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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. The sad thing is, visually there's some interesting ideas going on that could've been pretty cool. If only all the VFX didn't look so unequivocally shitty. And was everyone intentionally told to act as badly as possible?
  2. And how will it do that with 4 new wide releases right after SW for XMAS? 3 of which have at least moderate hit potential, and 2 of said 3 cutting directly into its audience.
  3. Sooooo....am I the only one who wanted a straight up Prometheus sequel over a new Alien?
  4. Dafuq kind of title is this? This film's existence was bizarre enough without adding a weird title to the mix. And where is the colon in the title? Goddamn you JJ and STID!!!
  5. Lol at Sony overtracking the hell out of Spectre on Sundays to try to make its lackluster run seem marginally more impressive for the weekend headlines. I see you Sony.
  6. Part 1. 1. Will Hunger Games Open to more than $120M? YES 2. Will Hunger Games Open to more than $132.5M? 2000 YES 3. Will Hunger Games Open to more than $145M? NO 4. Where will Mockingjay 2's OW rank alongside the other franchise instalments (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th)? 3RD 5. Will The Night Before's OW be at least 10% the gross of MJ2's OW? 3000 YES 6. Will MJ2's Friday be above $55M? YES 7. Will MJ2 drop less than 35% on Sunday? NO 8. Will MJ2 have a Saturday PTA above $10,000? YES 9. Will the Secrets in their Eyes open in the top 4? NO 10. Will Peanuts drop less than 48%? NO 11. Will legend have a PTA above $32,000? 2000 NO 12. Will Spectre cross $150M by Saturday? NO 13. Will Love the Coopers stay above The Martian? 3000 YES 14. Will Goosebumps remain above Bridge of Spies yet again? NO 15. Will Prem Ratan Dham Payo have a PTA above $4000? NO 16. Will My All American stay in the top 15? NO 17. Will The Last Witch Hunter actually do what it is supposed to and drop over 52% this weekend? YES 18. Will Hotel Transylvania's weekend be at least 10% of Peanuts'? 2000 YES 19. Will By the Sea finish above Trumbo? NO 20. Will a film drop at least 47% on Sunday? YES 21. Name any film that drops less than 33% this weekend (or choose none)? 3000 Spotlight 22. Will the 3 new openers combine to at least $150M? YES 23. Will Jem Rock the Kasbah cross $2.9M by the end of the weekend? NO 24. Will Bridge of Spies' Total Gross overtake The Visit's Total Gross by the end of the weekend? 2000 YES 25. Does Tyrian Lannister die at the end of MJ2? (Note any actual spoiler answers will result in death by cannon ) NO BUT BRIENNE OF TARTH DOES IN THE FORCE AWAKENS Bonus 15/25 2000 16/25 3000 17/25 4000 18/25 5000 19/25 6000 20/25 8000 21/25 10000 22/25 12000 23/25 15000 24/25 17000 25/25 20000 Part 2: 1. What will MJ2's OW be? 5000 134.750 2. What will The Night Before's OW gross be as a percentage of MJ2's OW? 5000 12.015 3. What will Legend's PTA be? 5000 25,110 4. What will The Martian's total gross be by the end of Sunday? 5000 213.005 5. What will Paranormal Activity's percentage drop be? 5000 54.025 Part 3: Places 3. Spectre 6. Spotlight 9. Bridge of Spies 11. Goosebumps 14. The Intern 17. My All American 2000 each 4/6 2000 bonus 5/6 5000 bonus 6/6 8000 bonus There we go, 100k up for grabs
  7. Martian fell below 1.6m for Sunday in actuals. Damn at Spectre just eking below a 54% drop. I think almost everyone answered that one wrong.
  8. Yeah, that will for sure never happen, for anything. Even if it were to somehow retain all of the firsts audience, it would still be a VERY different looking run. Would be something like a 50m OW followed by a 6x multi.
