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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. Meh, if I were King I would avoid WBD movies like the plague, HP or not. The studio is deep in debt and 2 out 3 of its Christmas releases failed. Take the win and go find a studio that's at least somewhat reliable and stable. And HP movies are not very "director driven" since Yates was quite bland but did a half dozen of 'em.
  2. Aquaman DID objectively bomb, only got "saved" by the Christmas release, will still lose boatloads of money thanks to reshoots, and is only getting talked up here now because it's not The Marvels. It's a sequel to a billion dollar grosser that's struggling to outpace Migration. And it's eating up screens that could go to objectively better movies.
  3. I wasn't really expecting Migration to do well since Wonka ate up enough family business. Anyway it's a good result for it.
  4. So Migration is actually doing pretty well? It looks like it's blowing out Purple and tieing Aquaman 2.
  5. Because the book is in the weird category of "things most people know exist and can name but haven't actually read". This is not a quality judgment on the book, it's just that "literary award winner The Color Purple" is a book many people can cite as acclaimed but didn't actually read at some point in their lives. In contrast Roald Dahl is still pretty widely read among kids.
  6. Again, they make their money off concessions, not the movies themselves. Concessions have always had an inflated price vs. what food should cost.
  7. Theatres absolutely SHOULD cut ads but the idea that food prices would fall is beyond ridiculous. Food has skyrocked up EVERYWHERE since the pandemic. Since theatre operators mainly make money from concessions they won't lower it.
  8. I see "people hate all musicals" is the NEW new "Avatar had zero cultural impact". Despite a trial run of "kids don't like Mario" which didn't work for some raisin.
  9. Keep in mind the inverse can also be true. Some things have obsessive noisy fanbases but don't have broad support. This is true for a lot of DC stuff that isn't Batman. I had to sit through about a billion "Aquaman made a billion and that's why it deserves the XMas Slot and not Dune" BS on here. Aquaman/Aquaman 2 drop is what Avatar would be if it ACTUALLY had "zero pop culture relevance".
  10. WB should have dumped Aquaman on Max and put out Dune 2 in this slot. Aquaman was already dead and if audiences still hadn't figured that out, they would after Momoa's promos. "It doesn't look good for Aquaman" okay, movie skipped.
  11. Gerwig's real innovation was showing you could get kids into an adult oriented film with the right approach and marketing. Hollywood is too stoopid to learn the lesson.
  12. If it had no "pop culture footprint" it would not have made what it did. Avatar is not a generic film, it just doesn't have a very "devout" fanbase because they watch a lot of other stuff as well. It used to be normal for blockbusters to make a lot but not have an insane fanbase. Avatar is a throwback to this.
  13. The argument is really about whether kids will come out for a "generic" movie or not. There's pretty strong evidence they won't. It has to be an IP that at least already registers with them. I think kids were at least aware of who Barbie is, even before the film.
  14. You never provided an age breakdown for Odyssey, just for the system itself. All you demonstrated is how popular you think "Nintendo" is, not who Odyssey sold to or why. Your entire argument is the movie somehow was needed to reintroduce a character who was already overwhelmingly popular.
  15. I mean, Barbie didn't have "kid" themes but they watched it anyway because of the IP and because "it was cool". Stuff like Wish never had that kind of buzz despite "it's a Disney movie"
  16. Unpopular opinion but I don't think Iger did that bad a job this year EXCEPT he didn't announce a change to MCU's plans once Majors got busted. Most people did not want Kang after Quantumania and killing off that arc will put some wind back in Marvel's sails.
  17. Yeah, end your movie with a guy eating a cockroach. What a metaphor for DCEU quality control there.
  18. I see people got bored with "Avatar has zero cultural relevance" and have now moved to "kids don't like Mario" for this board's latest bizarre meme. At least with Avatar there was a kernel of truth in that the fandom wasn't that dedicated (although Cameron was also smart enough not to strip mine it the way Lucasfilm or Marvel did under Disney).
  19. Geez, you are absolutely intent on dying on the "kids don't care about Mario" hill, aren't you? I'm sure Universal got Super Nintendo World solely for the Disney Adult demo according to this argument line. Mario didn't need to be reintroduced! Odyssey sold 26 million copies! It was a super blockbuster by any standard. That's why the movie was succesful! Kids don't care about generic IP but they will get excited about "a Mario movie".
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