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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. This episode needs all the awards it can get, that was the best kind of WTF drama After that the more I read the books the more I want arya to stay away from westeros forever, so does rickon bran and sansa One of reason I took it so hard at the time is because from the beginning of these books we followed the starks we sympathise with them and for this to happen it was literally and figuratively a stab in the back
  2. Damn that was just brutal !! And I knew it was coming but visually upsetting, I'm telling you from moment night fell I started getting anxious and trembling, I'd pause every 5sec biting my fingers until I told myself might as well watch it ! I kept saying OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT the credits silence was deafening afterwards, I love how suddenly catelyn starts noticing things aren't quite right in this sceneTwitter is a hoot right now, I feel your pain unsuspecting non-readers yet at same time there's a perverse sense of schadenfreude going on , too bad I'm on my phone coz I'd love to see the youtube reactions Ps: I personally needed some convincing to keep on reading at that point ,took me a solid week to agree I needed to follow this through but it was not happy reading after that, lesson to be learned here get attached to a character at your own fool-hardy risk
  3. MEGAPLEX 7 CARIBBEAN CINEMAS saturday june 1st 3.45pm 2nd viewing of STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS there were lots of kids , they had 4 rows reserved but they were pretty quiet for the most part i was scared they'd be noisy but they actually watch the film and were into it( probably between 8-12yrs) i was late so only saw one trailer RIDDICK cannot believe they're making another one but i was surprised to see starbucks in it.... rest of review for RTM THREAD i loved it even more, i feel like the rush of seeing film a first time makes it feel like its going by really fast and this trip it didnt feel this way , difference between wolfing down a pizza and taking your time with one slice sorry about the wolf thingy i'm finally seeing game of thrones episode 9 tonight 24 hrs after most of online world, i saw one comment on fb saying GOT bleached their heart out and stayed off my phone internet after that , as it is i'm saying this here coz i'm afraid to go to tv thread LOLLL
  4. Hi everyone, peaking in quick to see how my babies stid and im3 are doing, planning on a double feature with them this weekend , maybe a triple if man of steel comes out this weekend but I doubt it , ff6 has 2 of 7 screens available and caters to the young crowd ,absolutely down their alley cars skimpy girls and stupid boom music blasting tsk tsk ! Let you know what happens
  5. I just realized that its memorial weekend and thus no new episode ughhh , on the other hand yeahhh as it means this week I don't have to hate waiting extra day to see it after america , 7 extra days grrrr , hope this is the most watched episode ever!
  6. Tonight tonight is the night, I hope I'm not disappointed at the production values of the episode , although one's imagination is sometimes more gory as you read a page compare to how it turns out from page to screen! I think its in this thread I saw a gif that's all kind of win and wrong about tonight lol, alas I have to wait till morning to see this so I'm staying away until then
  7. in hindsight i'm really happy i've read the books ,i'd hate to be a non-reader seeing episode 9 , it will probably mitigate the shock i've had over a year now to assimilate what's going to happened next
  8. Things are weird since I have no internet and have to use my phone to go online, surprisingly I'm doing ok not being on my laptop a lot, I'm less incline to browse for hours on the phone plus battery dies quickly within the hour if I'm browsing! The good side I'm not subjecting myself to constant negativity over star trek numbers , I hope to watch it again this weekend if I'm free and if 2D available!
  9. I'm watching alex cross! For some reason I hadn't until now because I read here in RTM that it wasn't good but I'm liking it so far, has a good pace to it, still prefer morgan freeman versionsGreat weekend number for star trek, I'm starting to wonder if avengers and now iron man hasn't skewed this forum judgement and expectations ? Since when 70M is bad and a disappointment...
