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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. A much needed bump for Bourne if that prediction comes true. Right its WW is unimpressive, below $300M. With China, Bourne could hit closer to Ultimatum's WW.
  2. Even with China, how much more it can add? I doubt this will do more than $100M there.
  3. The brand power is still there but they have to, in the end, deliver the real goods. The action is tense and epic, and Damon is Bourne but the plot is super thin, way too thin. Tommy Lee is wasted, Vikander shows promise but her role is underwritten. The social media sub-plot feels like an afterthought and that scene in Vegas involving the Google/Facebook cult leader-type is over the top. The movie does have more heat than Renner version. I thought this could sneak past $200M like WWZ or Godzilla but I think it might end up around $165M like STB.
  4. Actually August 2016 has the most varied, interesting set of movies in a long time. You have Redford, Streep & DeNiro plus Spacey - all respectable actors - in intriguing movies/concepts. War Dogs look interesting, a mix of hangover & Wolf of Wall St. Don't Breathe looks to be another horror/thriller sleeper hit of this summer along with Shallows & Lights Out. Ben Hur doesn't look like it's gonna outran Exodus or even Kingdom of Heaven but the action looks very elaborate and entertaining. Too bad all these are lacking in buzz and will not add much to the overall box office.
  5. Other than SS, Pete's Dragon, what else is there? Kubo? Nine Lives? Ben Hur is a coin-toss, but that chariot sequence looks bad-ass. Don't Breathe should be one of those under-100 sleeper hits. Sausage Party?
  6. Pegg is piggybacking nicely on Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible franchise. Boutella gets the Mummy gig after silent sidekick role in Kingsman, lucky girl.
  7. The 1st two MI movies adjust to $300M+ Ghost Protocol & Rogue Nation doing around $200M is nothing to sneeze at
  8. The Summer of low 100s: ID:R (should have hit $150M) Conjuring 2 (could've made $20M more) Angry Birds (could've made $30M more) Central Intelligence Tarzan (could have made $170M) I think spring summer-like releases like BvS, Jungle Book & Zootopia soaked up all the summer hype Overcrowding creates over-competition, potential mid-tier cuts off each other legs to become minor hits. 2016 : the Summer of Wasteful Competition?
  9. Dude, just because Bourne has an adult appeal doesn't make that a better movie than its peers.
  10. Star Trek Beyond, no $200M. Now this. Our only hope is the Suicide Squad?
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