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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. Dark jedi pretty much summed up my review. The movie was boring and bad. The only semi interesting parts were the "sex" parts. The rest did absolutely nothing. The soundtrack was bad and the songs never fit the scene. There were some OK parts like Dakota Johnson was fine and I don't just mean her being naked. She was not the problem with the film. The guy was brutally bad acting wise. The girl I took that was fan girling over him and the movie turned to me after he said about 10 words and said he was horrible. Apparently, we were supposed to feel bad for his character but that never was shown by him and he just comes off as an unlikable, cardboard cut out There was zero chemistry between the two leads which didn't help After all the hype and "controversy" about this, the supposed erotic sex scenes were dull and tame. I have seen better sex scenes in the Friday the 13th movies. The scenes were unintentionally funny and people were laughing where they shouldn't be. the first hour or so was so bad that my friend and I almost fell asleep. The only thing that kept us awake was us picking out which character was the Twilight counterpart. Jose was Jake, the blonde boyfriend was Jasper. Gray's sister was Alice, etc, etc I know this will work for some people and I wish it did for me, but more so for my friend who was so looking forward to it. Almost gave it an F but I rarely do that. Plus Dakota and her body helped push up the grade. D
  2. Can't go into it now but it was bad Will expound tomorrow D
  3. agreed. I'm starting to get into it as well.
  4. I totally agree. To me the show was great. However, I had somebody actually told me the last episode was slow and I could do nothing but laugh at them
  5. it was an interesting episode. I like the inclusion of the army guys. I think Iris was unlikable, on purpose, in the episode. Just like Barry said, she doesn't want to be with him, but she doesn't want him with someone else. That is an a**hole move. I don't care if she is thinking about changing her mind or not. It's just wrong. Glad Barry at least is getting a chance with the other girl, even if he gets together with Iris in the end next week should be interesting since the characters have caught up with the time travel idea.
  6. Exactly. It was original done for job creation and has stayed that way. So yes, as Jay said, it is actually illegal for us to pump our own gas. Plus it gives the running gag of any time we leave the statue of "how'd you do pumping your gas" going
  7. It's worth it for just the few features on it. The amount of time Keanu trained alone was amazing
  8. not a bad episode. It sets up the Penguin more and of course next week,
  9. it would take way, way too much time to add them all together so let's just say more than 2
  10. looks pretty good. I am sure I will catch it in theaters
  11. I love the first movie. I have seen it twice in less than 24 hours when I got the blu ray. However, in saying that, not sure how I feel about a sequel. Are they going to kill his dog again? but even with my concerns, of course I am going to watch the second movie!!
  12. I think that was kind of the point though. With him fighting himself about whether he was right or wrong with not wanting to kill and other stuff, it fit with his internal conflict and after seeing the whole episode, the opening part was even better than I thought it was
  13. Not necessarily. That could help. It worked for someone else. Assuming it was done in time
  14. wow, just wow. I am not happy it failed, I wasn't rooting either way, but when it is put into that context I just have to say..
  15. always good to witness some history and happy birthday Rth!!
  16. Yeah I bought it yesterday and just got finished watching it again. I think I like it better than even before well when you are the guy they send to kill the boogeyman, yeah I say that makes one a bad ass
  17. that's goes without saying. I think kitik wants to know by how much
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