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Everything posted by Flamengo81

  1. As blockbuster filmmakers, I honestly think they are extremely close and are by far the best of all time. The thing for me is that Spielberg is a much more complete director, the guy has masterpieces in an absurd wide range of genres and can do pretty much any kind of movie, whereas Cameron is much more of a blockbuster-only guy. Love them both, but Spielberg is my favorite because of his range.
  2. And again... it is not relevant for you. I personally really liked the discussion of AI substituting humans and the place for soldiers in the future of the army and dealing with the loss of a parent, for example. Also, I don't see why a movie HAS to have a relevant message in order to be a great movie and deserving of winning best picture. Avatar having an anti-war message and Maverick being supposedly just a "make us proud and measuring dicks" (which I disagree) are not determinant factors in being a great movie at all IMO.
  3. So in order to be the best movie, it has to have the themes you personally deem as relevant, with the messages you personally deem as relevant and somehow not agreing with that is not seen the obvious? Alright then...
  4. I liked Avatar 2 more than Top Gun Maverick, even though I loved Maverick too and it's one of my favorite movies of the year. But regarding only the 3rd act, I personally think TGM is better. I really liked all of A2 3rd act, with all the impressive action shots, the 3D sequences (especially the sinking of the ship), the emotion to see two parents dealing with the loss of a son and all that, although the sudden disappearance of the water clan bugged me. But TGM's is one of the most exhilarating 3rd acts that I have ever watched, the stakes were super high, the aerial action scenes were just superb and I hold my breath during the whole final mission and after that the catharsis of Maverick and Rooster finally understanding each other is just beautiful.
  5. Definitely. Even us "randoms" that don't have access to numbers or are not part of the tracking team are for sure better at analyzing tendencies and giving projections than most outlets, given that we spend a lot of time over here looking at many kinds of comparisons, trends and informations given by valuable members and exchanging points of views. Guys like Charlie, the guys at the tracking thread and some users like M37 and others I am not even going to argue, as they are very likely among the best in the world at this.
  6. 100M is happening, you don't need to worry about it over and over. It's probably not going to fly past that I believe though.
  7. The guy would just dismiss Charlie's number anyway lol His problem is the fact that BOT is not a "news outlet" and thus all of us here are just some "randoms" in some forum. And of course XXR numbers are not 100% accurate, but they are close enough to be viewed as value information as an estimate. The guy is just being annoying for the sake of it.
  8. Yeah! Some guy is having a tantrum because you are not a news outlet and such should not have your estimates being posted and discussed there. Not only you, but any BOT member. But he is the only one supporting this, it's just that the guy is relentless 😅
  9. If only XXR knew the homeric argument over his estimate at Box Office Reddit lol
  10. I don't know if there are TV channels or such talking about it, but my mom has just Instagram and is not online for most of the time. She might have seen in a news site or something.
  11. This is 100% true. People that are always online just lost a bit of touch of the real world honestly, so they think that the internet and social media tells a somewhat almost perfect picture of how things work and what people like IRL, but this is a far cry from the truth. Avatar just like Jurassic World and F&F (but on steroids) is a franchise geared towards the GA and not online fanbases.
  12. I am going to see it Monday with my girlfriend.
  13. Agreed. My mom just like 1h ago said to me she saw that Avatar entered the top 10 of highest grossing movies ever and said she is going to the see it next weekend with my stepfather. She was always interested in seen it, but after she saw it made her make a decision to see it next week. I think the headlines are going to be an important factor in keeping the legs throught the rest of the run...
  14. The 3D trailer that I saw both times was Guardian of The Galaxy 3 and it was neither good or bad. The difference to The Way of Water is absurd...
  15. I watched Avatar 2 times in IMAX 3D but it did not show the Mario trailer in neither.
  16. I am putting a lot of faith in Mario's run. I really think this could be a 1b dollar movie.
  17. I think for today anything in the 7M range is good and in the 8M range is great. I personally think it will land in the 7.5/8M, but I might be a little optmistic...
  18. It could be the amount of medicines he is taking during all this proccess. Probably is going to have some "sequela", but I hope is nothing too serious.
  19. This is not the Top Gun Maverick thread, but I will just leave my 2 cents since its being talked about. In my personal opinion, I don't think TGM is a forgetable movie at all. In the same way as Avatar, it's a simple movie plot wise, but is an unforgettable theater experience with out of this world effects and visuals, thrills, good characters and hits all the emotional strings. Many times a simple story told masterfully is more impactant than something complex, which is exactly what most James Cameron movies are and the results in the box office showcases that.
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