  10. quote from my crowd report which i will expand on: ove the movie and will be seeing it again, i loved the twist esp as i feared all along it might be Spoiler which would put a dent into my OTP romance of star trek one thing i have to say ,its a real treat when you have read the comics leading up to this movie ,one of them deals with the little furry animal dr mccoy was experimenting on,lots of other stuff which gave a better understandment of where the characters are as the film happens ps : did anyone else get feels of farscape and star wars watching this, opening sequence reminded me of an episode of farscape "I , E.T.", the star wars bit can't remember what made me think that but i'll try to catch it next time kirk has a really nice arc in this film , he's becoming the captain we know, and how great was it , a victory for all communications officers in starfleet UHURA ACTUALLY SPOKE AN ALIEN LANGUAGE YESSSSS i was like no way are you not using zoe saldana talented tongue for weird fake languages , the girl can speak na'vi HELLLOOOO love love that scene spock and uhura ..... first scene benedict cumberbatch appears in , i said aloud "sherlock holmes" i'm such a geek -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my one quibble with this film and i actually paused as i thought this, this should have added 20more minutes easily, i rarely if ever say this about a movie , i usually can easily shave off 30mn of most films, the action in this is awesome but they could have had some slow moments, i wanted more spock and uhura scenes, can't believe they shipped off nurse chapel without us ever seeing her (i feel for her and mccoy fans) i was sad captain pike died, and i feel dumb for not seeign kirk death coming, and i recently rewatched all trek films about a month ago ( i suspect my non-stop viewing of iron man 1&2 and avengers for the past 3 weeks might have obliterated any info i had been re-acquainted with lol, i'm slowly getting off my tony stark induced phase) one thing that makes me sad is to see how little star trek is loved in america compared with star wars , i know you can't apply logic to things that depend on one's opinion and passion but i wished it was loved just as much ,that 's why i was so please GA liked ST09 so much! anyway its all good ,they still love it plenty ! it has its fans. if some of you haven't read the comics leading up to into darkness you should give it a try ,i'm going to read them again before watching this a 2nd time! in all honesty though, something i've been reluctant to say about the 3D but as much as it gave great depth to the visuals and colours were vibrant etc, my one pet peeve and i had the same thought watching the hobbit in 3D was how small everything looks, in star trek the ships look like toys , like the props that were probably used anyway, in the hobbit stuff and people looked like toy versions, maybe its my 3D that's available here i dunno but i hate it and that's why i hope i can see star trek in 2D next trip now i'm a trek fan big time so i actually spend a lot of time watching behind the scenes of the films and the TNG series available on DVD,i'll watch any documentary talking about the history of star trek , the different ships , i actually have the william shatner film "the captains" and a doc on fans called trekkies etc , so yeah if you're GA it might not bother you unless you've been use to seen the different props used for the movies and the tv shows but that was mostly in far out shots scenes , close up the enterprise was beautiful as usual , and i'm wondering if we'll get the enterprise B in next film seeing this one has already gotten its fair share of banging up
  11. MEGAPLEX 7 CARIBBEAN CINEMAS STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS 3.45PM / 4O% full TRAILERS world war z (these zombies have some crazy ninja moves shame on you regular joe zombies from TWD lol) ff6 (still not impress and still don't care about this franchise,i've only ever seen the first one and roll my eyes so much i dare not watch the others) thor 2 AWESOME TRAILER i loooove it, chris hemsworth is so thor and then lokiiiiiiii love the movie and will be seeing it again, i loved the twist esp as i feared all along it might be which would put a dent into my OTP romance of star trek one thing i have to say ,its a real treat when you have read the comics leading up to this movie ,one of them deals with the little furry animal dr mccoy was experimenting on,lots of other stuff which gave a better understandment of where the characters are as the film happens ps : did anyone else get feels of farscape and star wars watching this, opening sequence reminded me of an episode of farscape "I , E.T.", the star wars bit can't remember what made me think that but i'll try to catch it next time kirk has a really nice arc in this film , he's becoming the captain we know, and how great was it , a victory for all communications officers in starfleet UHURA ACTUALLY SPOKE AN ALIEN LANGUAGE YESSSSS i was like no way are you not using zoe saldana talented tongue for weird fake languages , the girl can speak na'vi HELLLOOOO love love that scene spock and uhura ..... first scene benedict cumberbatch appears in , i said aloud "sherlock holmes" i'm such a geek
  12. Ughh I'm staying off this forum this weekend , I'll come by sunday night! I can't stand the "blatant optimism" ( rolls eyes profusely) at trek numbers , I hope to see it this weekend , also BRAVO at IM3 for passing 300M$ and 1B$ worldwide
  13. story of my life ! why is it always complicated for me to see a film when it comes out so here's my dilemna as you know i'm trying very hard to stay clear of 3D but the only 2D version of star trek is at 11.30pm saturday other showings in 3D so is it worth it? gastby has 2 screens, iron man 1 , epic 2 screens, peeples 1 screen and star trek the 3D screen i'd hate to have to wait the entire week until they realize gatsby doesnt need 2 screens or epic grrr then again scifi isnt exactly fav genre on this island ughh, a movie that will do really well here is sadly ff6 something that requires neither brain or good hearing
  14. Telemachos touche! I was laughing at what jack said to you about being mr fancy but then I read you reply and burst out laughing LMAO!
  15. who's the black dragon already i get their names confused, but tots badass scene with all 3 dragons chilling out at her side during meeting with yunkai dude!
  16. stop hating people iron man 3 is the first blockbuster of summer 2013 nobody can take that away from us, and every film will be measured against it (with or without reason boo!)
  17. Actuals in I see! 72M is pretty good! So how much will it do monday -thursday dailies ? Last days without official competition
  18. hey oblivion was good scifi , this could make a great tv series adaptation ...too bad knobs suits won't think of it
  19. i just saw this awesome ad for star trek by lego , they re-enacted a scene of the bridge being attacked it was hilarious, i got so much feels , cannot wait for the film to come out AWWW so where's iron man numbers ehhh?
  20. Wait whaaat cyclops didn't die in xmen3 OOOh?! I was such a fan from fox xmen cartoon hmm
  21. Well I finally saw my week with marylin , I have to say michelle williams did a crazy good job portraying her, at no moment was I not thinking its not marylin , entire cast was brilliant together! I'd write a review but I'm too afraid I'll get lost in RTM via phone ! Lol goodnight, hope IM3 numbers adjust up
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