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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. Yeah I really liked the trailer. I don't have Netflix, so I will have to see it another way. However, it looks like they did a good job from the little they have shown
  2. It was nice to see Oliver finally back in the city. Overall, it was a pretty good episode. The Oliver/Felicity thing keeps getting close but never follows through I wonder how the dad is going to handle knowing Sarah is dead now that he know the Canary isn't her any more
  3. This one of the first meh episodes for the series for me. It wasn't terrible by any means, but it really didn't have as much as some of the others had. I don't expect every episode to be great so that's ok. I just hope it is an anomaly
  4. I like or love almost all his movies. There are some that didn't work for me, but still overall, he has done well by me 1. Titanic - 10/10 2. Terminator - 10/10 3. Aliens - 10/10 4. Terminator 2 - 9/10 5. True Lies - 9/10 6. The Abyss - 7/10 7. Avatar - 6/10
  5. you mean this isn't the "which sport and halftime show is the best" thread??
  6. actually yes, you have and regardless, it is the same. You are making a judgment on something you haven't seen, then telling someone else they shouldn't make a judgment on something they haven't seen. you aren't the only one who does this, but don't act like you aren't being hypocritical in doing so
  7. this coming from someone who rips movies he has never seen. Not sure you should be playing that card and as for today's Super Bowl. I am watching just to watch. If somehow it ended in a tie, I would be thrilled. And yes I know it can't end in a tie Like I have said before, I am just rooting for the stage to defeat Katy Perry tonight
  8. I may not go that far, but I do get what you are saying. I give Prince props for playing in the rain and the danger of electrocution though
  9. Agreed. Can't believe that was 8 years ago though
  10. see Ethan, it was just your vote. I'm just messing with you, so you never know. But I wouldn't expect it and feel better if it shows up somehow, if I were you
  11. Do you want it in spoiler form or in a PM? edit> nevermind, someone else already said it
  12. I think I know Ethan's movie and I am pretty confident we should all buy stock in Kleenex because I don't think it will make the top 10
  13. Sunday's (therefore the weekend's) fall would be significant without any weather issues due to some other "tiny" event that day
  14. We shall see how the show goes But this new deaf guy is going to be around for at least one more episode.
  15. The last couple haven't been bad, but it was kind of anti-climatic with how he came back. It was just, hey it was really cold so you didn't die I get that is more realistic, but I was kind of hoping for a Lazarus Pit
  16. well tonight we shall see how Oliver reacts to being alive again
  17. Arrow already came back last week. It is the second episode of the second part of the season tonight As for last night's Flash, I thought it was pretty good even though they did the let's just introduce someone that should have been there the whole time thing that I am not crazy about. However, I can get past that as it helped to show more of Wells in a different light. Plus it showed how his powers are fading and I am guessing
  18. So apparently this is pretty good. Has anyone kept up with the whole season so far? I am curious if it is worth catching up or not?
  19. Yeah I think that is pretty much the feeling everyone has about her. She is definitely the worst part of the show.
  20. Still not sure how I feel about this. I love the Walking Dead but sometimes, there is too much of a good thing and usually spin-offs don't work. Now some do and work well, but I am more on the fence about this one right now. Hopefully I am proven wrong
  21. I really enjoyed the movie. Glad I was finally able to see it today. Overall, there wasn't much I didn't like, there are things here and there, but nothing to really hurt the movie for me. It's one of the better movies last year, but wouldn't be my #1 movie. A-
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