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Everything posted by Cochofles

  1. It is a meh number. I thought that after all these years, a gazillion DVDs and books sold, and the fandom allegedly expanding, this prequel/unofficial sequel to the uber-popular, uber-loved LOTR trilogy would open with a much bigger midnight number, especially with fantasy/Tolkien fans being exactly the type of fans (not unlike Twilight fans) that live for these midnight showings and for "being first in line." And let's not delude ourselves: this is not going to flop, but the mainstream audiences excitement and buzz that we all saw during the first three films is not there. This is strictly a fandom thing. Granted, it's a huge group of fans, but Avatar, Titanic, The Avengers, and TDK are all safe.
  2. That Puerto Rico thing never gets old, I swear. I laughed out loud at this post...!
  3. People are still debating Avatar's originality? Seriously? People, let it go. Saying that it's a 'rehash' won't strip the film of its accomplishments, and it won't make the sequel flop. I bet that everyone who keeps bashing the film will be the first in line when Avatar 2 opens.
  4. Plus the song didn't burn up the charts like her previous three hits from 21 did (all three singles hit # 1). In fact, Skyfall is literally Adele's least successful single to date, not even reaching the top five (peaked at# 8) and only spending one week in the Billboard Hot 100's top ten.
  5. SURE. It had nothing to do with being part of a hugely marketed, highly successful series of superhero action spectacles based on iconic characters from one of the two best known comic book brands in the USA. It grossed almost 200 millions dollars because of Hemsworth's box office clout. The same clout that made CITW and the RD remake become runaway box office blockbusters...right?
  6. We'll see how it ends up. But if that price tag at BOM is accurate, and with those reviews, the film has no chance of becoming a hit. The problem I see with Hemsworth (as much as I love him) is that he seems very generic and run-of-the-mill. Yes, he is hot, and yes, he is charismatic, but I don't see him being distinctive enough to actually become a draw on his own, and not backed by iconic superhero properties or fairy tales.
  7. I love Hemsworth, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. He is not a draw. Thor and Avengers' success had nothing to do with his presence, SWATH's success was more about the iconic fairytale and Theron than about either of its leads, Cabin in the Woods didn't set the box office on fire (and frankly, do you honestly think that what people remember from CITW and SWATH is Hemsworth?), and Red Dawn is a critically-reviled flop.
  8. I like Stewart, but with the queen dead, how are they gonna top Theron's deliciously evil character, which was a big reason for the first film's success?
  9. That means that BD2 didn't make anything! Anti-Twilight trolls rejoice!!! You were right; the movie flopped and the Twihards moved on.
  10. FLOP!!!!!! It didn't gross as much as the OW of TA, HG or DH2! Plus it will not make as much as Avatar, Titanic, or The Avengers ! Clearly even the Twihards have moved on!!!!!!! Thank God that this floppity flopping flop series is over!!!* *Imagine this in the desperately hyperbolic "voice" of your favorite anti-Twilight trollop.
  11. And the monkeys, in their amazing wisdom and box office knowledge, will deduce that The Avengers 2 and Avatar 2 will both open at # 1.
  12. Funny, considering I have only watched the first TWILIGHT, and have never read the books. But if you really think that not making hyperbolic statements about the "failure" of BD2 equals being a Twihard, then by all means, go ahead.
  13. How exactly is the country happy about this? We have over 300 million people, and you truly think that most people even care one way or the other? Seriously, the majority of Americans don't give a shit about this or any other film saga starting or ending. Let's keep it in perspective here. You remind me of the college student whose 10-page term paper for his English Composition class was on how Twilight has "ruined real vampires." Like, dude, it's just a movie, and vampires aren't real. You are taking this way too seriously if you are coming up with 10-page essays about this. Any way you slice it, the TWILIGHT films are mega hits that make insane amounts of money and profit.
  14. TWILIGHT can never, ever win with its detractors. If he film had made, say 50 million midnights, the fanboys would be like "LOL! The most frontloaded first day ever!; this just proves that the fangirls are camping out in front of the theatres and they want to be FIRST o see it" and if it had made 15 million, they would say "LOL! I Knew it! Even fans are sickk of it! Flop!!" As it is, they will downplay the actual figure and say "that''s too low for the level of hype. That''s underwhelmingblahblahblah"
  15. Regarding THL, does anybody even remember that? Its plot? The only thing people who follow film will remember it for is that it was the lowest-grossing BP winner ever, and that it was the first film for which a woman won Bestt Director.
  16. What??? There are talks of Spider-woman being in CAP 2????? Link?
  17. Absolutely. That's why I hate when people diss Marisa Tomei's role in My Cousin Vinny. She was gloriously funny, and her performance was revelatory. I am happy she won over the four stuffy, overrated British grande dames that she was up against.
  18. The Oscars that she's won are for Best Performance in a Leading Role and Best Performance in a Supporting Role. The films' quality or lack thereof should have no bearing in any assessment of her skills as an actress and her performances.
  19. Keep dreaming. If Meryl threw it all down the toilet by turning into a sloppy, pitiful junkie, and OD'd in a bathtub (after lying to her fans and claiming to be drug-free) she would also get all the coverage and press Whitney got. LOL, now you are comparing Marilyn Monroe to Whitney???
  20. Whitney flopped with her last few albums and songs. In fact, her last actual radio hit on mainstream top forty radio was in 1999. And I am talking about ACTUAL hits that people flooded the rado stations to request because she was vital and relevant, not songs that were played here and there or songs that sold out on Itunes post-death. She died a has-been, whether you care to admit it or not, while Meryl managed to sustain a successful career that spans from more than a decade BEFORE Whitey had her first hit through well into the '00s, which in fact has become her best period, box office wise--long after Whitney became a punchline and a cautionary tale about the excesses of fame. Meryl Streep is every bit the household name that Whitney was, and for better or for worse, she will be remembered for a solid run of movies, the most Oscar nominations for a single actor in history (and THREE wins) and for late-in-life box office clout, while Whitney will be remembered as 'the formerly great singer that became a junkie, ruined her voice, and drowned in a bathtub after overdosing." Sad, but true.And no matter how you spin it, it's clear now that SPARKLE flopped. Now there's no room for "Oh, it will have great legs" or "It cost so little that it will be a hit no matter what."
  21. So SPARKLE completely crumbled and disappeared out of the top twelve??? So much for Whitney Houston being a "much bigger overall superstar and box office draw than Meryl Streep."
  22. That's a quite decent drop for Hope Springs. Where do you guys see it finishing? 60? 70? Or is that too high?
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