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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. I thought about that too. But there are still movies that I got really excited for, but no it is not the same as when I was younger. I am already wondering what I will even want to see next year and can't come up with much.
  2. Seeing this tonight. Hopefully the review are correct
  3. I got it for around $60. No way would I have paid $100 for it.Besides, it is the only way I would have gotten Crystal Skull since it was included
  4. I bought it. I get sucked in to whatever best format is available :PJust like the Titanic blu ray,there is about 2 more things added from the previous 3 movie dvd set other than the 4th movie. Those are 2 added behind the scenes features for Raiders
  5. Perfect analogy. Yeah the ending shooting was pretty bad to me as well
  6. I can't get that until next week, but that just makes it comic blu ray day since that is when I am getting The Avengers the same day
  7. Yeah it didn't look like a lot of special features from what I saw That sucks.But in about an hour, I will have the Indiana Jones series in blu ray
  8. My crowd wasn't all that great, but it was still a good time.I saw it a 2nd time about 10 hours later I liked it enough and needed something to do
  9. and I was there midnight of the 12th so when the clock changed to 12:01 am it was Friday the 13th and I was in the theater watching it So it definitely had the best possible day to open
  10. I liked the TCM remake, the F13 was ok and the NIghtmare was just bad to me. Maybe I am letting the Nightmare one cloud myself because it was such a letdown. With better effects now and things they could have done, they found a way to make it look worse than the original.But hopefully I can find some more decent horror films in the near future
  11. Mixed feelings about this. I had a hope that they would get better as they went along so I wanted more, but usually that doesn't happen so it may have just gotten worse.But I would have liked to have seen the attempt at least
  12. For some reason, it seems longer, but not in a bad way. Basically no matter what, seeing the mask drop down and the breathing start pretty much is something I will always remember and always wanted to see. The movie was still pretty good and easily the best of the prequels which it needed to be.I grew up with the originals and it was nice to see a "continuation" of the series, but I wasn't sad when the prequels ended because I already had an ending with ROTJ.
  13. I have this as my 2nd favorite of the series. With the inclusing of Connery and even River Phoenix as a young Indy, definitely added more to the film. It was good to see how Indy was influenced by his father in good and "bad" ways. I also thought the movie had a really nice ending to wrap up the saga. Obviously it wasn't the ending of the films A
  14. The crazy moving, tall thin man told them "you have to come back with me to the future." The two were completely stunned to hear the news. They looked at each knowing they had the same question of "why?". The wild eye scientist replied "something has to done about your cloned kids and some crazy zombie dogs or something"
  15. which then some bald guy with all black eyes and gills who calls himself Bruce answers "i was thinking the same thing", she gets an odd suspicion around Bruce when he asks her if she has high cholesterol because he is on a low fat diet, and jumps into the water where she is picked up by a fisherman who has a hook for a hand who proceeds to tell her that he knows what she did last summer..
  16. Quint makes her sign a waiver which she just skims over...no lifejackets...blah, blah, blah...bigger boat..blah, blah...likely to be used as chum....and she signs and wonders why the sheriff is on board too
  17. who gets confused by some guy that is dressed like his mom and says he has a vacancy at his motel
  18. plus the taller blonde haired guy was actually a dead Vietnam vet that was re-animated and goes after her too
  19. and then realizing that 2 guys in a tv booth are actually controlling everything
  20. Definitely funny and witty. Plus death by unicorn is always a plus. A-
  21. Definitely looks great and is well made. I didn't really feel anything for the main character which will pull down my grade, but still can't deny it is a good film. B+
  22. Pretty much how I feel. I saw this yesterday after Robot and Frank. It started out decently enough, but right after Forrest gets his throat cut, the movie just goes downhill. The ending shoot out was pretty cheesy as well. Overall an ok movie, but very forgetful. Hardy was good as usual, Shia was at least better than normal. B-
  23. The Artist - A Red Tails - B- Haywire - C+ TPM 3D - B Safe House - B+ Chronicle - B Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengence - D The Avengers - A John Carter - C+ 21 Jump Street - B The Hunger Games - C+ Wrath of the Titans - C Titanic - A Cabin in the Woods - B+ The Raven - B- Three Stooges - B Battleship - C The Dictator - C Snow White and the Huntsman - B- Men in Black 3 - B Prometheus - B+ Brave - B+ Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - C+ Ted - B+ The Amazing Spider-Man - B+ The Dark Knight Rises - A Total Recall - C The Expendables 2 - A The Bourne Legacy - C+ Paranorman - B+ Robot and Frank - A- Lawless - B-
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