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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. copied from my crowd report: I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT , this is the most fun i've had since IM3 at the cinema I was thoroughly entertained JUST FOR THAT THIS FILM gets a big A+ from me as a person who grew up on power rangers and other manga type cartoon , i was totally geeking out i loved the fights , the robots , the monsters , the characters , it was just good all around fun when the robot and monster kaiju were fighting in the city OMG , and when they turn that piece into a sword lolllll def a film worth buying the dvd just for its repeat value , this was fun ! this is def going to be a fav of mine, this is what i wanted to feel leaving man of steel like i connected with it i did think how come channing tatum didnt play lead role but the actor was ok , i bought his intro with his brother and understood the kind of bond and trust required to work the robot and how hard it was after so he left thought it was a stupid yet believable dumb move by politicians to build walls instead of giving robots more funds the asian chick , kept wondering what was her pb until i saw her flashback and went OOhhh AAAAhhhh (where have i seen her before) i bought her and raleigh interactions , had i not maybe i'd find them boring ! idris elba was great, the scientists were funny and i loved that the guy from torchwood was in it (tv show i recently started watching ) another thing i keep reading is about the australians accent , this is a running theme in many films which always puzzles me because i have no idea what that accent should sound like therefore its never something that jumps out at me to point of annoyance , then again can't say i've seen many australians films mostly this made me very hopeful as to what godzilla might look like , and wasnt it refreshing that for a change it wasnt new york getting obliterated
  2. and yet the film tanked in usa go figure.....
  3. carribean cinemas megaplex7 pacific rim 3.30pm about 3% full we were like 25 people trailers: some animation that looked like cars didnt catch the name thor 2 (lokiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ) another animation named zambizia ??????????? you guys had me thinking the worse about this film and the fact is I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT , this is the most fun i've had since IM3 at the cinema I was thoroughly entertained JUST FOR THAT THIS FILM gets a big A+ from me as a person who grew up on power rangers and other manga type cartoon , i was totally geeking out i loved the fights , the robots , the monsters , the characters , it was just good all around fun it kinda reminded me fun wise of real steel def a film worth buying the dvd just for its repeat value , this was fun !
  4. see you later guys , i'm off to see pacific rim for 3.30pm showing byeeee
  5. oblivion was a lovely surprise, star trek i loved!!! the rest can't say haven't seen them what is more tragic to me is the lack of scifi on tv now there's something to cry over and this tragedy is spearheaded by syfy formely know as a scifi channel who only shows WWF wrestling and fake ghost hunting shows i watch defiance its ok but nothing groundbreaking or awe-inspiring so yeah you won't find me sneezing at the scifi movies that came out when some years there are hardly any
  6. and then you have months were nothing is happening ...
  7. sandra bullock said: my oscar says hi to Sir green-with-envy! and i'll be laughing all the way to the bank and movies hall of fame as one of hollywood most reliable actresses personally the only film of his i liked happened to be the proposal which was a sandra bullock film mostly
  8. here's a case of a title been ill-fated from conception , maybe it will have life after on dvd shelves etc i guess in the men in black department will smith 3rd outing trumps ryan reynolds attempt i've been meaning to go see pacific rim for a week now and just haven't had opportunity maybe tomorrow
  9. i'm super super thrilled for kerry washington nomination in lead drama actress for SCANDAL , i love that show so much , its my new tv guilty pleasure i'm even more happy to see emilia clarke nominated GO KHALEESI DAENERYS "STORMBORN" TARGARYEN WOOHOO i'll be rooting for GOT to win best drama don't care about comedies category as the only one i've seen episodes from is girls on hbo and i'm still stuck on ep3 of s01 bryan cranston for best actor the only really good thing about the emmys is the miniseries category, i love the miniseries format , they bring stories you wouldnt know about otherwise , hbo in the lead i see bobby cannavale has 2 noms for different performances congrats to him , i hated him in boardwalk empire which means he did a great job as his character was despicable congrats to zachary quinto also for his nom in sup actor category for miniseries diana rigg for GOT , she did steal every scene she was in, too bad charles dance didnt get a nom maybe next season
  10. maybe because witches dont have same mystery as vampires well IMO
  11. i liked it enough to want to check out books and see if they're better than the film! the film itself was ok nothing wow, the leads were ok but yeah i didnt feel the chemistry , they had a good enough rapport and a quirky approach but i didnt feel an incredible passion love story between them , maybe if they had more time to slowly show them falling in love instead of rushing but i'm not holding it against the film hence why i want to read the books to see what they skipped also everytime i see a film like this , it makes me reflect on the crazy chemistry between robert pâttinson and kristen stewart , and intimate feel/indie vibe hardwicke gave the film setting and how hard it is for that to happen it either does or doesnt like with brad pitt and angeina jolie , one couple whose onscreen chemistry i admire even though they're just friends in real life is tom hanks and meg ryan if they make a sequel i hope they work on the script to give more time to the story
  12. unsolved mysteries always felt very ominous! as for the turtles my fave was raphael! anyhoo nighty night box office peeps , don't know when i'll see PR soemtimes this week depends on my friend on wheels work schedule
  13. you mean your eyes stayed dry when he said "ET go home" and when elliot thought ET was dead and your heart didnt swell when the bikes flew in the air to a beautiful theme ! oh well....its happened to the best of us i'll always remember how amazed i was when i first saw jurrasic park one of the first movies, if not the first,i saw in theatre (back then there was 1 theatre with 2 screens on island and you had to get there early or else it was a bust and had to wait days otherwise trying to see it) steven spielberg made me cry as a kid with ET , scared the beejeezus out of me with JAWS I literally stayed in the sand after that and it has informed a healthy if slightly obsessed fear of going where i don't have feet my waist has to be above water and awed me with concept of idea being a possibility with JURRASIC PARK so even if now he doesnt always hit it out of the park i have a healthy respect for the man that brought magic to my movie going experience as a kid and teen
  14. aww man what's with the spoilerrrr i have yet to watch homeland season 2!!!! now i know he's in an interrogation scene! my life is over funny but no one told me i had said something spoilery , i haven't been in this thread since or i would have put spoiler tags, as my late experience in GoT tv only thread taught me ....
