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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. There was this one called Hand of illumination that was insistent it was gonna slaughter THG at the domestic box office and gross 900m+ WW right up till it came out! He disappeared during OW and I've never seen him since.
  2. I just hate it when people try to backtrack and say they expected this all along when if you go look in the TR thread or weekend predictions thread you can see the majority were sureTR would be some epic sub 15m OW bomb.
  3. All the JC fanboys disappeared as soon as numbers started rolling in! It was epic. Some of them still haven't returned!
  4. Lol, you're more obsessed with this than fish and shriekapoo aren't you? What an entirely forgettable and altogether odd movie to devote so much energy too.
  5. Actually I'm not the only one here saying it exceeded this board's expectations (but not my own), but I notice you're the only one throwing a tantrum over the fact that it's gonna outgross your predictions by about 3x as much. Thou doth protest too much. :PAnd how the hell does an actor know a movie's budget over the studio figure? Since when do actors report on budgets anyways? Really though I couldn't care less about TR, but it obviously means something to you so continue freaking out over it shattering your "bomb of the ages" predictions. It's very entertaining.
  6. HAHAHAHA,I haven't even seen the movie (or the original) nor do I particularly care if and when I do so epic fail at that fanboy label! I simply had reasonable box office expectations for it when most people around here were throwing around ludicrous numbers. And for the record TR's budget is 120m not the ridiculous $200m that was initially rumored. With a 30m+ OW DOM and OS it will at least break even.
  7. Go check the TR thread. They absolutely were. My 30-35m OW prediction got mocked and laughed at.
  8. :lol:Lol, nice attempt to backtrack there. Too bad your 10/21 prediction in the TR thread doesn't bare even a hint of sarcasm. You were totally serious and even used Conan as your reasoning for it.
  9. You obviously didn't see the ridiculous predictions being thrown around here this past week for it did you? People were sub 15m. I told everyone it would do 30-35m OW but most didn't wanna listen. And I can't at JackO having the nerve to like that post! After he's falling flat on his face with his 10/21 prediction.
  10. TR will win Friday. I knew that all along. I think TDKR will still barely win the weekend since TR should slightly drop tomorrow, but dammit I will be so pissed if TR pulls the upset since I'm like the only one who had it winning in the BSG this week, but I changed it last minute.
  11. Yeah but how did I know to look for that? I assumed it meant spots 3-5 because of the wording. Like I said, wording was poor.
  12. Um plenty of people at the start of the game? You're looking at it now that we have the results. But people's average predictions for TA were about 350-400, and for TDK it was around 450. If we say the 2 of them together were averaging between 800-850m in predictions at the start of the game, lets look at the next 3 top predictions. Most people had TASM at 275-325. Brave was between 225-275. And Prometheus predictions were between 200-250 on average. Add those together and you get an average range of 700-850. So it could have been close for some people. Certainly a lot closer than spots 3-7 at the beginning of the game since nobody had TA and TDKR doing close to 1.1b combined which is what anyone should have known the movies between spots 3-7 would at least gross. Really it as an easy question either way, but at the beginning of the game it made far more sense if it was to mean spot 3-5.
  13. Sorry B but your wording was extremely poor for that question. The "other" top 5 could mean spots 3-5 as in the other movies in the top 5 or as Fake put it the other top 5 outside of TA and TDKR. If you specifically meant the "next" top 5 you should have said the "next". And if you clarified it somewhere in the thread why didn't you clarify it in the original question? How was I supposed to know to read through the whole thread to find the answer to something that I didn't even know needed answering?And who would've answered yes to that question if they knew you meant spots 3-7? Even with TA ridiculously overperforming by about 200m that none of us saw coming the answer will still end up no. The people who put yes should at the very least not lose points and I think you should do what you said you were gonna do. That was fair.
  14. DMC opened to roughly $75m less. You can be damn sure it would have had a much worse multi with the same OW as TA. Even TDK wouldn't have had TA's 3x multi with an extra $50m on OW. TA's multi is extraordinary for a movie that shattered the OW record, no two ways about it.
  15. Question 12 says the OTHER top 5 films not the NEXT top 5 films combined. I took this to mean exactly that, the other films in the top 5, as in films 3-5. I will be upset if I get that wrong, because I don't feel that was clearly stated to mean films 3-7 if that's what it was supposed to mean.
  16. You're kidding me right? TA has better characterization than TDKR and TASM combined which is downright extraordinary since it's juggling way more characters than either of those. And I can't believe you think the action is bloated. Yeah the big action scene at the end is long, but it's also immensely entertaining and never boring. TDKR's final action scene felt longer to me even though it probably wasn't, but it wasn't even 1/100th as fun or well executed as TA's.
  17. TA has possibly the best repeat value of any blockbuster I've ever seen in my life. I've seen it 5 times in theaters and enjoyed it just as thoroughly and just as much each and everytime. The action is just as exhilarating, the pacing is just as sublime, and most surprising of all the jokes are just as funny and fresh with every viewing. All the main characters and their individual stories and the convergences of those are handled so well it's like watching a master class in characterization and multiple plot juggling. There's little new things I've picked up each time as well. The movie just begs to be watched over and over. I can't honestly think of any other movie that holds up so remarkably on so many repeat viewings in such a short time. I'm ready to see it again and again. TDKR was far more enjoyable for me on the second viewing, and I think it needs a second viewing to really sink in. It's a different kind of superhero movie, even for Batman and Nolan, and it takes some getting used to. I still think there are pacing issues (it's boring in several little spots and slightly bloated), Batman isn't in it close to enough to justify it even being a Batman flick, and the villain(s) are sorely lacking after the brilliance that was The Joker in TDK. The plot is really just a super sized version of the plot in Begins when you get down to it, but it does work well and ties it back to the beginning of the trilogy nicely. The ending is handled very nicely, there's some stellar performances from Caine, Hathaway, and even Bale but overall it falls short of the masterpiece I've always felt and still feel TDK is. I give it a solid A- though after a second viewing and it's much better than I initially thought. Doesn't touch the entertainment and fun that is the sheer summer blockbuster nirvana of TA though. TA - A+ (in my top 3 fav summer blockbusters of all time) TDKR - A-
  18. I'd say 500m is locked for A2. That would already be a huge35% drop in gross, and I really don't see any scenario in which it can drop more than that. There's no such case of a first sequel to a huge blockbuster even coming close to dropping that bad. Any higher than that though will likely depend on WOM.
  19. Damn, I'd be 1k behind you B if I had abstained from just one of the two questions I got wrong on SOTM 9! GRR!!!
  20. This really is a tough one. I could honestly see Bourne, Expendables, The Campaign, and Hope Springs (I'm serious) all being around the 100 mark by game's end.
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