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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. same here 3 episodes of mad men and i just never got into it, i have four seasons of it ,i'm determine to watch it if not like it (might be a harder sell) recently i watched all 13 episodes of season 1 of the americans, amazing show , i love it for some reason i thought it was some random show period piece a la pleasantvile , had no idea what it was about so when i hear they're russians spies posing as americans , i was like wut? this show is the bomb waiting till trueblood is over to watch the season , i rather deal with the campiness in one or two go instead of 3months ! %
  2. lol i'm pretty sure i saw those floating rocks in dragon ball z as a kid ! its a hard life being a billion dollar film-maker ! i hope the world and myself are still around when these films come out, pandora fan for life that place is just lush and rich and appeals to the fantasies of this sedentary movie geek
  3. mmmm it took me two tries to watch this, first time after intro i gave up seeing how fake and sat scifi film animation looked , the 2nd time i got passed it and watched it , princess was meh , nicholas hoult is turning into quite the cutie pie, can't believe he use to be a kid aww, i couldnt believe ewan mcgregor was in this , probably what made me stick with the film and his role was pretty good! wasnt bad wasnt wow either gave it a B- , a movie really has to be bad with no saving grace in my eyes , or a mockery of everything i hold dear in magic of movie-making or plain boring for me to consider giving it a C or worse
  4. this reminded me also of jack the giant slayer ! it was ok so i give it a B- it wasnt bad it wasnt great , it was meh , i neither hated it or adored it , its like those films you find yourself watching on a weekend on tv , it kills time while being relatively entertaining and harmless i had to lol at witches having fighting combat moves and all being ugly and having speech pb i kept wondering what was jeremy renner thinking playing this? paycheck or more ? or maybe it was simply a sure why not , its a wide release and not direct to tv or dvd kink
  5. amazing!!!! i saw this a couple of months ago when i was binging on 80s movies which when it happens i just go along for the month or two it lasts and alter between teens and adults films last time i was having a thing with james spader early filmography , what can i say he was extremely hot back then now he's older but there's still something about him (kinda like when you wonder why the guy who is not a looker still gets all the girls) his character in boston legal was such a perv /great lawyer though anyhoo back to the film ,andy mcdowell is also great in it, i had never seen her so young, first i saw her was in four weddings and a funeral! will try and rewatch it to give better review
  6. well truth is despicable me has characters with character and its the sequel soooo...
  7. well color me surprised!!! i never thought i'd see a novela being dicussed on this forum lol i used to watch up to 7 novelas a day on univision when i was still in high school(good times), when i was still learning the language but its been 3 yrs now without us cable so no novelas for me, i try to watch oldies on youtube but dumb dumb univision is cranky and gets accounts cease or delete uploaded episodes currently i'm watching da cor do pecado (el color del pecado in spanish) its a brazilian novela which i can see because i still have french cable and they've recently added globo tv international to their package hence why my comprehension of brazilian has vastly improved marimar was ok but i hated the lead actor he had a carpet on his chest , it was some mexican macho thing i guess but that was ugly and kept thinking someone please shave that off
  8. i can't remember a thing from this season, although reading the thread i went oh yeah the muppet episode was cool
  9. gave this an A- because of ending ...i didnt see the time pass so when it abruptly ended i thought that's it that's the end?! i feel like rereading the book though brad was great, his wife and kids were super annoying , i kept telling my friend they should get eaten lol sleepy i'll edit more about it tomorrow
  10. i was going to see WWZ this weekend but one of my friends just came back from france and she can only see it monday night so here's to a boring weekend waiting till then ..... my first film with RDJ was "chances are" with sybill shepard , i was very young and thought it was over the moon romantic and cried at the time... saw it recently and i have to say as gorgeous as he was back then i love him more now he's seasoned and mature!
  11. i kinda get what you mean, i fee this need to rewatch superman returns just to pinpoint what exactly but i think problem here for me is i connected with story and characters in SR even if there were things that i disliked or could have been better maybe its just because it was more classic superman take, i might yet learn to love this one! you don't always fall in love right away sometimes a film can grow on you over time ... maybe marvel movies have spoiled me silly for other superheroes in regard to film tone and story flow (now i write that this seems most plausible reason ) i enjoyed oblivion way more than man of steel! i'm gonna go see if there's a thread listing everyone top 10 films of the summer which is IM3 /STID
  12. he's not that young , but yeah i hear you here's to iron man 4 5 6 i think that would fill my day if i wanted to do an iron man marathon a few years from now!
