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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I don't see how it's possible without some kind of majorly marketed re-release/re-expansion that scores it at least another 40m or so. And Disney probably won't do that.
  2. TFA needed a 30% drop at most for the 3 day weekend to keep any long shot of 1b alive. So it is officially over. Can't say I'm not a little disappointed after its incredible 2015 stretch got it so far, but it's still an insane run of course. Now I just hope it can make another 80m so it doesn't miss the top ten adjusted.
  3. Yeah, maybe with only Josh Gad there. Put one of several dozen actors in Hart's place that have at least name recognition and I'm sure the result wouldn't have been much different. Real draw power is someone like Denzel or McCarthy taking garbage like Safe House and Identity Thief soaring past 100m.
  4. I'm sure The Wedding Ringer would have done at least 35-40m with anyone half way recognizable in it. Hart was good for maybe an extra 15-20m. Hardly big draw power, imo.
  5. Eh, I honestly think RA2 is coasting more off of Ice Cube's renewed popularity than Hart's. Still not convinced Hart can even open a movie that well without another draw there like Cube or Ferrell. The Think Like a Man movies also had a big ensemble of semi-appealing actors to the black demo to help.
  6. I have to disagree about Avatar as an "enduring classic." It absolutely deserves to be if you ask me, but I am always hard pressed to find anyone these days that will admit to liking it. Even though I specifically remember many of said people loving it back when it came out. Just something about that movie caused a big backlash with people a year or two after release. My guess would be the way it caused 3D to saturate the market for a couple years afterwards, despite it being a total cash grab in 90% of the cases. 2D screenings were getting really scarce for some of the big 3D blockbusters in 2010, and I think people started it blaming it all on Avatar and it soured their opinion of it. My thoughts on it anyways.
  7. As far as OS gross does go, I care about the markets that have the most to offer for a movie's gross. So the UK, France, Germany, China, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Australia, and Brazil are the ones I tend to pay attention to.
  8. Luxembourg is where it's at for box office. I hear Fant4stic reigns supreme there, so clearly it is a more successful film than Titanic, Avatar, or TFA.
  9. Why not? We already know TFA is on track to sell nearly 25m more tickets than Avatar DOM. I don't think it's reaching to say Avatar may end up only about 35-40m tickets ahead OS given such high 3d shares everywhere for it and ER. So 10-15m admissions behind wouldn't be a huge gap.
  10. The consensus is epic: A pioneering feat in the field of twerking polar bear animation but blearily retrograde in every other respect, Norm of the North should only be screened in case of parental emergency.
  11. Might be this weekend. Could potentially beat both TF and Norm for the weekend, especially if Norm crashes and burns quickly due to WOM.
  12. Hey, you can't blame a lot of us for thinking that based on the movie. Obviously that is not the case at all though.
  13. Yes, well of course the actresses are younger than the actors on average, that has always been the way Hollywood works unfortunately. However, having this many twenty somethings up for Best Actress is definitely not the norm.
  14. Yay, TFA passes ESB this weekend adjusted to move into its permanent residence as the second biggest SW film ever!
  15. The category is unusually young this year, with Larson and Ronan also being twenty somethings. Before this year, JLaw was the only under 30 year old in the Best Actress category this decade aside from Wallis. They're usually over 40 these days.
  16. Did we discuss TF's legs? Pretty ambivalent to its run. Good for it though. Absolutely insane that movie needed to make so much to be profitable and might actually do it. I give major props to Fox here for having the guts to throw all that money at a gigantic marketing campaign after the budget had more than doubled its approved amount. I guess they figured at that point they had to either accept it would be a big write off or try to market it like a blockbuster since it ended up with a blockbuster budget. Could have really dug a hole for themselves, but it paid off especially with all this awards buzz this week. Although the conspirator in me has to wonder if they potentially bought out those wins with the HFPA. It is awfully convenient that the film pulled two major upsets at the Globes on the Sunday it opens...
  17. I unfortunately am trapped with the garbage, as I made a deal a couple years back to my zombie obsessed friend to get him to finally watch Breaking Bad if I would watch TWD. The deal was we both had to watch all seasons, so I pray that TWD isn't one of those 10 season shows. The worst part is he didn't even like BB that much, said all the characters were horrible people so there was no one to root for.
  18. A horror movie about a boy who died so now his parents pretend his doll is him. The trailer was all kinds of unintentional hilarity.
  19. Truly amazing an actor could possess the kind of draw power in this day and age to score a 7 digit opening.
  20. The Empire State Building will fly off Vin Diesel.
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