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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. This category is turning into a giant mess to predict. I don't even know how to call it right now, save Ronan and Larson.
  2. That is the list I have seen as well. Kind of amazing we are only on our 11th after a century. The record really isn't broken that often. Also note all were nommed for BP except Jurassic Park (Birth of a Nation doesn't count since Oscars weren't around). Keeping the hope alive JP remains the only exception.
  3. Alien is probably top ten all time for me, just because the film has an atmosphere to it that is more palpable than almost any other in any film I've seen. I can watch that movie over and over. Aliens is (nearly) Cameron's best and one hell of a ride, but I can't put it ahead of Alien because it is not so utterly captivating for me as that film.
  4. Well this movie certainly isn't winning any critics awards. Looks like it could go as low as 75% or so on RT.
  5. Haven't seen It Follows, heard it's the definition of love or hate though. The Babadook I'm hesitant to really call horror, but I enjoyed its clever take on depression.
  6. The first is still the last worthwhile horror movie to come out.
  7. Bummer, looks like last year was an anniversary year for it, so I'm guessing I probably did miss some kind of theatrical engagement.
  8. Ooh, nice seducing Tele. Don't know if I've ever even seen a screen cap from it, but those all look mighty lovely. Hopefully I can make time to watch soon. Would be nice if there was a re-release/special engagement in theaters soon. Seen a few classic epics the first time that way like GWTW, Lawrence, and Bridge on the River Kwai.
  9. Some of my favorite movies are old 30's/40's rom-coms. Especially the Grant and Hepburn ones. Your post may describe some from my gen, but not me. And in all honesty, I feel like it more describes the teens of today, not the twenty somethings.
  10. If Zhivago is like GWTW I'll love it. If it's more like Titanic I'll probably like it, but eh not in any hurry to watch.
  11. The remake is the only way I heard about the original in the first place. Would probably still be completely unaware of it otherwise.
  12. Rope is fantastic and easily Hithcock's most underrated. We are talking about a movie called The Robe though.
  13. I'm familiar with all of the top 50 adjusted except The Robe (and only familiar with Zhivago in the sense I know it's in the top ten and is an award winning epic). The only ones I haven't seen are Zhivago, Thunderball, The Robe, and Around the World in 80 Days.
  14. I can kind of buy that, but I also have to call foul on it a bit. Again, I think most of the top grossing adjusted movies still carry a certain reputation among people my age or younger, or at least awareness if they haven't necessarily seen them. Zhivago though I'd argue is just a big missing page in the cinematic archives to my gen and younger on the whole, and possibly even the gen before. Only talking in American terms of course, not other countries.
  15. I just literally don't know anyone near my age bracket that can tell you what it is. I feel like the vast majority of people today still know what those other 9 are and have seen most of them too. That's basically what I mean, not how could it have been a hit for its time. Just how could it be such a big hit and seem so forgotten among the GA today?
  16. Seriously though, do we really want to argue Zhivago has any modern day impact aside from maybe with film buffs? It is the only one of the top ten adjusted that is pretty baffling based on its lasting legacy today.
  17. I would lean heavily towards flop. Those movies are successful because they target a Christian audience as something meaningful to their faith, not as the MCU for Christians. It's like if there had been a Passion 2. Flippity floop flop.
  18. Yes, but "comeback" for them means like 70m runs. That is pathetic compared to the heyday of Biblical/Christian films.
  19. Even harder for a Biblical film to crack 100. Nothing since Passion.
  20. Not commenting on how deserving they were, just that it's hard for me to imagine either being on the level of success TFA is. I just don't ever hear about them anymore, at least among my gen (I do know Exorcist was a big deal at the time though). Zhivago on the other hand, I would bet 95% of people from my gen would give a blank stare at just the name, let alone have seen it. Btw, fun that The Ten Commandments and The Exorcist are top ten adjusted. But God wins again, nice try Satan.
  21. Maybe not, just seems this system tend to yield 8-9 noms, so I think Carol has a decent chance. Selma was getting a lot of snubs last year and made it in.
  22. How is he going to knock any of those 5 out though and how does that kill Carol's BP chances? We are talking a field of 5 vs a field of probably 9.
  23. DGA isn't going to tell us much of anything about Carol's BP chances since Scott, Inarittu, McCarthy, Miller, and McKay are all pretty much locked now. Haynes can be as high as 6th and we won't know.
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