  13. And then there is the introduction of Clark Kent at the Daily Planet. Who is literally Superman in glasses. They made no attempt to present any sort of reasonable disguise. And how does Clark get a job at the planet anyways? He has no training or education as a journalist. In none of the flashbacks has he shown any interest in writing at all. He just walks into one of the most prestigious papers and has a job. And by the way, what the hell are all these people doing? Yer city was literally just destroyed. Completely annihilated. The World Trade Center was destroyed 12 years ago. It still has yet to complete its replacement. The city of Metropolis was just leveled by aliens….and we’re trying to pick up co-workers to go to a basketball game? MISC.: All the side characters were fine. They served their minimal purpose, but there was nothing special about them either. And I’m okay with that. This film wanted to focus on Clark/Superman, which they failed to get right. The film was void of emotion and wonder and fun. The chemistry between all the characters was pretty stale. Faora was cool, and served her purpose as the typical hench-woman. The pacing of this movie was atrocious. And so much of the plotting was completely non-sensical and so many ideas served no purpose. The characters were horribly undeveloped and mis-portrayed. I honestly can’t believe the film was allowed to be made in the form it was. And that so much money was spent on it. And that it was so glaringly flawed on almost every level that no one along the way was like “WAIT A MINUTE!”. How does this happen? What few good things I can say about the movie are pretty pointless in the face of everything wrong with it. A Superman that isn’t inspiring and has to kill to save the day is nothing I’m interested in." *Once again I did not write this but he spells out a lot of what I was thinking during this especially the plotting in the first half, which was all over the place. I actually went back and watched Superman Returns today and wish this movie had a lot of the emotion that it had. That's not saying that Returns isn't definitely cheesy and not without some major flaws either. I just felt more a sense of wonderment in that one scene of young Clark jumping over the field discovering his powers then in any of the flashback scenes here. wow this was articulated can't disagree even though unlike him there's a lot of good to ok stuff going on in the film, i guess that's why i don't dislike returns like consensus seem to feel ,it had emotions and you connected to clark/sup i also liked someone's comment about probably loving mos in 5yrs with rewatches over time
  14. so i saw man of steel yesterday 2ND attempt went off without a hitch no screen pb woohoo give the film a B , you know when you want to like a film ,and like it well enough but you're not wowed by it ? that's how i feel lot of action not a lot of characterization , when i left the theatre i thought to myself i didnt really care about anyone in this film but i want to believe that impresssion might wear off the many changes i need to process , and see if i can ride along with it like lois knowing about his identity / his mom not having made his suit that's a classic moment that a guy would wear that suit because his mom made it i kept thinking please don't make them kiss but then they kiss (fine why not) but then they had that cheesy ass exchange that screamed throwback to SPEED with sandra and keanu , it could have worked if they had not said anything also man i was surfing the smallville show nostalgia at first half of film, plus some shots cavill really reminded me of tom welling , i admit i was one of those who wanted welling to get the role but i'm also a fan of henry cavill and was happy for him he got it knowing he auditioned last time and didnt get the role i was also not a fan of how superman didnt seem as strong as he can be, fight with machine went on way too long ,i was like crush that guy already but then speaking with a friend on twitter she told me she bought that because its explains by his father paranoia so might go ways explaining why clark shied away from his powers and didnt have the handle on them i've come to expect , i mean clark has all those smallville years where he learned how to hone in his powers and in this film he seems so unsure of them and himself I TOO AGREE ON A SCALE OF CITY DESTRUCTION MOS>TA hands down i was like damn destruction worthy of superman indestructability... i did ike what they did with krypton guys not adjusting to sun induced powers in blink of an eye...that was a nice touch all in all there are good stuff and not so good stuff in this film i'm trying to imagine this superman and nolan's batman being bff like tony and hulk hmmm naaa not same dynamics what's that gonna be like? i like that we got a glimpse of lex via oil transport trucks saying lexcorp and what was up with krypton .? didnt that planet star go supernova? i had a hard time believing they chose to stay on a planet that was about to explode , the star in other version looking better now (that bit in sup story was always a bit dodgy) and no crystal palace in the north pole booo! maybe in a sequel we see where he hides his cape? thoughts all over the place but as i read on all 17 pages of reviews some stuff come to mind so i'll be editing
  15. so now yeah gotta wait an extra week and stay away from spoilers pfffffffffffff i swear they make you feel like piracy ain't so bad an option (i'm starting to get peeved now i'm reliving what happened)
