heavily involve underwater VFX.
  10. Come to think of it, Colin Farrell said that shooting for The Batman would be done by the beginning of 2021, right? Is it possible they’d be able to find time to get him to play Grindelwald in this?
  11. There wasn’t a trilogy envisioned when Nolan signed on. It ended as a trilogy because Nolan chose to end it there. In fact, WB actually wanted to do a fourth movie. Anyway, we’re getting off-topic. We should probably get back to talking about FB3.
  12. What indication is there that she signed on for a three movie contract? Furthermore, what reason would they have had for firing her?
  13. I wasn’t blaming Cruise. I was saying that some people theorized that he forced her to turn down the role because he didn’t want her career to outshine his own. Regardless, the official explanation is that Nolan offered her the chance to come back, but she turned it down in favor of Mad Money.
  14. I’ve said this before, but there’s no real concrete evidence to support the idea that Depp abused Heard. The evidence overwhelmingly points to Heard being the aggressor in the relationship, which lines up with her past history. As much as I hate to go there, if the genders were reversed, Heard would most likely have been the one losing movie roles.
  15. Even if that were true back then, she wouldn’t have been signed on for three movies anyway, because her character was killed off in TDK. There’s been no credence to support the idea that she was fired. The official explanation is that she turned it down, although some people think Tom Cruise made her do so.
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