  9. Carol should be a lock at this point. Highly acclaimed, with an Oscar friendly cast and topic.
  10. Depending on what kind of reviews Joy, The Revenant, and The Hateful Eight get, this is shaping up to potentially be the most acclaimed BP lineup ever. Strong contenders like Spotlight, Brooklyn, Room, Inside Out, The Martian, Bridge of Spies, and Carol all have 93% or above on RT, with all but Martian and BoS having 8.5-9.0 average ratings. Even if Steve Jobs wasn't a bomb, it quite frankly isn't even in the highly elite acclaim tier of this year's contenders to get nommed anyways.
  11. I agree, though I feel the same way about Frozen. I'm glad these reactions from everyone are happening so I get my expectations back in check. For the longest time I expected the worst from this, and then I went to expecting the greatest. So it sounds like it's probably somewhere in the middle. Just hoping to like it more than their bottom tier of Cars, Brave, and MU (not counting Cars 2 since it doesn't deserve to be counted).
  12. Witch Hunter has been having surprisingly good holds. Granted, it opened too low and cost too much for it to really matter. Goosebumps and BoS might both hit 90m.
  13. Maybe they have finally decided to make that Halo movie and just are crossing it with Alien 5 to save time and money.
  14. Well, looks like I have some crow to eat regarding Spectre's second weekend. Maybe that number will drop 3m from estimates like last weekend. In all seriousness though, I still don't buy 200 as a certainty. The competition is coming and it is going to have to rely on its WOM soon for legs instead of just a barren landscape. Probably does anywhere between 190-210 now.
  15. Peanuts is vanilla w/o Snoopy. Not really sure what is love or hate about it. Calvin and Hobbes is definitely a lot more memorable.
  16. Peanuts needs a full 100% Sat bump now just to drop 50% for the weekend. What happened?
  17. That Peanuts number is shockingly low, unless it is getting a massive Sat bump. Doesn't bode well at all for it once TGD opens. Spectre is holding better than expected, though I'd imagine it will still be near a 55% drop for the weekend. We'll see how it fares next weekend with some competition.
  18. I'm sure everyone is well aware and concerned. You can see that if you look in the thread in the real world subforum. But as Tele said, this is not the place to discuss that.
  19. Don't see that number holding for Spectre, but that's admittedly a good hold if it does.
  20. I don't think The Martian is a "lock" yet. I would expect the likes of Spotlight, Carol, Joy, The Revenant, Room, Bridge of Spies, and Brooklyn to all carry more BP heft than The Martian. Same goes for The Hateful Eight if it's on par with Basterds and Django. So that's already 8 films. We may only have 8 noms, who knows. And if SW is great and shatters all the records, then I firmly believe it will be more of a lock than The Martian. Whenever the all time DOM record is broken, said movie has been nommed for BP. The Academy will opt to go for THE populist film not a populist film.
  21. I thought a second viewing hurt it immensely. It always suffered from being predictable down to a tee, but a repeat viewing really highlighted how utterly pedestrian it is. It is saved only by a fun, one-liners fueled script and nice (but not amazing) visuals. I don't think it should be anywhere near the big categories, but whatever. Hopefully SW will knock it out of the park and kick this to the curb at the Oscars.
  22. What's kind of amazing is it can lose 50% of the first's audience and still do about 175m DOM. The first really was crazy huge.
  23. 1. Will Spectre drop more than 54%? YES 2. Will Peanuts gross more than the top two new releases combined gross? YES 4. Which of the top 3 new entries will have the best PTA? Prem Ratan Dhan Payo 5. Will Goosebumps stay above Bridge of Spies? YES 6. Will The Intern stay in the top 10? NO 10. Will Everest cross $43M total Domestic? YES 11. Will at least 2 films increase 150% on Friday? YES 12. Will My All American debut in the top debut in the top 8? NO 15. Will Spectre be pulled from theatres by the end of weekend in tribute to the wonder that was Jem? NO
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