  16. well this has got to be the worst experience everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i've ever ever had at the theatre i'm not even mad, i'm too dumbfounded, perplexed, stunned, in a utter state of disbelief i've just about had it with this cinema , their services are deplorable so to the point: I HAVE WALKED OUT OF A MOVIE! i'm no longer a virgin i walked out of man of steel because from the beginning things went wrong but i didnt think anything major of it first there were no trailers or local ads movie started right away , once we left krypton i started noticing these red streaks in the scene like flares first i thougt maybe its my glasses maybe its the screen but it will fixed itself kinda how sometimes you have these black lines that run through the screen at the edges but noooooo as film went on it got worse then right about when zod comes to earth the background in the film turned yellow around explosions there was bue lines GA might not know what is going on, but for a movie buff like me, i'm like hell no THIS IS NOT NORMAL , it looked like what you see behind the scenes when director and editor are viewing the reels of a film that hasnt added all the special effects yet so you see raw version of the film with the blue screen except here it was yellow and there were yellow tints on most objects on screen in addition to the background it was getting to a point i was wondering what to do , i was hoping someone went to call an usher or manager as i was right under the projector and the theatre was packed, but then if all that wasnt bad, the screen turned off for 5mn maybe 3 then it came back on at the beginning of the company logo so people are like what the hell is going on are we going to rewatch the entire movie???? but then it goes blank again but like when tv loses signal then pic comes on like some bad hazy connection/ hertz antenna tv quality at which point he must have advanced it but where he stop was like what we had seen for last 20 mn and the pic was still playing bad with yellow tint all over the place i had to haul ass to catch a bus the latest at 7pm and it was 6.30 already , i said fuck that i excused myself and left and was asking for a refund but my theatre is notoriously cheap , so the manager signed my ticket stub and wrote on it expires the 24june2013 so i can come back to see it by that date! this is the first time ever in my moviegoer life this has happened to me, i've never walked out of a film, if i pay i stay i don't even know how the film ends grrrr this happened around when feora got to kent farm and had martha kent hanging by the neck and sup and lois had just landed (cute throwback to superman 1 balcony scene) and mind you there's gotta be a string of written proof on this site in this thread of all my misadventures at CARIBBEAN CINEMAS on my island, the worst is that they are the only theatre here so they don't care, i firmly believe their infrastructure needs a serious overhaul with new toys all around, i feel curse , even when the 3D stopped working halfway through hobbit i stayed even if i had a slight headache after you could still see well enough , i remember when screen turned off for 5 mn during skyfall viewing , ughh there's so much complaints that keep happening it sucks to pay for such bad services ! i'm thinking of writing an open letter and post it to the newspaper so they can print , this is going on way too long , this is abusing and you know a lot of people stayed , although i don't know if they were able to fix it ps: anyway while i was waiting for the manager to sign my ticket i heard her saying to another disgruntle customer that there was a pb and the guy put the 3D version to play in the 2D screen which would explain the extra colour and that he was trying to fix it (yeah sure) does this happen to you guys in your respective theatre regularly or its just me with the crappy provider i'll try to see it next saturday same time at 4.30pm hoping this doesnt repeat but i don't trust them now and think even more before going there !
  17. Morning, I was checking my twitter account and saw aegon championship trending, my first thought was aegon the conqueror from GOT lol and totally explained the championship bit by him organizing a knight's tournament LOL , I always have this show/book on my brain! I'm in for the long ride , I've survived the good the bad and the uglyStill winter when it comes will finish me!
  18. kind of sad knowing its last episode unti next spring!!! oh well we have the books and previous seasons to tide us over and speculate, enjoy guys as always i have to wait till tomorrow morning to see it....ughhh
  19. after last week awesomeness i'm kinda sad tomorrow is last episode until next spring ughhhh! way harsh to let us stew on these last images for a whole year!
  20. nahhh i think i'll wait to see the show , i've had enough of the visual for past 2 yrs now in my vivid imagination ! wonder if asoiaf books sales have gone up, sure lots are enraged now but maybe others are thinking if that happened what else could?
  21. at that twitter timeline https://twitter.com/RedWeddingTears its easy to laugh now about it , but i fee their pain , i went through the five stages of grief about this when reading the book
  22. watched the youtube video reactions of fans, that was some hiarious shit, i was laughing hard and teared up a bit at hearing the scene repeat and repeat oi!
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