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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. so i've read this thread (every page) i've done my crowd report review, and now to do my review but i'm not sure i want to write one until i've seen this a 2nd time hmmm
  2. IRON MAN 3 friday may 3rd CARIBBEAN CINEMAS MEGAPLEX 7 8PM 2D showing 80% full got in early , about 20 people already sitting as we waited for trailers to start and 2 kids running up and down the steps , for a sec there i feared the worst but their father calmed them down and did hear them after that , everyone coming in with popcorn and drinks, i only had a drink coz i had dinner at BK (stuffed)! lots of couples (date movie?) and groups, crowd skewing older 30+ , i think this might be because kids went to see the 3D at 6.30pm trailers: *star trek into darkness i had only seen this trailer once ,and ever since i'm staying away from spoilers and more trailers , i went all AWWW as it was my first time seeing it on the big screen *man of steel (wasnt all that , i finally watched the trailer for this on youtube just a few days ago and its much better/longer than what was shown in the cinema , you get costner voice over followed by superman flying upward into the sky and that's it ) *FF6 (preposterous but if you're a fan it has it all badass cars,crazy stunts, skimpy-clad girls and the music that goes with that) the movie: (note i wrote while credits ran waiting for end scene) i'm actually all choked up, you know when you feel like you wanna cry but you don't , i need to watch this again asap so much going on a personal level with tony stark , his relationship with pepper, with happy , with jarvis for a sec there i thought (jarvis has some deadpan hilarious lines) i'm so wrapped up in my feelings about what happened during the film , need to see this again to settle down , soak it in , and focus more on this or that , think things over all in all a resounding A+ ps: is that house in malibu real?, i've been wondering about that since IM1 because its the most beautiful house ever,
  3. any saturday early numbers in yet? or they don't this... going to crowd report to do mine , seeing i've reach end of thread....be back in a few ...
  4. finally decided against going , will see how i feel tomorrow, but yeah still planning on seeing this 3 times , and only 3 times because i gotta save some dough to see star trek 5times as much as i loveeee absolutely love tony stark, i've always been more of a space geek than a superhero geek!
  5. i'm torn , so torn go or dont go ? now that i've gotten the excitement of seeing the film out of the way and am no more feeling anxiety coz the world has seen it except for me!! i now feel the need to SEE the film SOAK IT IN so to speak don't know if i should wait until tomorrow or some time middle of next week .... there's a showing at 2.20pm i'll have to decide by 1pm whether i go or not coz it takes an hr more or less to get there (walking plus bus plus lame-o traffic)...
  6. i'll review tomorrow , i'm batshit tired lol anyway i've jotted down my impressions about crowd and films in my blackberry notes night everyone! don't forget the night is dark and full of terrors to which the stark says beep you red witch winter is coming ! ps: soldiers extremis didnt bother me one bit, if any of you watched fringe , there was an episode about a military experience to make super soldiers and these soldiers kept injected this product in them and turned into human bombs that crystalised before blowing up not to mention same thing in CW show beauty and the beast, he's also a military guy who was part of a "failed" experience ,by some creepy lab ok i'm out of here , goodnight!
  7. lol i thought i'd never make it to the end of this thread..... this thread up and downs is just as much comfort food to me as the iron man movies love tony stark/iron man, like pepper , like happy even rhodes so i'm just silly happy to spend 2hrs with them ... oh and yeah i'm going to see it again tomorrow
  8. i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackk!!!!! my one and only complaint is why no AC/DC song ???? i'm confused as to what the twist is suppose to be but i'm off to RTM asap what a rollercoaster of emotions , i went from laughing to tearing up , i kid you not!!! i'm sorry but i'm not ready to let iron man go so he better bring his titanium gold alloy behind back for an iron man 4 movie please disney/marvel give this guy his paycheck already, i promise i'll pay to see it and seriously that after credit scene was funny ... the funny part is once the movie started i completely forgot about everything the so-so reviews , spoiler-free impressions , twist , non rave reviews , rotten tomatoes bla bla ...
  9. bye folks i'm outta here! see ya later ....on the side of i've seen it!!
