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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. For this particular film, they only managed to shoot about a quarter of it before production was halted the first time around.
  2. Since we’re having discussions not necessarily related to this particular movie, I’m just going to say that I wish Ben Affleck’s Batman script would leak. I’d like to get the chance to read it.
  3. One last thing I’ll add is this: regardless of what one makes of Rowling’s new book, or Rowling as a person, can we all agree that ‘#RIPJKRowling’ is a pretty disgusting thing to spread on social media? Shit like that is in no way helpful to the trans community.
  4. https://amp.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2020/sep/15/rowling-troubled-blood-thriller-robert-galbraith-review Make of this what you will.
  5. I was going to ask what exactly Rosario Dawson has done that was transphobic, but looking at Wikipedia, I guess we’re referring to a lawsuit that was filed against her and her family last year?
  6. As far as I know, they can’t just drop Rowling unless she sells the franchise wholesale to them.
  7. This sounds like BS, but even if it were true, there’s no way he’d show up in this universe.
  8. The fact that WB moved WW84 but not this would seem to suggest that they’re still holding out for the current release date, which is weird, because why then would they schedule the former to open a week after this?
  9. This movie was originally supposed to be released in December, before a certain space movie was moved to that date, so I guess it would be going in full circle if its final release date was also in December.
  10. I would’ve expected them to just have it take Dune’s release date, and push Dune to February.
  11. If WB is going to move this, they need to do it fast. Its current release date is only three weeks away.
  12. Other people’s words, not mine. I guess they‘re saying that because the movie looks like it takes itself seriously, and uses an ominous cover of a pop song. Also, something something colors.
  13. At this point, I think the biggest thing this movie might have going against it (aside from the situation surrounding the pandemic) is that some people have said that it looks like an angsty YA thriller, rather than a sweeping epic. Of course, I haven’t finished reading the book yet, but from what I’ve read so far, it certainly doesn’t seem like it would translate to a Star Wars style epic anyway.
  14. The trailer seems to be faring pretty well. I know that’s not the best indicator of how well a movie will do, but for a movie like this, that’s got to count for something.
  15. This movie’s had a total of about five release dates so far, and it looks like a sixth one is on the way.
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