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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Sony’s long since accepted it as well. It’s basically just WB and Disney that apparently haven’t given up on 2020 altogether.
  2. Nolan has always placed importance on the theatrical experience. He believes that his movies were made to be seen on the largest screens possible.
  3. Got it. I was pretty much just going to ask how likely people think it is that she’ll be fired at this point. For the record, I think she should be.
  4. It’ll be interesting to see how this one fares. I was previously inclined to think that it might end up like that 2016 TMNT movie, where it does much worse than its predecessor, but considering how many people surprisingly didn’t mind the first one, maybe that won’t be the case?
  5. I guess Sony (for once) had the right idea when they chose to count their losses for this year, and move stuff like the Ghostbusters and Morbius films to 2021.
  6. Since this thread is getting bumped up now, I have a question. Is it alright to bring up the current situation surrounding Amber Heard? I’m asking because I want to make sure I don’t say anything that could be ban worthy.
  7. I’m old enough to remember back when this movie was scheduled for 2014. I was actually looking forward to it then.
  8. From what we know about this movie so far, it seems like more of an October film than a December film, but it’s up to WB.
  9. ViacomCBS is really going all in on trying to make Star Trek a thing again.
  10. Since some people are so insistent on the idea that the movie would need to make $800 million just to break even, chances are that it would’ve been perceived as a financial disappointment no matter what.
  11. It’s not like Nolan has been touting his film as the thing that will save movie theaters. The most that’s been said on the matter is that he wants to support theater chains, because he views them as an important part of life. Besides, keep in mind that before the lockdowns started, Unhinged was supposed to be released in September. It got moved to where it currently is because the studio wanted it to be the first post-COVID-19 movie to get released in American theaters.
  12. But why is it only this movie that’s been causing any kind of significant controversy over this? It’s not exactly the only movie that was scheduled to be released in August. Hell, there’s currently still a movie that’s scheduled to be released on July 31. Does film Twitter just really have it out for Christopher Nolan?
  13. Why exactly is that Dan Solomon guy so angry? In particular, why is he mad at WB’s statement about how the breakeven point for this movie isn’t $800 million?
  14. Wait, when they say “unconventional release strategy” do they really mean that they’re going to release the movie in overseas territories first, and that they’ll pick and choose which ones to release it in first, based on which ones are safest? If so, that might not be a bad idea.
  15. Batman has been DC’s most profitable character since the mid to late 80s. He’s been seen as “cool” ever since Frank Miller started writing for him. With that said, the poor reception to B&R certainly did a number on his ability to sell people on a theatrical movie, but the character was still prominent in cartoons, merchandise and even commercials with OnStar.
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