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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. By the way, has it been said whether they’ll sing original songs for this movie, or is it just going to be licensed music?
  2. The article by The Wrap doesn’t seem to have much information about the circumstances of his death, and Wikipedia seemingly hasn’t updated it yet either. Edit: Looks like his Wikipedia page was updated.
  3. The thought of Taylor Swift doing a movie like this is hilarious. This is clearly something far more in Lady Gaga’s wheelhouse.
  4. All I know is that a big deal was made during the promotional cycle for The Batman about how Matt Reeves intended to expand that world with various spin-offs, only for one of those spin-offs to suddenly be retooled into a DCU project, and now said project is apparently dead. If nothing else, it doesn’t seem like we should expect all those spin-offs Reeves promised, other than the Penguin show.
  5. There have been a few factors that have personally made me question the future of the Matt Reeves Batman universe. This recent announcement is simply more fuel for the fire.
  6. I thought something fishy was going on with the Arkham show ever since Gunn said that it was going to be part of the DCU. At this point, I think The Batman II might very well be it for the Reevesverse, assuming it too doesn’t get canned.
  7. It’s not the 2010s anymore. Hollywood can’t really depend on China like they used to.
  8. I would think that marketing your movie with a Kanye song would be a lot more controversial now than it was in 2016, although I doubt it would make the movie a flop by default.
  9. If nothing else, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what Paramount is going for. It worked for TGM.
  10. Ridley Scott movies are pretty much a coin toss these days in terms of how well received they are.
  11. I guess I should just make it clear that my comment about test screenings was in no way me trying to paint a particular narrative about this film’s quality, or imply that ViewerAnon was lying, if that was the impression anyone got from it.
  12. It was a little difficult for me to not get the impression that you were calling out posts such as mine, given that you were talking about people being contrarian when it comes to test screenings. Fair enough though.
  13. Dude, my only point was that people shouldn’t put so much stock in test screening reports, because test screenings are not the end all be all. You don’t need to go into a lengthy diatribe about it. David F. Sandberg’s video reinforces the fact that the Internet puts way too much stock in test screenings.
  14. Well, ViewerAnon was also one of those people who kept talking about how great they heard The Flash was, so I wouldn’t exactly take his word as gospel.
  15. Are we really going to gripe about a Hollywood movie for having unrealistically good looking people?
  16. Hasn’t Costner been funding these movies from his own pocket?
  17. I don’t think the MCU in general has really had anything particularly meaningful to say politically. Most of it is very surface level at best, and in the case of Captain America in particular, it gets pretty muddled. The Black Panther movies handle their political themes the best out of all the MCU, but even they glance over the fact that Wakanda is basically anti-democracy.
  18. I don’t see D&W beating IO2 at this point, but I’m not a box office guru, so what do I know?
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