  15. GoT should win best drama , best episode or is that the writer and/or director who wins that ? , best supporting actor/actress to whomever in the cast oh wait yeah catelyn stark and tywin lannister after all without his cunningness the red wedding would not be ! best actor / best actress the americans , i watched it in two days its that good i only watched psych as comedy , drop dead diva too if that counts as comedy so can't give an opinion
  16. i've seen better lifetime/hallmark movies than this , not that its bad, but julianne hough is no actress , and cant believe cobie smulders is playing the friend in this... why didnt they gave her the lead role?!! she's a way better actress than julianne and is wasted here as the best friend/ next door neighbor granted i only know her as agent what'shername in avengers but is she like new to the acting scene? only explanation as to why she got just a few lines in this
  17. i hate myself right now , i should have watched a movie ike i had intended , instead i read a book someone gave me .... nicholas sparks "the best of me" i cannot believe i stayed up to read that maddening piece of a novel ughhh i'm so mad i could scream but its 3.25am WTFFFFFFFFFF YOU THINK I'D KNOW IT WAS A BAD IDEA but surprisingly i had never read one of his books even though i've seen a few films based on his books like the notebook, a walk to remember and dear john i will never ever ever read a book by him again , it was a blatant pile up of pathos upon pathos, near the end i could tell where things we're going but i kept hoping i might be proven wrong alas ...and if it wasnt enough he piled on an extra dose of pathos ughhh i actually threw the book when i was done and kicked it , yeah i'm that mad ... this reminded me of danielle steel another writer i cannot stand , i got a book of hers for xmas when i was 14 ish and it made me so mad i give the book away to the public library and i never read another book by her, who does this shit to their characters who...no less in a romantic novel hmmm suddenly i'm reminded of our dear GRRM but he's another cake as his books aren't romance base! ugh going to sleep should have watch the film which as it turned out was "the place beyond the pines" pffff sorry about OT can't think now if i should post this in book section i'll do it but i figure this is the thread that usually goes in twilight zone in middle of the night
  18. ok going to watch a film , haven't decide yet what... i had soup tonight with tilapia fish , and my sister is eating a hamburger with fries (ketchup and mayo) and the scent is driving me crazyyyyyy need a distraction asap
  19. hmm i liked it , saw it one afternoon about a month ago on tv, i thought it was actually funny!
  20. i cry myself to sleep thinking about all the indie films i never get to see because of my location , darn rock in the middle of the caribbean sea pffffffffffffffffffff i fell madly in love with the first film "before sunrise" cried like a baby(saw it on tv and taped it on vhs) but then i guess i was young and now i'll probably have to wait till dvd comes out or some backward option to see it which is unlikely as even in that grey area indies have it bad too pfff i keep hearing about mud , probably has to do with matthew McConaughey having a late resurging acting run (award wise ) he's just too much of a laid back kinda guy!
  21. OT: just came back from the beach, there was a dead baby shark on the sand freaky !! i'll post a pic later so random
  22. i gave it an A I liked the idea, i like the actors ,except for olivia wilde who was superfluous in my opinion as a lover of books, who has at one point growing thought about writing , only when confronted to a blank page to realize maybe i'm better at reading than i am at writing i've tried my hand at fanfiction but its nothing memorable , sometimes i think i just haven't found my voice and until then everything will seem lame so yeah i could totally connect with the main character , plus zoe saldana is in it, i'm in a mood where i like anything she's in ... very interesting film, unusual ,i'm kinda glad they didnt go with the cliche of him confessing to the world and being outcasted , in real life some people do shitty thing and are none the worse off for it, nevermind we wish it wasnt so or/and there was more justice in the world, more comeuppance for their kind
  23. i'm watching this right now, still 20mn to go and i'm bored the actor playing the kid is boring , and even bruce willis is kinda blahh "i'm on vacation every other sec" is it the file i'm watching or the russian spoken in the film didnt have any subtitles coz boring when you can't understand what's being said , i'm thinking the one before was better all things considered so they decided to havoc destruction in moscow etc instead of the usa lol and they left the country unharmed righhttt this is right up there with liam neeson "taken" except he was more badass about it than these two clowns anyhoo give it a C for crime against moviegoers and movie-making, i was bored, it elicited no emotions in me good or bad i agree with jack except i never got to a point where i could get worked up over the film to write such a passionate review, basically film was bland and so was my reaction to it i have this vague sensation that the one before it was way better...then again this would make many other film look good in comparison
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