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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I highly doubt that. LB will likely be the biggest animated film of the year, so that alone probably guarantees a nom. Ninjago is a huge question mark in terms of quality and success.
  2. Maybe they'll redeem the infamous Lego Movie snub and give it to Lego Batman.
  3. If this is Cars 2 all over again I hope it tanks unspeakably hard. I just wish next summer wasn't so dead for kids movies, that's bound to help it a little bit.
  4. Still don't think it will hold up well. Kinda like how SM1 went way down in opinion as the years kept passing.
  5. I think Deadpool is a one time movie. The novelty works for the first viewing, but I have a feeling in 10 years it will be one of those huge box office hits that most people go "huh?" to.
  6. Would be interesting if FB finishes in the 190-195m range, following in its Potter footsteps of missing big century marks.
  7. The scary part is I thought this was a real Cameron quote until I got to "king of the world."
  8. Ah. I still don't think a 4th gate would open before like 2025. Volcano Bay hits next year and they have several other big rides and projects in the making for the rest of this decade. If they want more Potter they don't need a whole new park. Again, demolish the rest of Lost Continent and that frees up a good chunk of room for Hogsmeade expansions and get rid of Fear Factor and build the Ministry of Magic over there next to Diagon Alley.
  9. Yep, they're officially calling it the third Universal Orlando theme park. So if we're talking about yet another park it would be the 4th. And I don't really know where they have room for that? Considering they're squeezing Nintendo Land into the Studios park, I don't think they have a 4th park planned anytime soon or why not just put Nintendo Land there?
  10. Ugh, envious. I went there weekly back when I was in the Disney College Program and I miss it (and WDW).
  11. God what a horrible rumor. The dragons are two of the very best coasters on this planet, I can't stand the idea of them getting demolished when they have a crapload of other options to put a new Potter attraction in. I mean what the hell is the Lost Continent still doing there for starters? It's just a waste of space ever since they gutted it for Hogsmeade. Take out the dumb Poseidon walkthrough and Sinbad show and put the FB ride there.
  12. Have only seen Prisoners, Sicario, and Arrival out of his efforts, and each has been a step up from the previous for me. Definitely becoming a new fav.
  13. All I know is Arrival better have some kick-ass holiday holds coming up. It sucks if sci-fi bran flakes like The Martian can get great WOM but a sci-fi gourmet entree like Arrival is shunned.
  14. I know, but the curse is almost real since DS will probably just barely beat Thor 2. Not convinced FB has 200 in the tank with that OW.
  15. Maybe I;m cynical or DWA has really turned over a new leaf, but I have a hard time buying they would cancel a sequel due to poor story. I mean this is DWA we're talking about after all.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if Guardians 2 blows up in China. The first was pretty huge for a non-sequel and they love their sequels.
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