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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. ok so it was ok i guess? i enjoyed it well enough but not going to watch it again, once was enough in that genre movie , i think i prefer "bring it on" with the cheerleaders/kirsten dunst agree rebel wilson was funny in this, didnt really like anna kendrick in this , the while film she acts like she's too good for them which i guess is the point , bent on being all emo instead of enjoying the college experience didnt help that they brought breakfast club movie which only serve to reminds how middle-weight this film is compare to its predecessors from the golden teen 80s and anna kendrick roomate was just plain awful , i'd have changed rooms first break up if not before! that girl who whispered had me laughing .... and may i just say i know its about the girls group but the trebblemakers were the best thing in the movie all their songs were awesome whereas i wasnt always convinced by the bellas except their finale number which wasnt bad! ps: can a person really puke like that standing up? i've had my fair share of puking (i know too much info) and i've always bent over to help it come out , just random wondering....
  2. ok i'll give this movie a try finally, let you know what i think of it....
  3. i don't get this show sometimes, they can be pretty cold , why the hell didnt they save that hitchhiker, but its ok to stop and picked up his bag, COLD!!!! they're suppose to be fighting against woodbury army and yet its a good idea not strengthening your group with more people to help defend??? i know the real reason is cast payroll, but this is stupid, zombies have taken over and instead of doing everything to keep whatever is left of human race alive, we're killing each other and not helping strangers they could have used him to clear the field way of earning his keep and proving loyalty but noooo let him get eat on the roadside pfff apart from that what a surprise to see michonne smiling and talking as oppose to grunting and grumbling lolllll and i thought morgan would come back with them afterall he ain't anymore crazy than rick and andrea, if i were her i'd follow that advice you were given about ending this whole mess in the bed! alas she flaked once again
  4. whatever, i'm actually glad mtv has "snubbed" twilight, i can't imagine any of the actors feeling sorry over lack of nomination by this joke of an award, as it was over the years they could hardly hide how ridiculous they themselves thought it was...,only people who don't bother to know them would think they cared one way or the other! i'm beyond thrilled twilight is over for the actors sake i'm not so sure the haters are ready to let go of their favourite punching ball thoughh, when you put so much energy into hating something it must be hard letting go! the actors must be beyond relieved not having to deal with the over-exposure anymore! the last time i watched mtv movie or music awards was in 1999! when there was still the show TRL hosted by carson daly! wow i feel old lolll
  5. cool idea, in france they made a great mini-series of 4 (100minutes) episodes on napoleon in 2002 which had excellent actors in it like christian clavier, isabella rossellini, gerard depardieu, john malkovic, julian sands and other known french actors.... i love how john malkovic is in some of the best french historical mini-series , the guy speaks french flawlessly for an american ! his is a great story to bring to the screen, i'd love to see what spielberg does with it, casting will be essential no doubt...
  6. congrats on the hobbit for reaching this milestone today or tomorrow ...or even tuesday!!!
  7. this episode was crazyyyyyy, when they don't focus on that girl, the show is awesome! it just gets better and better i also started watching "torchwood" so really enjoying john barrowman on the show as tommy's dad! a very good looking dad btw
  8. 31st?????????????????? whyyyyy for some reason i thought it was the 13th lolll
  9. as usual instead of going to sleep at a reasonable hour i always end up watching a film or series episode , today was perks turn! excellent film, i loved it but dear me its heavy (not a criticism) its just some films leave a smile on your face, and this was more serious, because you can't help but think back to when you were in high school and it was hardly a decade ago for me, it wasnt the worst of time but i wasnt in the popular crowd either! this film makes you think and feel a lot! i loved the characters , it reminded of high school films like "welcome to ridgemont high" great soundtrack , ecclectic mix of characters dealing with all sorts of things, finding each other, that's what makes those years bearable finding that family you belong to so you don't notice those who don't want you or you don't feel any kindred spirit with as for the aunt,how could she, at first i thought he saw her get beat up by her ex after she had change her life around, but then emma's character says she kissed her father's boss and other stuff and i wasnt sure she was joking or not, all i thought was that she had been used by guys +too much partying and had thus acquired a reputation but was now only hanging out with her core group of friends, but then he kept telling her they had gone through the same things but then you see his aunt accident and it distracted me from where my thoughts were adding up....it really messed him up even that B from vampire diaries was pretty good (don't worry i'm in a love/hate relationship with that show these days ,i've taken an hiatus from it lol) ezra miller was just great , the screen loves him, he's got quite the personality! i have to admit to wondering about emma watson , not so much her acting skills but my ability to see her beyond the hermione character and i have to say yes i can, this character is so different from her that it was not as hard as i thought it would be! paul rudd was awesome as the english teacher , over my school years i've had a few teachers that i admired quite a lot and who really loved teaching and knew their subject so much it didnt seem like a lesson but more of a conversation with an adult ! this movie left me really pensive , congrats to everyone involved and on a very shallow note dylan mcdermott is a DILF! just saying that man is beautiful!
