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Everything posted by RealLyre

  1. the fact that I've seen plenty of non-star wars films made before I was born already disproves your point so I don't follow 🙄
  2. never seen anything by him so I have no idea who Akira Kurosawa is. unless you've seen a film by someone there's no way you could know who that person is. the other poster didn't specify which Kurosawa he was referring to and Akira Kurosawa isn't the only Japanese filmmaker with that last name. also regarding your other comment bragging about seeing more old movies (stuff from the 90s or 2000s etc) only makes you sound more snobbish, as if older movies are inherently better. and I've seen plenty of films made before 2000.
  3. I was talking more about their success rather than quality, which is what Scorsese was upset about. (The MCU being more successful than his films despite their different in quality) so yes Minions is more successful than most of the MCU. but I don't see Marvel directors complaining about Minions do I?
  4. Lol film is only subjective if you’re talking about films. when you go on theme park rides, you can rate your experience more objectively.
  5. If you’re talking about Kiyoshi Kurosawa Cure (1997) was pretty good. never seen anything by the other one.
  6. I liked silence but I didn’t think it was almost a masterpiece (too long, pacing was off and kept going in circles in the 2nd half iirc). So one of us has to be wrong? I’d give it a rewatch to see if I missed anything but since I don’t watch Scorsese films anymore that’s never happening.
  7. Why is he downplaying other more successful films if he’s confident about this own movies? It only makes him come off as insecure.
  8. Never seen that one. But the Scorsese movies I was talking about were Silence(slow but decent) and Taxi Driver (great).
  9. yes making good movies is probably better than being salty at other people's success and those examples are decades old which made under 100M combined. he's literally saying "I hope people will still watch my movies". if your movies are good they'll find an audience you don't need to beg them. I've seen 2 Scorsese films (one was decent with other being great even if it comes off as misogynistic) so he's a decent filmmaker but I'll probably never see a Scorsese film ever again after his petty comments against my favorite franchise.
  10. lmfao you can't make this shit up maybe try make some good movies and people will actually go see them in theaters? instead of crying about your films getting stuck on streaming services with no funding and blaming the audiences for not appreciating "true art".
  11. A24 should focus their campaigns for the Farewell. the Lighthouse will likely end up with 0 industry nods almost everywhere (except maybe with critics awards).
  12. haven't seen all the noms but this is probably the most deserved. Pugh was insanely great. if she wins it would mark the 2nd Ari Aster film to get the gotham award for best actress. (Toni Collette won for Hereditary last year). Hustlers getting a best feature nom is interesting, also I wouldn't worry about ScarJo missing an actress nod here, Colman was absent last year as well (despite the favorite getting multiple nods) then went on to win in February
  13. Florence Pugh deserves best actress nom (and probably win) for Midsommar but since the Academy ignores genre movies most of the time, supporting nod/win for Little Women would suffice.
  14. from main box office tab on IMDb Pro I found that you can view each studio gross separately by looking up their company info but can't compare % yearly gross with other studios since they don't show up in the same page, I'm sure Disney is still number 1
  15. is "brands" the new studios page? it doesn't even have the major studios listed, just their branches and no yearly page.. and so many smaller studios missing (even A24 ) I can't find a place for the limited releases either.
  16. \ it must suck that real cinema directors get their funding from straight to video streaming services nowadays.
  17. "more directors are butthurt that their movies aren't (and will never be) as successful as Marvel"
  18. yes but I wasn't talking about the quality of movies? there are more than enough great films with stereotypical casts. it wouldn't hurt to have some more great films with more diverse representation, and to try to claim that it isn't what real cinema is supposed to be only makes you sound pitiful.
  19. not really? plenty of the early ones were subpar but I'd say Captain Marvel and like half of Phase 3 (+GotG) are on par (if not better) than Taxi Driver (which despite how Scorsese treats his non-travis characters and his blatant racism in some scenes, it's the only Scorsese film that I liked (out of the ones I've seen)).
  20. yes because it was the default to have white men as the leads in most blockbusters for decades, Marvel Studios (& Disney ) are at least trying to change that..
  21. my favorite moments in Taxi Driver was when he let his complex one dimensional female characters be reduced to sex objects who only exist to motivate Travis into not acting like a piece of shit.
  22. that scene always gets the dudebros pressed. that moment was as forced as Tony, Steve and Thor conveniently landing next to each other after the explosion so they can have an epic trio fight against Thanos yay!!
  23. all of them are white and mostly supporting. it's laughable that you'd think this could pass as representation.
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