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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. Honestly if I were DC I would ignore the shared universe idea for a while longer. Get a good streak of successful individual heroes, then soft retcon Aquaman/WW into a universe with those (Battinson is off the table I suppose but I would try to get him in there).
  2. Ah, maybe I was just unclear about what the leaks were. I saw people talking about "replacing" Superman and Batman and "erasing" the Snyder movies, things like that, but maybe was hyperbole.
  3. Seems like it would be very easy to just ignore it going forward. I don't see why doing an explicit wipe is necessary at all. The Batgirl and Supergirl stuff is whatever to me, I like the individual DC movies decently (Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Shazam, TSS etc.) but am not invested in the shared universe at all atm, so whoever leads the Justice League is sort of immaterial to my enjoyment. Still it does feel kinda...odd, like a desperate move to feel "new." Like I don't see a reason why those characters couldn't exist alongside new incarnations of Batman and Superman.
  4. Boba and Mando are far from the same character. Mando wouldn't care about starting a criminal empire and convincing people to pay him tribute.
  5. Indian films in the USA often raise their ticket prices, I think because the demand will be there even at a higher price.
  6. I would say Titanic is the greatest box office performance of all time. It's gross relative to everything else at the time is simply unbelievable.
  7. Begins is the best Batman movie for me. The character of Batman is way more compelling in that film.
  8. Lackluster start, but has potential. It needed more of a hook. This show just feels much too inefficient right now, I think Mando had a similar length first episode but used every bit of it well, here the narrative direction is very unclear.
  9. But those demo stats are from a low base. Too low to get anywhere near #1 in a year as stacked as 2022 without a massive, massive sequel surge, which the just good performance of the trailer doesn't indicate.
  10. Eh...would love to see it as the first film is a 10/10 for me, but we did have a trailer for Across the Spider-Verse and it did not do anything crazy. I am pretty sure people were confusing it with NWH in that Fandango poll.
  11. Yeah I understand your view, just don't think that people watching on streaming vs theatrical made a big difference to WOM in this case.
  12. I feel like going only by expectations is a bit weird. Like let's say Fantastic Beasts does 800m worldwide next year. That would be amazing relative to expectations, but if Avatar 2 does like 2.5B+, would you really argue that the latter isn't the success of the year just because it was "expected"?
  13. It's Cinemascore and verified RT score, which are exclusively theater audiences, are awful for a blockbuster. I would also argue that the film is disappointingly safe and the action sequences do feel phoned in. I've already forgotten much of it.
  14. Matrix numbers are shockingly bad, jeez. Max doesn't help but this is beyond anything I would have expected.
  15. Haven't read the books so can't judge this show as an adaptation. Through 4 episodes I like most of the empire stuff with the three Cleons. Lee Pace is fun to watch. The Terminus stuff is kinda boring though. Main problem is the actor for Salvor is pretty bad, overacting in every scene, none of the other characters in this plotline make up for it either. Hopefully it gets better.
  16. I'm not predicting 120, this trailer had unusual circumstances. But if this trailer didn't have said circumstances, I do think it would be indicating ~120.
  17. MCU vs DC are not equivalent, especially post Endgame. I mean even Shang-Chi and Eternals got their first trailers over 800k.
  18. 1.2m likes seems to be where it will settle, pretty lame for a movie like this (would suggest maybe 120m OW?), but obviously extenuating circumstances apply. (which means that I am not actually predicting 120).
  19. I think there is more hype than people realize. Boba is popular and will generate some level of interest. Still obviously not the ideal release date for stuff in the "family friendly action" space, as the relative underperformance of Hawkeye has just shown.
  20. I can see FB3 really bombing, the trailer seemed like it just came and went with little buzz, but I think the Potter fanbase is more committed than X-Men. That said it's having a hefty drop from the last film regardless, just hard to tell how much. 110ish would be my gut guess for now.
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