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Manny G

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Everything posted by Manny G

  1. “What doesn’t make sense to me is how someone like him even gets a shot at directing a major (or could have been major) film like this? ” the same reason why someone like Snyder got given the keys of the DCEU after not 1 not 2 but 3 BACK TO BACK bombs one of them being a DC movie; Hollywood politics. They run deep especially with the legacy studios.
  2. Joker outgross Endgame in several markets it isn’t excatly the norm. as to why Joker was so much stronger overseas, it because the rest of the world isn’t obsessed with politics as much as the US has been for the past decade. In a lot of those countries The movie perfectly clicked with the 99 per-center and spoke to them about class inequalities on a level never heard of for a tentpole. Whereas in the US the discussion was mostly about White rage, Identity politics and so forth. Even some people that like it had to put some type of disclaimer (yeah Joaquin Phoenix was the only good thing) as if they were ashamed to just like it.
  3. 20M would be a disaster, especially perception wise. That can’t possibly happen
  4. it’s probably just soft sabotage, Hotel Transylvania released on Amazon 2 months ago, there’s little incentive for them to give it it a hit slot as they probably consider it DOA anyway. Some of Those releases are more of 2 symbolic Middle finger to the studios.
  5. The Batman special screening IMAX 7:00pm 3/1 full house no other trailers but the DC 2022 promo, few gasps and some rumblings on that. on the movie, very engaged audience with it being special screening of course, engaged but respectful tho’. Biggest laugh involved Collin Farrell’s Penguin in certain interrogation scene. Many other moderate laugh involved the Bat and Cat dynamics as well as Bat and Gordon’s. Surprisingly some one liners that were spoiled in the trailers and tv spot also made people laugh. many gasps at key dramatic and disturbing moments and reveals. cheer at the Batmobile reveal. and clapping at the end of the movie.
  6. According to who? Bloggers? Twitter pundit? Because Warner Media’s revenue literally grew by 30% last quarter year to year And 4% quarter to quarter ($8.8B). Their subscription revenue is up to record level at $3.8B. They don’t have even disclosed WB revenue so anyone giving numbers on it is Bullshitting. i mean this isn’t a charity, if they were losing as much as y’all love to claim the whole thing would have been shut down, AT&T is publicly traded company you know.
  7. When are you people on the internet realize that hype does not equal marketing???? It’s so annoying seeing the same damn argument. Hype cannot be manufactured it’s organic. Marketing is there as an incentive to hype but does not guarantee hype. If that was the case all tentpoles ever released would have hype. If the hype is not there is not there, there’s not much that the marketing team can do beside following the plan and hoping the movie (which eventually is the best marketing tool in it itself ) pulls through PS: i have been in Mexico city for 5 days and it full of TSS billboards and non stop tv spot.
  8. This movie is terrible my god. Critics needs to stop giving Marvel a pass because it leads to half assed job like this. They’re so comfortable they know people will eat up whatever junk they release. the action is piss poor the VFX laughably bad from beginning to end, the direction as whole is so pedestrian I wonder what was the plan here.
  9. How is Those Who Wish Me Dead looking? Tyler Sheridan isn’t a really popular filmmaker which is a shame seeing how great his stuff are, but Angelina Jolie has big star power. Although i can see that as the type of movie that’s huge on HBOMax and so so in theaters.
  10. Bird of Prey Friday 6:00Pm full theater, mostly college kids. there was issue with the audio so half of the trailers were on mute ( Invisible Man, Black Widow and Fast 9) the audio came back for the last 2 trailers Tenet and WW84 (suspicious that the audio issues was resolved just in time for WB next big releases🤔 just kidding, or am I?) anyway not much reaction on the trailer besides the stinger on WW84, which is not surprising considering all these trailers are months old and most already saw them. Super light SPOILERS AHEAD, the movie on the other hand had plenty of general laughs especially in the first half, one tiny bit had the whole audience erupts in laughter (Frida Khalo joke). The second half was more silence until the third act when the audience cheered at 3 specific occasions, kinda rolled my eyes at the 3rd one to be honest considering it’s something proeminantly featured in the ad campaign.
  11. People need to understand that a mid budgeted movie cannot have the same marketing campaign as a $150M+ movie. Otherwise it’s defeats the whole point of making a mid budget movie. They need to recoup every dollars they spend on marketing.
  12. Rotten Tomatoes always plays game when it comes to DC movies. The excuse with Aquaman and Joker was it wasn’t steady enough what’s the excuse now it’s damn near 100 reviews and even gone below 89% since it’s initial drop.
  13. Any words from the South American markets? The trailer views on WB Latam not only outdoes the Main US channel but even the Wonder Woman 1984 one. With the premiere in Mexico City this week I wonder how the overall hype is there. They did have a major CCXP presences bit considering Brazil is Portuguese speaking country i can’t see it really impact other countries which are mostly Spanish speaking of I’m not mistaken.
  14. Honestly it going below $180M would be an undisputed blow for the franchise especially considering the situation Overseas is no better.
  15. That’s what many of us foreigners have been saying all year long and we were called haters. The audience erosion has been even worse overseas. The fact that Solo couldn’t even pull a $200M international gross just tells you of the state of the brand in certain markets.
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