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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. Some of my friends are the same way, used to go see stuff in theaters but now are asking me "when is Spider-Man going to be on Disney+" This is why I don't like these super short windows. Now the theater experience has less value so we will see depressed BO.
  2. It's not that deep, the specific type of Film Twitter being discussed is just snobbish in sometimes pretty entertaining ways. I often see plenty of vindictive stuff from them against people who like the MCU so why shouldn't it go both ways? And I will say this for stuff like Transformers/Twilight and anything else too, if people give you shit about what you like then it's your right to give it back.
  3. Do you think tennis is a #1 sport in the US or something...? It's very odd to suggest that the US is any particular base of popularity for tennis when the vast majority of top players are from Europe.
  4. Yeah, TLJ discussion was everywhere after it came out. This isn't even remotely comparable. I think most people who didn't like it probably just find it forgettable.
  5. Just to put all of my annoyances down, rant: Man this episode was bad. Last Airbender level.
  6. WW84 would have opened at least 150ish in normal times though. I don't know why this would be controversial. First movie was a massive WOM hit. Normal times meaning none of this MAX release stuff and theater situation similar to right now.
  7. Other than one particular scene, it felt like it followed a fairly traditional structure. Nothing wrong with that, for me, but I didn't get this unusual feeling that you did.
  8. Overall, I thought it was okay, and not quite sure why it's getting such pans from audiences. The action wasn't great but I liked some of the progression in the world and some new characters. Still I'm a little confused why this was seen as a "wild swing" or where TLJ comparisons came from. It didn't seem like it did anything controversial, just fairly standard stuff.
  9. Actually these are another exception for me. Gemini Man was pretty fun to watch in HFR, probably wouldn't have liked it that much in normal.
  10. I watch everything in normal 2D. Only exception will be Avatar 2, will watch that in 3D for sure.
  11. Enjoyed the finale and great post credits scene. I wouldn't call the episode great but it was pretty good, easily the best D+ finale so far, and enough to make this my favorite of the shows so far (though pretty close with WhatIf).
  12. Also I don't really get the hype around the poster. Seems like an average poster, I actually preferred the first NWH poster. And the Eternals poster >>
  13. Trailer metrics will be fairly useless for the first trailer imo. Second trailer compared to other MCU second trailers will provide more insight.
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