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Everything posted by YLF

  1. I saw BP 10 times within the past 2 months am I a loser, too? lmao I have moviepass though
  2. From what I know, Wes Anderson he's been accused of cultural appropriation which this movie doesn't move away from. I didn't really notice anything "woke" about the movie. Last I heard there were people complaining about some of the Japanese stereotypes depicted in the film and complaining about the Greta Gerwig character that further perpetuates the "white savior" trope that is often depicted in films. I think since the character was not essential in moving the plot forward in the movie.
  3. lol 43% on rotten tomatoes... theres no way this movie wouldve been fresh anyway
  4. i still stand by this. overseas may save it though. But with infinity war opening up in most markets in two weeks... we'll see.
  5. Black Panther dropped under 1M yesterday. F America! lol https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2018/04/10/box-office-black-panther-falls-below-1-million-on-its-53rd-day/#529808e8710c
  6. love simon only made 1.6M... there goes my hope for it breaking out OS
  7. Maybe there was a temporary glitch on my AMC app, but now the showtimes are showing for thursday.
  8. AMC doesn't even have rampage tickets available to purchase for previews or Friday. They had A quiet place and ready player one far in advance for purchase. Weird.
  9. AMC doesn't even have rampage tickets available to purchase for previews or Friday. They had A quiet place and ready player one far in advance for purchase. Weird.
  10. Black Panther needs 35M to reach 700M DOM now. is 700M a lock now?
  11. I saw this way before I signed up for this forum. This movie is boring as hell. When I went to get a re-fill of my popcorn there were two guys literally sleeping and snoring in the back of the theater. It was kind of funny. The best thing from this is my discovery of the musician that did some of the songs on the soundtrack; Sufjan Stevens song for this film "mystery of love" is phenomenal. Grade: C
  12. That movie was selling well near me. Three almost sold out shows today. The only movie doing better was A quiet place. Blockers id doing okay.
  13. My friend refused to see it with me even though I said it was good because of the setting. I said he should still see it, but nope - still refused lol.
  14. BP has increased from its estimates each weekend domestically and internationally. Its more likely than not that it will go up.
  15. Don't theater chains rely on concessions? They must be pissed. And, the people at my theater were really quite. Have some faith in humanity guys!( It was a completely packed theater, too.)
  16. What do you guys think the cinema score will be? Im thinking A-
  17. I don't get why that group is so insane about brigading reviews. You don't see any attempts to go after the films they like: I can only imagine, death wish, etc. Its annoying.
  18. Interesting movie. I honestly was expecting better. The beginning of the movie drags, drags, and drags some more lol. Its interesting because this movie has the shortest runtime of any movie I've seen this year and yet seemed like it was one of the longest. It might of seemed that way because I badly needed to go to the bathroom towards the end though. I just found some things kind of ridiculous. The random guy that appeared after the father and his son left the river... what was that about? Why would he randomly willfully kill himself and bring a creature into it? So weird. And, like the poster above the sequence where the wife water breaks, then hits her foot on the nail, and THEN has to hold back while giving birth seemed like a bit much... and then the water is leaking and ends up in the little room they're hiding in and she survives? as well as the baby? Interesting. The family seems extra, extra cautious why would they want to have another child in this dystopian world? Knowing she would have to eventually give birth(which is not known to be a silent venture), babies tend to cry a lot, etc. They literally lost a kid 410 days ago, why would you want another child living in this world? It just seems irresponsible. I wish there was a tad bit more gore. The killings were too quick and you didnt really get to see what type of horror the monsters inflict on its victims. (The CGI on the creatures was phenomenal though - especially with that budget! Wow!) It makes you wonder why big budget block busters that spend a gazillion dollars end up with such shitty CGI. Overall I give it a B
  19. A quiet Place April 5th 9:25pm Came late so I missed some trailers. Trailers: Hereditary: I heard "wtf" is that several times after the trailer ended. Truth Or dare: People seemed into it and scared Tag: a few laughs, but not that much Action Point: People laughed at this a lot actually, which was weird lol Mission Impossible: Got a good response(side note: does this movie not play in front of any movie? Seriously every single screening no matter the genre lol) The theater was really packed. In the beginning you could hear people opening up their candy, munching on popcorn, etc. Other than that the audience seemed kind of bored. Especially the first hour. One guy in front of me I think fell asleep. The guy next to me could not sit still in his chair( I presume because of boredom). Then the movie got going and there were some gasps at some scenes. Overall I don't think anyone really found it scary.
  20. I hate to burst your bubble, but Blade Runner opened in China already and only grossed 11M with a 7.2 maoyan score.
  21. this weekend will be my 11th time...
  22. Haha I never got the chance to see BR2049. Are they similar? I can't handle another annihilation lol.
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