  10. oh i thought this was about japanese anime! oh well this is cool too
  11. i liked the last episode at the convention , but britta and troy still ehhh... but what are you gonna do so i'm getting use to it... annie's trip in the hotel room was funny...and the guest geek was dean-creepy worthy!!! very surprise to see jenny garth and luke perry reunion lolll
  12. jack nevada wasnt expecting anything from you like regret and druv10 if you say so , like i said i had read one too many negative mocking comments and yours didnt strike me in anyway as concerned empathy. at least i put it out there what was really wrong with her, i'm over it, i guess i let off some steam and the lid is tightly sealed once again on the subject of kristen stewart by me on this site! it takes a lot to rile me up in real life, for me to reach point where i blow up and let people who annoy me or whatever have it...i have a natural inclination for diplomacy and multiple attempts at diffusing a hostile situation, i have a low threshold for patience with people who think violence and vulgarity(physical or verbal) are their only option in life but to each their own i guess
  13. just imagine if it was jennifer lawrence , you all like her a lot, i like her too, how would you feel if people were constantly mocking her in such a derogatory way .... think i'll stay away from here for the day , i'm too mad right now!
  14. i've had it !!!! i try not to say anything but this is too much! its so easy to take a cheap shot at her.... kristen walked on broken glass and got a deep cut 2 days ago, hence the crutches so she wouldnt apply pressure on it ! sure she could have bowed out of presenting but she chose not to ! many actors like jennifer garner and daniel radcliffe showed her more decency about it than some of you have...also she didnt want to take pain medication during the ceremony hence why she seem to be clearly in pain even though she put up a good front! it could have been more serious than it is, as you may or may not know serena williams also suffered similar accident which caused her to be sideline from tennis for over a year due to operation and complication like a blood clot that nearly killed her! i believe in not doing to others what you wouldnt want others to do to you ,although i get how the anonymity of the internet allows people to be disinhibited and say things they would never say to other people faces i get that most members here dislike her and twilight ,that's why i never talk about either on here if i can help myself, and i'm usually good at stearing clear of any comments about her, heck last night i thought about putting fishnets on my ignore list because she was making fun of her but i didnt because in all fairness fishnets is consistently true to character and i just let it slide hers and others but now i come on this afternoon and i cracked, can't let it pass! it was like the drop that made the vase run over...
  15. HOLY SHIT!!!!!! that best pic presentation was like synopsis of my nerves while watching ARGO!!!! i swear it was just like the movie , you know the end but everything feels like its going to go wrong last minute but it didnt we got the hollywood happy ending to the oscars awesome speech BEN ! i feel like crying...
  16. wow ang lee, i fear the worst over at lincoln headquarters aka AWARDS DAILY
  17. I LOVED ARGO! that film had my heart pounding for 2hrs straight... and les miserables made me cry
  18. i think i heard a nuclear bomb go off at AD ... ARGOOOOOOOOOO F'k YOURSELF
  19. i actually watched life of pi this afternoon, left a review in RTM ! just saying but the host did say lots of musical numbers tonight
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