  10. personally i think people are more smart nowadays about the 3D thing, well at least they think about it twice! i'm opting 2D , if there wasnt the choice i might have watched this only once but as it is i'm planning on watching this 3 times ! and tonight is numero uno!!!! numero two will be saturday or sunday if i can combo that with GI JOE 2D showing that's finally available now that IM3 took over that screen i'm halfway through the door
  11. guess who's going to the cinema tonight??? ME ME MEEEEEEEEEEEE gahhhh i'm such a kid when i'm excited lol i got a cousin to pick me up afterwards !!!!! YES YES YESSSSS....
  12. just finished watching IM2 for like the 5th time this week lol IM1 3times and avengers twice !! what can i say i'm bored , and trying hard to distract myself that half the planet is seeing this before me ughhhh
  13. well following this thread is the next best thing to actually seeing the film ughhhhh ... its seeming more and more likely i'll have to wait till saturday to see it and its killing me but i'm starting to resign myself to the fact, no point in getting worked up over it!
  14. that's not too bad a number....i guess , how does it ranked compare to similar film?
  15. i was pissed off amanda died , i actually liked her the most on the show, she did so much for emily , when she didnt have too so she lied to jack about her identity but apart from that itsy bitsy detail they were in love, and he lived with her , she was the mother of his child, i'm most pissed because they hardly got to enjoy being married and they had just finally made a commitment to each other after all the doubting and mistrust and emily issues i just watched tonight episode , what a letdown as to who the falcon is lolll i'm kinda bored with the show, and i'm tired of emily stringing along daniel for the sake of it while sleeping with aiden and puppy eyeing jack ughhh, after she's done with him he'll either commit suicide for being so used and made a fool or he'll embrace the dark side of the force and follow into his dad's footsteps i truly believe conrad loves victoria but somewhere along the line , was it david clark or even before , he found out she played him and never recovered from it and has been compensating the only way he knows how by giving her the lifestyle of the rich and famous
  16. F***K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the weather just got bad , big dark clouds , so i go check the weather site for this island and there's a system coming , warning for thunderstorm and flooding i'm cursed well that's that ...no iron man 3 for me , ain't no way i'm going to get anyone to come looking for me in middle of a storm , maybe tomorrow weather will be better , but yeah ughhh ok gotta go get some stuff at the grocery shop before rains starts pouring down , it is getting darker and darker and its only after 2pm
  17. i've had a couple of bad experiences lately at the theatre whether in 3D or 2D , i get this feeling their material projectors and whats not are old and in dire need of updates, heck sometimes they're out of pepsi or covers for their cups (that one is surreal) try finding a seat in semi darkness with popcorn and an open cup of soda in your hand ,hilarious...not! i'm going to ask my older cousin which time is better for her , well which one she doesnt mind ? if its the 3D i'll just go see it in 2D saturday ...
  18. my only mission today is how to get to the theatre later tonight my designated driver is MIA , i know she's working and has lots of side activity but she could call back and say whether she can or not! its days like this , i hate living on an island where you need a car to get anywhere coz buses are also MIA after 7pm now my pb is either i go see it in 3D at 6.30pm which is more reasonable as i can ask a cousin of mine to pick me up when film is done at 9pm but i don't want to pay extra for the 3D , i still can't get over my botched 3D experience with THE HOBBIT, where 3D went awol 2/3 into the film (see my review in crowd report) ughhh since then i've decided not to watch 3D films there anymore ! that's why i haven't seen GI JOE because it was only available in 3D here... or i go see the 2D version at 8pm but that means it won't finish before 10pm /10:15pm hmmmm i don't see myself askign her to leave her house so late when she has to work the next morning , arghh i 'll ask still ... i don't want to wait till saturday afternoon , i just don't which is like the only day/time i don't have to depend on anyone to get/leave there at this point i don't care if the film is good , bad , good but not great , twist or no twist , I JUST WANT TO SEE IT !!!!! the burden of being a fan ... !!! can anyone tell me if its worth seeing it in 3D ? or is that just a gimmick as it is more often than not these days
  19. good question indeed, my thoughts were if old city is buried underground , how come the arch is still surface bound , but ehhh what do i know about terraforming , i'm hoping it does better than revolution but yeah these sorts of questions makes one wonder if show will get better or fail
  20. can't believe we're halfway through the season already , i wish HBO would up this to 12/13 episodes edit: gahhhh....now what? better?
  21. so we have batman to thank for that slime that sits on the iron throne ehh?
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