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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. I have noticed a weird paradox with movies lately. Movie super breaks out=no sequel announced. Maverick, Barbie, and now Dune part 2. Movie does "okay"=immediate sequel. Dominion (still did 1 bil but was basically the bare minimum of what a Jurassic film should do) Afterlife, Mutant Mayhem, and others. Why?
  2. Ghostbusters 2016 was not good even if certain groups accusing it of being the worst film of all time were clearly acting in bad faith.
  3. Not having a written script is a terrible idea for a VFX heavy movie. But then I also hate NuSNL and most modern stand up acts so I clearly wasn't the target audience for the 2016 film.
  4. I absolutely loved the Real Ghostbusters and enjoyed Afterlife. That said, they should have "banked the win" for Afterlife and tried to do a sequel NOT set in New York that had the new Ghostbusters traveling around the world to stop a new threat with the help of Winston (who bankrolls the team now, so it makes sense) and Janine. MAYBE do an opening set in NY and have the nostalgia stuff there before opening up the universe. Nobody was clammering for the return of Walter Peck and the Library Ghost could have been worked in for the new opener somehow. I WOULD mark out for Rick Moranis showing up again as a Ghostbuster but that's clearly not happening, and Ramis can't appear anymore, so "the old team" is actually very limited now so I would prefer it be restricted to Winston himself as much as possible.
  5. Meh. The original team isn't alive anymore and we already did what should have been the wrap up/homage to Ramis. Anything after that feels morbid.
  6. Ghostbusters would probably be doing better if Dune 2 wasn't still playing. It's hype got shot in the head once the LISAN AL GHAIB train started rolling.
  7. What exactly is the game plan for future Sonic movies if Paramount gets scrapped and sold for parts?
  8. Memes also don't matter that much ultimately. People on here desperately tried to meme the big head guy from Green Lantern. If Avatar were actually culturally irrelevant people wouldn't pay the massive IMAX ticket price at all.
  9. You REALLY want to die on the "kids don't like Mario" hill, don't you?
  10. Star power doesn't really matter except for VERY average movies that people ONLY watch because of a specific person. I'd argue that Sydney Sweeney romcom was an example. Things like Dune really aren't. Also Dreamworks probably shouldn't rely on big name voice actors for anything other than musicals (i.e. Trolls) or Shrek where they actually matter.
  11. "people outside EU don't like Dune" is the new "kids don't like Mario" which was the new "Avatar is culturally irrevelant".
  12. I don't want Disney to screw around with Prydain anymore. Have someone with more depth do a live action remake.
  13. Also I should really point out that Minus One absolutely deserved the award it got and more. Crunch time is not an excuse to disqualify a product, if it was then the entire AAA games industry would basically be disqualified.
  14. The main person I knew in the animation community considered Nimona the big underdog candidate, not Spiderverse. The push for Heron was as much about Miyazaki's entire career as the film itself. Heron might be his last film and one of the last "traditional" animations since Hollywood doesn't make them anymore and even most modern anime extensively use CGI.
  15. Hoo boy you people are ignorant if you're bitching about the working conditions on Spiderverse vs anime.
  16. They can't start production on Shrek now and have it ready by 2025 unless you want it to look like the Zelda CD I games.
  17. Part of it is this was the only board where people thought Dune 2 would somehow go over 50 mil week 2.
  18. Not only that, I think it still has 1 more week of PDF exclusivity (and will probably not even get kicked out in all theaters).
  19. Obviously it should be a Crash Bandicoot crossover because this board has informed me that kids don't like Mario or play his games anymore.
  20. She IS risking her career though. Most people are not going to pay to see a movie simply because Dakota Johnson is in it. Her roles will start to dry up sooner rather than later.
  21. She does provide a good example of why Hollywood press tours are counterproductive about 70 percent of the time, though.
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